Taken Characters - Comics

Sep 23, 2008 15:14

[DC Comics]

Subfandom Character Codename Character Journal Power Mun Mun Journal Azrael Michael Lane Azrael crucifriction Suit of sorrows, swords of sin and salvation, judgement. Anna greyll Batman (Earth-31) Carrie Kelley Robin girlyboywonder Personal density manipulation. Liz rizumcbutt Batman Cassandra Cain Batgirl batghoul Generating cups of tea Nat darthnat Batman Damian Wayne Robin xuffasch Power mimicry Hallie moirae Batman Dick Grayson Batman knights_wing Flight. Lyrie lyraeinne Batman Edward Nygma The Riddler enigmaestro Ability to detect falsehood. Sara asphinxiated Batman Harvey Dent Two-Face indentcision Duplication, Impartial Analysis Gabbie supergabbie Batman Jason Todd Red Hood undeadsidekick Quick change, tentacles, and mood appropriate 80s music Yami yacchan Batman Jonathan Crane Scarecrow formidophobia Sinestro ring Theo sansmotley Batman Julian Day Calendar Man exceptfebruary Holiday Themed Monster Summoning Zoe morgana006 Batman Kate Kane Batwoman soldarius Power nullification, red touch. Nita hierarchic Batman Oswald Cobblepot The Penguin motherflocker Immunity to the cold, turning birds into umbrellas and vice-versa. Jill ironjill Batman Ra's al Ghul The Demon's Head lazarisen Immortality, shadow manipulation, and teleportation. Gabbie supergabbie Batman Roman Sionis Black Mask ebony_mask Facial distortion/mimicry, voice mimicry, healing factor. Ryan irish_spectre Batman Selina Kyle Catwoman meowminx Phasing through matter LB fewermets Batman Stephanie Brown Spoiler blondevigilante Shadow mimicry Stephanie lionphox Batman Talia al Ghul N/A heartofthedemon Majesty, alchemy Stacey thepenguinred Batman Tim Drake Robin (III) 123youreit Super speed Kai kaichan Batman Beyond Maxine Gibson Batwoman futurebatwoman Technology intelligence and physical mimicry Betsy be_themoon Birds of Prey Charlotte 'Charlie' Gage-Radcliffe Misfit foreverbouncing Teleportation. Dalrint dalrint Blue Beetle Jaime Reyes Blue Beetle (III) owwmyspine Scarab suit (alien tech) Elle noelleno Blue Beetle N/A Negotiator freedomofreach Alien body, dimension stepping (invisibility/disguise) Zoe morgana006 Ex Machina (Wildstorm) Mitchell Hundred The Great Machine deus_ex_100 Mechanopathy Jill sephygirl Freedom Fighters Uncle Sam The American Spirit wetheperson Size-shifting, teleportation to the heartland, connection to America's spirit Anna greyll General Billy Batson Captain Marvel mightymortal Captain Marvel form, magic Crissy nerditude General Boston Brand Deadman seethru Intangibility, possession, spirit walking Matt xrayspecs General Hans Von Hammer The Enemy Ace the_enemy_ace Advanced combat skills/aim, leadership, plane summoning. Charles n/a General Vic Sage The Question nottheanswers Innate Sense of Direction, natural compass. King aliasjack General Zatanna Zatara Zatanna sdrawkcabcigam Magic! Lucy tamerlane Justice League Donna Troy n/a kathreptis Wonder Powers, Lasso of Persuasion Hallie moirae Justice League International Ted Kord Blue Beetle II notniteowl Cricket wings, flight Mandy tyriangalley Justice Society of America/JSA: All-Stars Tom Bronson Wildcat borntobewildcat Werepanther Jason shadowinari Relative Heroes Joel Weinberg Houston a_relative_hero Mystic costume, personal time manipulation Eric N/A Secret Six Floyd Lawton Deadshot shotyoudeadbang Unlimited ammuntion, shoots bullets from his fingers. Andy N/A Secret Six Thomas Blake Catman nine-tries Ability to fall from heights, night vision and quiet walking. Anna/Fem greyll Suicide Squad Amanda Waller The Wall bigreveal Personal force-field. Colin horribleidea Wildstorm: The Authority Jack Hawksmoor King of Cities megalopolitan City speaking Jill ironjill Wildstorm: The Authority N/A Midnighter midnighting Fight precognition, cybernetic enhancements, accelerated healing Crissy nerditude

[Marvel Comics]

Subfandom Character Codename Character Journal Power Mun Mun Journal Daredevil (2003 Film) Elektra Natchios Elektra likethetragedy Sai summoning. Rose devotedsister Daredevil Matt Murdock Daredevil mansansfear Enhanced senses/radar, electromagnetic awareness, ninja skills. Ali aliccolo Earth-616 (General) Angelica Jones Firestar microwavemutant Microwave radiation generation and manilpulation. Ali aliccolo Earth-616 (General) Aquaria Nautica Neptunia Namora submersing Superhuman strength, enhanced physiology, Atlantean physiology. b-thugg grotesques Earth-616 (General) Bobbi Morse Mockingbird mockingbirdie Power mimicry and power negation. Ali aliccolo Earth-616 (General) Carol Danvers Ms. Marvel pilotais Altered genetics. Kat genre Earth-616 (General) Clint Barton Hawkeye goshilovearrows Power amplification, boomerang bow, purple touch Hallie moirae Earth-616 (General) Curtis Doyle Freedom Ring free_dumb_ring Limited reality alteration. Eric N/A Earth-616 (General) Daken N/A lolverine Healing factor, claws, heightened senses. Meg valhalla Earth-616 (General) James Barnes Bucky deadthenred Mind-control immunity. Alex terra Earth-616 (General) Jennifer Walters She-Hulk shesmashes Gamma-based transformation, fourth-wall breaking. b-thugg dreamself Earth-616 (General) Karla Sofen Moonstone drmoonstone Gravity manipulation, intangibility, energy manipulation. Jason shadowinari Earth-616 (General) Lester Bullseye saicopath Rapid cellular regeneration. Ryan irish_spectre Earth-616 (General) Loki Laufeyson Loki itsatrapped Being a frost giant, magic. Alex terra Earth-616 (General) Max Dillon Electro currentcy Electrostatic manipulation. Gabbie supergabbie Earth-616 (General) Namor McKenzie The Sub-Mariner kingofatlantis Atlantean physiology, hydrokinesis, flight. Crissy nerditude Earth-616 (General) Natalia "Natasha" Romanova Black Widow russianreverse Invisibility, looking better in leather than Mello. Alex terra Earth-616 (General) Parker Robbins The Hood hoodalumnus Invisibility, levitation, demon transformation Sara asphinxiated Earth-616 (General) Pietro Maximoff Quicksilver oncemercurial Super speed via temporal manipulation, running really fast. Yami yacchan Earth-616 (General) Robert Reynolds The Sentry/The Void couldbeavoided Molecular manipulation, shape-shifting, storm generation. Gabbie supergabbie Earth-616 (General) Stephen Strange Doctor Strange hoaryhosts Magic! Yami yacchan Earth-616 (General) Terrance "Terry" Ward Trauma phobiapathic Limited mind reading (fear), limited shapeshifting, immortality. Crissy nerditude Earth-616 (General) Tony Stark Iron Man iron_liver Canon Extremis abilities Jill sephygirl Earth-616 (General) Victor von Doom Doctor Doom trustworthyname Magic, external monologuing Yami yacchan Earth-616 (General) Wade Wilson Deadpool themouthymerc Rapid Cellular regeneration Crissy nerditude Marvel MC2 May 'Mayday' Parker Spider-Girl secondhandwebs Canon spider powers. Stacey thepenguinred Marvel MC2 Reilly Tyne Darkdevil bedeviledspider Transforms into a demon (with pyrokinetic powers), spider-sense, wallcrawling. Georgia felinephoenix Spectacular Spider-Man (TV) Felicia Hardy Black Cat acrossyourpath Bad luck abilities. Gabbie supergabbie Spectacular Spider-Man (TV) Flint Marko Sandman someonetoscold Sand body and manipulation. Zoe morgana006 Spider-Man Norman Osborn Iron Patriot greengosborn Goblin abilities (superhuman intelligence, strength, speed, stamina, durability, regenerative healing, agility, reflexes), Iron Patriot armor. Gabbie supergabbie Spider-Man Peter Parker Spider-Man incywincyhero Enhanced physiology, webbing, psychic blindspot. Skalja skalja Thunderbolts John Morley Ghost technophantom Ghost Tech Theo sansmotley Ultimates Johnny Storm The Human Torch fastburning Fire manipulation. Eppy old_blueeyes Ultimate Spider-Man Gwen Stacy N/A asserting Carnage transformation. Kat genre Ultimate Spider-Man Jessica Drew Spider-Woman arakhnes Enhanced physiology, organic webbing, "Spider-sense". b-thugg grotesques X-Men Hank McCoy Beast bluepurrymuffin Enhanced strength, supreme agility, accelerated healing and durability. King aliasjack X-Men Julian Keller Hellion julianhellion Telekinesis Kerry shamrock_dreams X-Men Kurt Wagner Nightcrawler in_likeflynn Teleportation. Amy smash_circuits X-Men Laura Kinney X-23 tiniest_killer Accelerated healing factor, enhanced senses, adamantium claws. Dalrint dalrint X-Men Logan Wolverine damnrunt Accelerated healing factor, enhanced senses, adamantium claws. Anna seaweary X-Men Santo Vaccarro Rockslide rock_it_punch Geokinetic psychic entity. Franky battlefranky37 X-Men Sofia Mantega Wind Dancer sofiawind Aerokinesis. Lauren pinikir X-Men: First Class (2011 Film) Charles Xavier Professor X groovysexavier Telepathy. Haley ussenterprise X-Men: First Class (2011 Film) Erik Lehnsherr Magneto manlytear Magnetic Field Manipulation, flight. Brette thechessycats X-Men: First Class (2011 Film) Raven Xavier Mystique blue_and_proud Shapeshifting. Dalrint dalrint

[Other Comics]

Subfandom Character Codename Character Journal Power Mun Mun Journal Calvin and Hobbes Calvin Stupendous Man more_surreal Super strength, flight, stupendous senses. Jesse megalomaniac2 Fables Boy Blue The Black Knight ofcompanyb Eternal youth, enhanced strength, mild luck powers. Mici arachnidism Girl Genius Agatha Heterodyne The Maker theheterodyne Technopath, genius. Zen zendequervain Homestuck Aradia Megido Maid of Time aliveandticking Time manipulation, telekenesis, conditional immortality Suki dreamoflight Homestuck Dave Strider Knight of Time ironicool Time travel, flash stepping, alternate future sylladex China frottage Homestuck Davesprite Dave Strider insertcockjoke Sprite Form, attracts birds. Yukina inksmears Homestuck Eridan Ampora Prince of Hope swwag Holy wizardry, purple blood Kirsten netsrikeel1 Homestuck Feferi Peixes Witch of Life condascending Amphibious physiology, strength, lifespan elongation Sean crackjaw Homestuck Gamzee Makara Mirthful Messiahs hasgonehonkers Being a troll, miraculous Sylladex, creepy evil clown powers Nat the Squid the_odd_kiea Homestuck Jade Harley Witch of Space respaces Telekinesis, teleportation, "rest" Jenny personas Homestuck John Egbert Heir of Breath dupable Wind manipulation, super strength, immortality Ruru plonks Homestuck Kanaya Maryam Sylph of Space tastingcolors Rainbow Drinker form, Wardrobifying, lipstick that transforms into a chainsaw King aliasjack Homestuck Karkat Vantas Knight of Blood hatesturbation Alcheminding, sylladex Zero expletives Homestuck Nepeta Leijon Pouncellor purrfectlolcat Matchmaking Haley ussenterprise Homestuck Rose Lalonde Seer of Light reilluminates Black magic, "sight" b-thugg grotesques Homestuck Tavros Nitram Page of Breath peanutblooder Troll body, ability to commune with animals, videogame immortality Snapple snapples_apples Homestuck Terezi Pyrope Seer of Mind seeingeyespit Seeing through scent and spit, owning a working sylladex Mono cursedpanda Order of the Stick N/A Monster in the Darkness gatewhatgate Personal cloud of darkness, enhanced strength and durability. Zoe morgana006 The Sandman Desire N/A caststwoshadows Anthropomorphic embodiment of Desire. Mici arachnidism Tank Girl Tank Girl n/a grenadeball Healing factor. Colin horribleidea Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Mirage comics) Michael J Angelo Michaelangelo michaeljangelo Mutant turtle, beginner's luck. Bing agoodshinkickin Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Mirage comics) Raphael N/A thebadturtle Mutant turtle, motorhead. Murder amurderofcrows The Pro (Image comics) n/a The Pro hhhhfuckedagain Flight, Super strength, super speed. Zen zendequervain

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