Review: The Man Who Would Be King

May 07, 2011 13:26

My review for "The Man Who Would Be King" + screencaps!

I'd say maybe I'd rather not hear your story because it ends up as quite pointless when I no longer feel sorry for Castiel. Sometimes I don't mind him as much, but for a while I wouldn't have minded for him to die once and for all. I do love Misha though and I think he does a good job. It's how Castiel the character has changed and I'm just simply tired of.
The woe me Cas is so not funny. He seems like naive little kid all the freakin' time.
Oh and Cas can do anything huh? How did they fake Crowley's death? And now Cas can suddnely show up without anyone seeing him? So suddenly? Has that EVER been done before?

Guess I'll start off with the negative. Suprise suprise I didn't love the episode! lol. Anyone reading my reviews knows that's no shock. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but it was rather bland at times. It wasn't "Live Free or Twi-hard" suckage at all. Just. It fell flat, majorly also because a few things didn't add up to what was being said.

Dean saying he looks at Cas as a brother. That's sweet enough, but I don't buy that. Neither he or Sam or Bobby treats Castiel differently then a sidekick and calls for him when they need him. Whenever Sam has died Dean's world has just collapsed, when Lucifer killed Bobby briefly in "Swan Song" we could see and hear the sheer horror in Dean, but whenever Cas dies and comes back Dean gets a little dumbfounded and "Wow. You're alive?" (though I agree that he looked honestly relieved that he came back in "Swan Song") - which is why I don't doubt the obvious friendship. But brother? Nope. Also when Sam went dark and later came back soulless we know Dean was harsh on him, but he wouldn't be able to kill him himself or die alone. When Cas' in trouble though he says if he has to stop him he will. Not seeing the "like a brother" part. I see the friendship, but Dean's reaction was over the top and I didn't buy it.

Also why would Sam die for Cas? Another thing I don't buy. He wont even hug the guy because that would be awkward lol.
There is other reviewers that explain what I just did SO much better.

I'm not bashing Dean or anything. It's him I like, not Cas :P But how he is written in the episode doesn't fit with how he treats Cas.

I wasn't loving the voice over and loooong Cas/Crowley convos. Did like the opening though. Was nice edited. The following scene with Dean in the car and Cas joined I thought it might have been a flashback to a short time after "Swan Song". Am I the only one who thought that? So I went back and forth until Cas finally asked where Sam was lol.

Speaking of that. Where was Sam? -_- So little of him. Way too much Cas. Waaaaaay too much. I was expecting that seeing as it's a Cas centric episode lol. It dissapoints me beyond words that my fave Ben Edlund's first directing episode is a Cas centric one. *Headdesk*

The editing was pretty cool though minus the pausing and stupid voice over.

Tossed around Winchester! My favorite kind LOL.

I was never a fan of Crowley, but he's way cooler character then Castiel. He'll probably be dead for realz by the end of the season, but it was cool that they brought him back. He's def. outsmarting Cas one times too many.

I really wish the writers had the guts to kill off Castiel before or during the finale. Once and for all instead of keeping him around just because he's a fan favorite. I'd take Balthazar any other day and he's even an angel too! Preferable would to have all angels out. Like they lied about before the season started. Only angel honestly welcome is so Gabriel lol.

So Cas brought Sam back. It didn't really suprise me. I wonder if he left his soul back on purpouse though. I didn't get the feeling of that, but it seems kinda weird still and Cas hasn't really been honest lately either. Also it was before Crowley came to him so... Just seems kinda coincidencial that it was his soul that was left in Hell and there's all this talk about souls.

I did like the occasionly flashbacks to Swan Song and how Cas turned out to be around some of them. Like first sight of Mr. Soulless guy. Couldn't help but noting how adorable soulless Sam looked though haha.

Was that demon on the phone supposed to look like Bobby? For a second there I totally thought it was him lol.
Dean getting punched looked kinda... well... fake lol
Hell's one long neverending line? Def. fit in hell yeah haha. Heaven could have looked more heavenly though.

To end if too. It sucks disliking Cas so much because I love Misha. He's such an adorable dork and he's a good actor. It's not his fault. It's just how the character has been written.

+ The little we got of Sam and Bobby
+ The editing
+ Opening and flashbacks
- Dean might be weak for the puppy eyes of Sammy, but Sam's weak for Dean's puppy dove eyes too lol. It's cute XD

- Castiel
- Ben Edlund's direction debute
- No Impala chase scene XD
- The things that doesn't add up
- Lackluster

review, supernatural

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