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Comments 39

geneva2010 June 18 2011, 04:36:37 UTC
I agree that the messenger probably went to Akielos. What for, I don't really know. I don't think Laurent had enough power in the Regent's realm to arrange it all. I forget when the damn messenger got sent, so I don't know if Laurent at that point may have been doing something helpful to Damen or if he still considered him an enemy. The most likely thing that occurs to me is that he sent a spy to find out more about the supposedly dead prince and/or the slave that was sent to him.


diamondduchess June 18 2011, 12:49:57 UTC
hmm i liking this idea, it would be just like freece to turn it around in a horrible way but i think if its true then laurent is starting to feel guilty but i think he's only figured out who damen is when they got out of the palace


de_minimis June 18 2011, 13:55:12 UTC

The sparkles and rainbows are blinding me! I don't know what is going to happen!


petronia June 18 2011, 18:22:26 UTC
I just honestly can't believe there's ANOTHER layer to this! TURTLES ALL THE WAY DOWN.


rondaview June 18 2011, 23:34:28 UTC



darcyjausten June 19 2011, 09:34:05 UTC
Margaret ...lennox

I presume this means you've read the Lymond Chronicles? :D

I'd love it if Freece picked Margaret's name because she was thinking of Lennox! XD


kleio_caissa June 18 2011, 14:22:33 UTC
Awwwwwww, you beat me to it here. :( Can you put up a poll for the various candidates for Mr X + an option for other, so people can vote?

I'll put what I was going to do as a post in comments now. Firstly what the idea is, secondly some of the relevant text. thirdly what we know about the Mysterious Mr X, and lastly the suspects.

The idea: Freece's last chapter does seem to heavily imply that Torveld was not the intended recipient of Laurent's message. That means we have to look elsewhere - who else? Geographically, the map shows the border for Patras and Rabat is practically on top of that for Akielos as well. Could Laurent have been employing his "verisimilitude" tactic to give appearance to the lie, trying to make the Regent think it was Torveld he was writing to? It was an easy lie to buy into, given the closeness between Torveld and Laurent at Arles. But was that deliberate cover to hide another alliance?

The text:

And there was a man of about thirty with a dark, closely trimmed beard sitting on the bed, who ( ... )


petronia June 18 2011, 18:20:49 UTC
I don't think I can insert a poll in an existing post, actually, so you can go ahead and make that as a separate post if you like!

This is interesting - I'd forgotten that Mr. X was supposed to show up at Ravenel (well, why else did we think it was Torveld XD;). But whoever it is wouldn't expect Laurent to be in Ravenel, so... maybe Jord has come in search of Laurent and Damen to tell them there're Akielon troops on the horizon? It would have to be something of a relatively emergency nature, at any rate.


kleio_caissa June 18 2011, 18:51:48 UTC
Akielon troops on the horizon would surely mean an extension of Jord's midday deadline for Damen to leave, and thus give us a temporal resolution of his dilemma.

But then of course comes Nikandros with the troops...poor Damen might have to try wearing Enguerran's helmet as a disguise!


The Mysterious Mr X kleio_caissa June 18 2011, 14:26:57 UTC
What we know about Mr X:

1. Mr X has sent a message to Laurent in a cipher
2. Mr X was given Laurent's seal ring
3. Mr X is a "Him"
4. Mr X is expected by Laurent to be seen at Ravenel
5. Mr X's messenger dressed himself like a Patran
6. Mr X's messenger was expected to take the mountain path to Patras by the Regent's men.
7. Mr X and Laurent are apparently suspected to have some conspiracy plans by the Regent - hence the extreme espionage and intercepting of Laurent's messages.
8. Mr X must be pretty important to Laurent to risk his life by going into Nesson to receive his message and to send his seal-ring away.

The Suspects:

Torveld as Mr X
YES: Torveld fits every one of the Mr X attributes...the Messenger seemed to have Patras as his destination. Torveld had the valuable resource of an army for Laurent to need to conspire with him. They had time in Arles to set up their conspiracy. Laurent could trust him with his ring. And Torveld has indeed shown up at Ravenel, as Mr X was expected to.

NO: Looking at all of ( ... )


Re: The Mysterious Mr X ghost_guessed June 18 2011, 16:08:16 UTC
Oh I do like CP theories! I'm sure like most if not all readers I thought it was Torveld until chapter 26, and as you say it could still be, the messenger with the signet ring could have been intercepted further along the road. But I am going to go with Nikandros. Next to Auguste he is the most prominent name in the story never to have appeared 'on screen', I am sure he's going to be important as Freece has been mentioning him almost from the start. Also, in Chapter 22 we've been shown Laurent anticipating that Kastor, prompted by Margaret, will cede Delpha to Rabat to end the destabilising influence of the province. If Laurent promises Nikandros governorship of the province, maybe on an autonomous/semi autonomous basis, he could be prepared to support Laurent in holding Ravanel against his uncle ( ... )


Re: The Mysterious Mr X kleio_caissa June 18 2011, 16:54:22 UTC
If there's a poll for Mr X, my vote would be for Nikandros. Yesterday I feared I was being way too paranoic and that Torveld hadn't received the message yet due to either interception or his setting off early...but rereading the Nessen scene, it's clear that Mr X already sent Laurent a message. So Torveld certainly couldn't be unaware that there was a messenger. He's either lying or isn't Mr X at all.

Nikandros is likely the best bet due proximity and utility...I certainly hope it isn't Kastor and that Laurent has a reserve plan of handing Damen back to him. If it's Nikandros, however, Laurent may be planning to surprise him with his long lost prince, as I think he knows Nikandros does not like Kastor. Would love to see Damen's face then...


Re: The Mysterious Mr X kleio_caissa June 18 2011, 17:25:37 UTC
Just seen your icon: ARTHUR!!! :)


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