this is an intro post

Oct 20, 2011 00:40

Hey, C&C! My name's Lyndon, I used to play Mew and Ravage and AM and all sorts of other assorted characters (some of whom may reappear soonish), but now I'm smashing back in here with a new character! That new character is Cassandra Hack, from the fantastic comic Hack/Slash. Which odds are you have never read, so I will try to sum it up for you (in italics, in case you don't care). A-HEM.

Cassie Hack was a little girl who was teased by all the other kids. As an entirely valid reaction, her mom started killing all the kids and mixing them into the school's mystery meat because she was the lunch lady and she wasn't about to let that meat go to waste. This didn't work nearly as well as it might have, though, as Cassie called the cops on Mama Hack... who promptly dunked her head into a pot of boiling grease because apparently she hadn't emotionally damaged her daughter enough??? Cassie was sent to a boarding school and her mom came back from the dead and started killing kids there, too! Well, until Cassie put a bullet or two in her and decided that enough was enough. So, now an experienced Final Girl, Cassie set out to kill other Slashers before they could kill more people. With a baseball bat, a bevy of emotional issues, and sarcasm. She got a giant muscular best friend and developed a support network of sorts over time, but still.

If you read all that, congrats! If not, here's Cassie she's like twenty, is full of all sorts of ~attitude~ and kills undead serial killers for a living. She's pretty awesome. Also her powers are basically the ability to detect undead, enhanced strength and innate weapons proficiency, because that's a rough estimate of the Slayer powerset from Buffy and the comparisons between her and Buffy are there in canon so often that this is hilarious to me okay shut up.

I will intro her tomorrow at some point probably, and so. HEY. I'M LYNDON AND I'M BACK. HOW YOU DOIN', C&C?


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