Everyone needs a little more HOPE in their lives, right?

Nov 25, 2011 16:57

Hey, guess what!

This isn't a mod post. This is a plot post. Not even a mod plot. Not even an entirely serious plot! gasp.

Short version: alignment switch, where heroes can become villains, villains can be heroes, and the people in between can finally get pushed to a side. Also there's a fetch quest for goofy adventures with swordfighting trees. This plot will run from this upcoming Sunday to the following Wednesday, or 11/27 - 11/30.

The long version: on the 27th, soulbondee is going discover his bizarro item-fusing abilities and accidentally combine his ten 「Numbers」 cards with ten random objects and animals. After losing track of them, like a dumbass, he will post to the Network asking for help recovering them, and launch us into the first phase of the plot: Fetch Quest.

For this, I'll need up to 8 volunteers to find these card-fused objects. Don't worry, they're going to be very obvious. Like a fire hydrant that shoots out unending streams of fire. In the comments section of this entry will be a list of what the various 「Numbers」-objects will be, and you can take your pick of what strikes your fancy.

Why eight? Well, those last two 「Numbers」 aren't going to be found, and that's where the fun really kicks in. See, in ZEXAL, the Numbers cards are special in that they are, one, soulbonder memories, and two, possess people. They latch onto the weak or dark parts of a person's "heart," and then amplify them the fuck up to absurdsville. (E.g., the card based on his mother causes a kid to become a goddamn crime-fighting vigilante in order to make his mom proud; one associated with luck causes a guy to become a compulsive risk-taker and gambler; etc.)

On the 28th (Monday), these final two Numbers cards -- #39 - Aspiring Emperor Hope and #96 - Black Mist -- will split from their fusions and become independent agents. Hope will appear as a sort of knight in white and gold armor with two huge fucking swords; Black Mist will look like Astral, only black, or else like a giant black demon with its mouth covering most of its huge chest and fire shooting out of its eyes. In these forms, they will cause disorder and destruction anywhere they go. They will exert magical alignment-influencing power over great swatches of the population, NPCs and PCs alike.Those who are influenced by Hope will feel an incredible and overwhelming desire to do good, fight for what's right, and be optimistic. While this may seem benign on the surface, the desires are being cranked to out of control proportions. Trying to get fairer wages at the office? Time to kidnap everyone even remotely connected with payroll until that's fixed. Someone cut you in line at the drinking fountain? Challenge them to pistols at dawn. Stabbed and mortally wounded? No need to go to a hospital; you're optimistic that your body can recover on its own. So long as a character has a concept of something being "right," they can be pushed into Big Damn Hero (Who May Have Snapped) territory.

Those who are influenced by Black Mist will feel an incredible and overwhelming desire to destroy everything. Any and all latent negative traits and dark urges a person feels will be multiplied by a hundred. For example, someone who mildly dislikes their history class would feel the overwhelming desire to burn their school to the ground; someone annoyed by a neighbor's dog might go to wanting to slaughter everyone who lives in that house. So long as a character has a single point of "darkness" in their personality/heart, it can be expanded to an all-encompassing "pitch blackness."
These two will continue affecting people until they are defeated, probably in battle (real battle; not card games), on the 30th. Yuma will be long out of commission at this point, so it will be up to you guys to clean up his mess and deal with these two.

Basically the idea here is to turn the dial on your characters so hard in the opposite direction of their usual moral grounding as to snap the thing off, take things to drastic extremes, and most importantly, to have fun!

If you would like your character to be involved in DEFEATING Hope or Black Mist, there will be a comment you can reply to for that. (And yes, your character can be influenced by one AND fight one -- even the same one.)

If you'd like to participate in the morality swap, please fill out the following form:
Hope or Black Mist?:
What will they do under the influence?:
Extra notes:

You can participate in any one part of this without having to touch any of the others, or you can be in every part. (So, you can be morality-affected without fetching things or fighting things, or you can fetch and fight without a moral compass switch, or any other combo.)

And if there are any questions, let met know!

*plot (sign-ups), *plot

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