Yeah. Yeah, this is just as good. Perhaps better. We didn't have much of anything like this back home, and... even if we did, I never had time.
None of us really did. Not that I had much of a family to hang around with, anyway. It was just Foaly and the... and my commander. And Artemis too, of course, all very good friends. This is good, though. It's good.
Good on you, Artemis. You need to get out more, really. Don't worry me like that, alright? And don't worry about the kitchen -- there isn't any sandwich assembly involved.
Oh, Artemis. Don't apologise. It just isn't healthy to be cooped up all the time. I mean, the last time you were really like that, you kidnapped me, didn't you? Do something fun once in a while~
I honestly don't know! I have no idea what this human holiday's really about, but I'm mashing potatoes, apparently.
Comments 44
Does the big and burly bloke have a name? I'm Holly.
None of us really did. Not that I had much of a family to hang around with, anyway. It was just Foaly and the... and my commander. And Artemis too, of course, all very good friends. This is good, though. It's good.
[ooc; She's all smiling and carefree. D: ]
Now that I see my expert sandwich-assembly ability is uneeded... is there any other way I can help...?
I honestly don't know! I have no idea what this human holiday's really about, but I'm mashing potatoes, apparently.
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