Meteor Shower

Jan 31, 2009 21:52

There will be a mysterious meteor shower containing delicious rainbow nuggets on Monday afternoovening. Mostly it will be green, because that's how Kryptonite rolls, but other colours are included in small amounts, and all of it will be wrapped in chunks of tasty space filth rock so that the resident Kryptonians don't keel over and die immediately. Severity of their reactions is up to the respective muns.

Where the meteors fall: I was thinking mainly in one part of the city, nearish the outskirts, so that it's not a case of leaving the whole place in smoking ruins, and any suggestions for which side it should be would be awesome. Basically, if you want your characters to be able to go "shit there're rocks falling from the sky like fiery death hail" then go wild :3 Just remember to help clean up!

What this means for your character: Save civilians! Swat meteors out of the sky with a baseball bat! Curse the flaming holes in your roof! Complain about the traffic! Start a geological collection (this is a bad idea)! Comment here or on AIM or wherever and talk about stuff your characters can do, people they can meet, building lead umbrellas, all that jazz. Go wild :3

Note: This kryptonite is Smallville brand kryptonite, which differs from regular kryptonite in a few key ways.

Smallville Kryptonite And You

Colour: Green.
Description: The most common form of kryptonite, and the one usually referred to simply as kryptonite, or meteor rock. It's a different green from emeralds, being more opaque and lighter, and tends to form in long, straight crystals. The melting point can be achieved over a campfire I shit you not, producing a glowing green liquid, and it glows whenever Clark is too close. Effects blocked by lead.
Effects on Clark: It causes him extreme pain and nausea, making him physically weak and vulnerable to normal injury. Prolonged exposure will kill him. Actually touching it can cause his hand to burn and the veins to start becoming prominent, pulsing with green. Ingestion of green kryptonite laced substances has a varied effect on him, but usually causes nausea and weakness until purged from his body. Being impaled with it somehow rapidly poisons him, but removal of the piece will allow him to heal, slowly.
Effects on humans: JESUS CHRIST GET IN THE CAR IT'S A MUTANT. Green K can cause mutations in humans (and plants and animals) after long periods of exposure, or exposure to a concentrated amount at once. It can also have a variety of temporary effects when combined with other substances, and these usually leave the victims with amnesia after the fact. The mutations are usually based on the circumstances and personality of the people effected, or their emotional state. For example, the angry football coach who used heated meteor rocks in his sauna gained pyrokinesis, the jock who fell into a frozen lake full of it started draining heat from everything he touched, and Desiree gained pheremone control because she was making out with her boyfriend in the car when the meteors hit. The temporary effects have included love potion like effects, steroid-like inhalants, phasing through matter after getting a tatto, and horrible death sickness when mixed with mold spores. Interestingly, Clark seems resistant or even immune to most of the mind-effecting powers, but the physical ones allow them to hurt him very badly.

Colour: Red.
Description: The second most common form of kryptonite, but still comparatively rare. Adds a nice sparkle to things when ground.
Effects on Clark: Steadily removes his inhibitions, letting his "bad side" out to play and making him flirty, selfish and amoral. The effects worsen the longer he's exposed to it. Causes a slight red pulse though his veins and a red flash in his eyes when first coming in contact with it. It also allows him to escape his guilt, loosens his anger control, and makes his accent turn all gangster twangy. And makes him like wearing black, I guess.
Effects on humans: Simple contact with it doesn't seem to have any effect, however there is an episode where Lois wears lipstick that contains ground red K and starts acting uniinhibited and pursuing Clark sexually, so I would say that ingestion causes a similar, if weaker effect to that it has on Clark.

Colour: Black.
Description: Created by superheating green kryptonite in just the right way or something, black kryptonite resembles obsidian and produces a purplish energy under the right circumstances.
Effects on Clark: It split his personality in two, allowing them to fight over control of his body in this bizarre pillar of light and they weren't even totally split, it was like two Clark torsos joined at the hips. And Real Clark won by smashing the black K in Kal-El Clark's face. IDEK.
Effects on humans: It will physically split them into their good and evil halfs. It did this to Lex. Also, when used to filter light in order to grow fruit, the results were hardy but rotten-tasting fruit, implying a split within them as well.

Colour: Blue.
Description: Ridiculously rare, bright blue like a middle ground between sapphire and topaz. Used on Krypton as a mark of a man's rite of passage into a warrior being fulfilled.
Effects on Clark: Removes his powers non-harmfully, allowing him to live as a normal human being, more or less.
Effects on humans: None shown.
EFFECTS ON BIZARRO: Makes him explode. Really, he'd fallen in love with Lana, the poor bastard's in a better place now.

Colour: Silver.
Description: Created by Brainiac, it's like. Silvery rock. And not really kryptonite.
Effects on Clark: Steadily worsening paranoid delusions and hallucinations after entering his bloodstream.
Effects on humans: None shown.

Green K can, therefore, be used for making the City its very own mutated baddies, and used in conjunction with drugs for when gangs need to feel super.

Comments and suggestions welcome :3


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