Halloween Plot: The Emissary Cometh aka C&C VS (fake) CTHULHU

Oct 19, 2011 17:40

(This plot brought to you by Jill and Jesse)

Now that he has the Well of Eternity, Illidan Stormrage is ready to go all-out. The Well is an enormously powerful magic lake in Central Park. Using it, Illidan will try to bring forth the Burning Legion from his own universe, an army of world-destroying demons that will raze Earth to the ground.

The good news is that he doesn’t quite have the power to accomplish this by himself, so he’s going to outsource. He will conduct a ritual using the Well that shall bring forth an Emissary from among the demons created in the January Infinity Gauntlet plot (the ones who messed with the Renaissance Faire). The bad news is that this enormous cosmic horror will have the power to turn the Well into a mystic portal through which infinite hordes of monstrosities shall pour, spelling the doom of the world. These beings are of pure energy and can manifest however they like. This one will be taking a form calculated to strike terror and despair into its victims. Namely, THIS GUY:

The Emissary and a small army of Its smaller Spawn will arise from New York Harbour on midnight of October 31st (although the logs will go up Saturday the 29th since people may have real life plans on Halloween). At the same time Ilidan and his demonic minions will be conducting their evil ritual. If the Emissary reaches the Well, it’s the end of everything. It and Illidan have to be stopped.

Fortunately, the sheer scale of the approaching catastrophe and the intensity of the magic energies involved will start to have serious effects on the City’s population, especially its clairvoyant Imports. People in the City will begin having dark dreams about apocalypse, chaos, evil in the water, tentacles, and general doom. Characters capable of prophecy or prediction will be deluged with terrifyingly vivid visions revealing the exact date, location, and time of the monster’s arrival as well as its goal and what will happen if it reaches the Well. However, information on the reason and the culprit (i.e. Illidan) will not be included.

What Jill and I are looking for right now are volunteers for prophetic-y characters to get hit with these visions and sound the alarm that something seriously bad and Cthulhu-shaped is coming on the 31st. This will give the City time to prepare for a truly terrifying onslaught- organizing, planning, investigating, evacuating, what have you. Throughout the time between now and the Apocalypse, the City will be pervaded by a steadily-mounting sense of dread and tension as the end draws nearer.

There will be more planning posts to come for setting up the actual fighting. The battle will be divided into three parts in two logs. One log will have a standard beat-up-the-enemy-NPC part for combating demons throughout the City, and a throwdown with fake-Cthulhu (played by me via NPC account) as It arises from the Harbour, while the other will feature an enormous World of Warcraft-style raid against Illidan and his minions in the Park. In terms of questions, Jill is running the Illidan parts of this plot while I’m in charge of the squiddy bits.

tl;dr version: HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE Illidan is trying to kill everybody ever, the Thing That Should Not Be is C&C’s new theme song, and we need some vision volunteers for alerting everyone to their impending doom.

*plot (gamewide)

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