Eeee, I feel so flaky!

Aug 08, 2010 20:40

Wow, once again stopping by to give a brief update in my thrilling life. I feel so bad I haven't had time for LJ, I'm just so busy with juggling work, volunteering, hanging out with the 8 million people (including my lovely sarkastic who I will miss terribly) who are leaving me for overseas study this semester, buying all the stuff for my apartment ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

citibyrd August 9 2010, 07:46:21 UTC
Glad you had a nice time in Seattle! The mountains around here are pretty spectacular. :)

Man, school's starting soon? Summer's going by so fast, eep! That's awesome that you'll have your own apartment. \o/


mekare_enra August 10 2010, 13:58:22 UTC
WOOOO, good to hear from you! I relish your sporadic posts, even though you don't have time to catch up with all of us anymore. :)



lostandalone22 August 10 2010, 18:38:43 UTC
I tried getting into True Blood, but didn't really like it. The Vampire Diaries, on the other hand, is awesomeness. And, they don't sparkle or shine.


earthequality August 22 2010, 07:29:12 UTC
WTF, BRB, BEATING THE SHIT OUT OF MY NOTIFICATIONS. I'll be back in the morning to read and reply. <3


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