(no subject)

Nov 05, 2011 04:00

Cue the cheesy horror music and roll film of a dark stormy night in the background, people, because guess who's back in town!

You guessed right, it's Liwei here, bringing along with me Minato Arisato from Persona 3:FES, probably the most friendly laid-back guy you'll ever meet, you know, as long as you don't mind the language of dot dot dot.

Anyways, to all you newbies out there, hello! To all you who remember me from the past: mwahahaha! You'll never get rid of me!

But that aside, Minato has his memories of the last time he was here so this won't be too awkward for him, and as always I can be contacted on AIM for chat/plot/randomness @ teacoloredeyes or at plurk as seppucrow. Don't be afraid to nudge me because contrary to popular belief, I don't bite hard.

But yes! A permissions post for Minato's powers can also be found on Minato's journal, so if y'all could do me a favor and pop on over there to check it out, that would be nice! I'm glad to be back, guys!


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