Title: Conductor of Light
capt_facepalmRating: PG
Fandom: Sherlock Holmes (Gaslight)
Characters: Mr Sherlock Holmes, Dr John H. Watson
Summary: Armchair detective work
Warnings: (cliché)
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: July 8th prompt: Forced perspective
‘Doctor, if you concentrate any harder, that scowl will become permanent.’
‘I will thank you to keep your criticisms to yourself.’
‘I’m sorry, Watson. This case is utterly frustrating. What were you pondering?’
‘It’s probably nothing, but I once saw a mural, cleverly painted to show relief. It made the room seem twice its size-’
‘-I don’t see how-’
‘-Could a photograph be manipulated in that manner?’
‘Not crime scene photographs. Not without elaborate staging, unless…’
‘-The photographer was in on it?’
‘My dear fellow! I can always rely on you for a fresh perspective!’
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