Sep 09, 2011 12:49

So remember that date auction slash ball we've been talking about both OOCly and ICly? Well, it's happening!

On September 22-23, the silent date auction will be held over the comms, and Cityzens compete against each other to win a date by donating as much money as they ICly can by bidding on one of the lovely candidates!

Following the auction, a ball will be held on the 24th, which is open to both adults and children! (though kids get their separate room and it's more of a party than a ball) Winners and those that were auctioned get in for free, and get nice incentives like free drinks and goodybags. Those that didn't win and weren't a part of the auction have to pay.

Adults will be $80 and adult couples will be $140.
Children will be $50 and child couples will be $80

BUT ANYWAYS THAT ISN'T WHAT YOU CARE ABOUT FOR NOW. Now you're probably saying "shut up Sam you can get more in detail later just tell us when the OOC sign-ups for the auction will be?"

Well, let me go over specifics first. The reason why we're having OOC sign-ups as opposed to just IC sign-ups, is because it'll be easier to keep track. The way sign-ups work is this: your character can ONLY offer  up ONE character, and only ONE of your characters can be offered up.

(Also, only characters 18+ can be offered.)

For example! Twoey wants to put either Lust or Maggie into the Goblet of Fire auction! But seeing as he could only pick one, he chooses Lust! But now Leah can't stick any other of her underaged characters in the auction, though she can have Lust put Catman in the auction!

See, simple!

Anyways, here's what you do need to know! The time I'll be placing an OOC sign-up for the date auction will be on the 13th, within the hours of 11:00-11:30 PM, EST. AKA Joisey time! For those of you that live not on the Eastern coast of the US, this link will help you out! If you are unavailable for this time, then you're allowed to ask someone to have their character offer up the character you want to participate! Depending on how quickly people respond to this, we will either have 13, 14, or 15 openings for each sex. But no more than that! Again, that's a total of 26-30 candidates which is a LOT, so if your character doesn't get in please don't stress over it. And note to plurk users: I will NOT be posting a link of this on my plurk because that really isn't fair! It's up to everyone to keep checking the OOC comm during that 30 minute time span I gave you.

SO TL;DR. sign-ups with be on September 13th and it will be posted sometime between 11:00-11:30 EST in the OOC comm aka RIGHT HERE pretty much. If that date and time is no good for you, bug someone to sign your character up.

And remember, this is something that is both supposed to be ICly and OOCly light and fun! So if your character does not get auctioned, then you can still easily participate. Or, if this doesn't suit your fancy, you can easily ignore it.

Good luck!

ADDENDUM 2: kldsjvas i should have mentioned that there will be an IC sign-up following this. again, OOC is for organizational purposes. that form i had will be used to fill out by the person nominating your character ICly.

on the 13th, all we need is a name and the character nominating them. following that, there will be an IC post (the date of it going up will be announced on the OOC sign-up post) where there will be a form the nominator has to fill out.

*plot (gamewide), *plot

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