discussion/suggestions;; activity standards

Nov 04, 2011 15:47

Hey guys! olesia here with something that is neither quick nor an announcement. Nope! This, instead, is a discussion/suggestion post, specifically geared to one subject:

Activity. Since we all know that it is my precious baby.

Over the past year, or possibly longer, I've gotten a steady trickle of comments regarding our current activity standards -- where it is too strict, where it is too lax, and so on. I've been trying to come up with some adjustments that I think will be fair, but I don't want to change anything that you guys as a community wouldn't want. As such, I'm using this post to solicit where you want to see changes. Comments here will be screened; at the moment, I'm just gathering information, and I believe it will be easier for people to be more candid with their desires or grievances in this fashion. If there's demand for it, I can make another post in the near future that is a discussion post proper, where you can engage and talk things over with one another. And of course, while we will take all suggestions into consideration, we can't implement everything. Thank you for your understanding!

For reference: here are all the activity check posts, and here are the current activity rules.

I'm not making this a text area. What follows is just a list off the top of my head of the various ways characters do (or don't) make activity, and related topics. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO COMMENT ON EVERY ASPECT. Pick on topics that you think should be changed, or should be kept the same.

I am sorry that this is so long.

Should a post to MAIN COMM count for activity check, if...
● It is a CHARACTER post that receives no comments?
● It is a CHARACTER post that receives comments, but the original poster DOES NOT REPLY TO THEM?
● It is a NEWS post that receives no comments? Or that receives comments, but the original poster DOES NOT REPLY TO THEM?
● It is a LOCKED post TO EIGHT OR FEWER characters?
● It is a JOINT post between multiple characters?
→ If so, should this count for only the ORIGINAL POSTER, or for ALL TAGGED PARTICIPANTS?

Should a post to LOGS COMM count for activity check, if...
● It is a log that receives no comments?
● It is a log that receives comments, but the original poster DOES NOT REPLY TO THEM?
● It is a SOLO log, in which a character interacts with no other player characters directly?
● It is an AIM/EMAIL log, in which multiple characters take part, but not in the comments?
● It is a QUICK log, in which the log post is a link to a thread in the MAIN COMM?

Should any of the above standards be adjusted, if a character is on ACTIVITY WARNING STATUS?

The following are other, miscellaneous aspects to Activity Check. Please comment as to which aspects you like (want to be kept) versus dislike (want to be changed):

● In MAIN COMM, a comment thread must reach a minimum of 15 total comments between two characters to count for activity.
→ Icon/Comment combos count as one comment towards this total.
→ For every additional character, the minimum number of total comments goes up by 7, roughly.
→ A comment thread DOES NOT COUNT for a character on Activity Warning Status.

● In LOGS COMM, a character need only make ONE COMMENT to a log to count toward activity.
→ If they immediately drop the thread, it still counts.
→ If an open log is posted on the first of the month, and they comment into it on the last day of the month, it still counts.

● A character may post only ONE entry to MAIN COMM per day (as judged by 24-hour period, not calendar date).
→ NEWS POSTS count towards this limit
● A character may post ∞ entries to LOGS COMM per day.

● A player may post AS MANY ENTRIES as they have CHARACTERS to MAIN COMM per day.
● A player may post ∞ entries to LOGS COMM per day.

● A character may skip up to TWO CONSECUTIVE activity checks due to hiatus.
● There is NO LIMIT to how many NON-CONSECUTIVE activity checks a character may skip due to hiatus.

● A character dropped by Activity Warning Status may be reapplied for on THE FIRST DAY of the activity check in which they are dropped, if applications are open at that time.
→ A character reapplied for after dropping in this way carries NO PENALTY for idling out and returning.

Again, you can talk about any of these topics, or none of them; make suggestions, give anecdotes, or what have you. I simply want your thoughts on our current activity standards and what changes you'd like to see. Thank you!

(As a final note, none of the suggestions or potential rule-changes will affect the check for November. If any changes are implemented, you will be notified well before they go into effect.)

-discussion, !modpost, how does this make you feel

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