Today I went to see The Imitation Game, the biographical drama based on the secret war work and tragic demise of Alan Turing (1912-1954) starring Benedict Cumberbatch. The male support cast (including Charles Dance, Rory Kinnear, Mark Strong and Matthew Goode) also had me interested, as did the subject matter given the somewhat bizarre posthumous
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Comments 12
P.S. I guarantee you'll also be transported into the HP universe temporarily during the King's Cross scene.
Kiera is in a lovely way easy and friendly with BC, and so is he, like they are good old friends. And are they?
P, I wathched "Kill your darlings" and it turned out to be the film I'd been needing for a long time, not realising that myself. Something, a ghost, from the old past, that now seems to be almost completely forgotten - all those youthful dreams, admiration of something or someone bright and smart, all those hopes and fears, all those open perspectives, absense of any limitations and ability to think freely and produce fresh ideas and concepts. And just like I felt light and free right after the closing titles, to the same hogh degree I now clearly realise that, and how, I now am errevocably older, if not worse - just old, in absolute terms...
I can definitely see how Kill Your Darlings marks a passage from youthful aspiration and experimentation, to mature reflection and acceptance. It's a more restful place to be I find... but doesn't mean that fantasy has to stop :-)
What it was like for you to realise one day that you've grown mature, have left youth behind and is already growing old? How did you cope with realising of your own incapability to do and, what is worse, to WANT to do things you used to do?
I have just realized that I have no idea what 221B means ( ... )
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