The blood remembers.Seems an unnecessarily cryptic line with which to open our little parley, does it not? But I can tell right off, you're the sort of lot what's always hungry for cryptic lines. You feed on platitudes masquerading as portents, and when these are delivered in as sinister an accent as mine, you can hardly resist a nibble. Afore
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Comments 37
Tell Miss Haiku I'd be glad to sum her up in your stead.
Who cares who does the riding as long
as long as I get off.
Man you crack me up.
Sex with someone you care 'bout
Is better than sex on it's own.
Easier to get off, too.
One of these days, I'm sure you'll thank me properly. And vice versa, aye.
Does it taste better with memories, hmmm? Like salt and pepper?
And sometimes even when the infection is gone it still remembers the taint.
*Shakes self*
Don't mind my morbid turn of mind captain, long painful journeys on horseback will do that to me.
Name's Imoen.
I've two questions for ye:
Is all your hair that pink?
And are you willing to ride things other than horses to the point of pain?
Is all your hair that pink?
That question is not unlike one I was asked a few days ago and as for the answer, no, my original hair colour is dark red and given that I'm still not sure what the maker of the dye puts in his formula I'm not willing to risk it in more... sensitive areas.
And are you willing to ride things other than horses to the point of pain?
Again with the deja vu. At this moment not particularly. I've had some bad experiences with riding in the past that I have yet to completely put behind me so I'll merely put up with the horse thankyou.
I just wanted to welcome you to tm and say that your intro post rocks.
Damnit, you make me want to play Anamaria here. xD )
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