Title: Camel Camel
capt_facepalmRating: PG
Fandom: Sherlock Holmes (Gaslight)
Characters: Mr Sherlock Holmes, Dr John H. Watson
Summary: Sherlock Holmes poses a question
Warnings: (John Finnemore-inspired)
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: July 5th prompt: ('Three Continents Watson.': We know that two of them are Europe and Asia. But what is the third, and why was Watson there?)
‘Watson, is that you in this photograph?’
‘You’ve been into my desk again, I see.’
‘Yes, you might want to replace the lock with a more challenging one. Now regarding my question; is that you on the camel?’
‘Can’t you tell?’
‘Frankly, no. That man seems far too young.’
‘We were all young once, Holmes. On the way to Bombay, our steamer broke down in Port Said. Rather than moulder aboard, some of the officers opted to take an overland route, by way of Giza. That’s the Great Sphinx behind me.’
‘And you hired camels. Excellent! What colour were they?’
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