/dangles plot in front of people

Aug 16, 2011 08:27

Hi guys, me again. NO I'M NOT ANNOUNCING ANOTHER HIATUS...I'm actually going to try and run a plot in a month or so, and would like to fish a bit for interest/things.

Going off the assumption that only so many of you are familiar with Vector's canon, I'll summarize Transformers; Cybertron as quickly as I can;

Terrible pacing, terrible CG, terrible facial expressions, terrible intro music, why did I watch this show again THE UNIVERSE IS IN DANGER BECAUSE OF A GIANT BLACK HOLE THAT WARPS SPACE AND TIME and creates plotholes no actually that is pretty much canon i'm not joking, WE HAVE TO COLLECT THESE HERE gimmicks sale drivers CYBER KEYS AND REAWAKEN ROBOT GOD AND HAVE HIM FIX IT even though he's technically the one that broke it! Insert Autobots, Decepticons, a group of human kids, and that's not really the important things to here. The important things are those Cyber Keys I mentioned.

Because Vector Prime's going to make one, tying it to Earth. And it's not going to necessarily end very well. For all his Ancient Wisdom Of The Ages, Vector is helpless against the power of plot capable of mistakes, and when he tries to activate it it's kind of going to explode a bit. And send shards across the world, where they will land and make craters and hang out and are just waiting for someone to find them and pick them up and then basically do this;

image Click to view

-and grant themselves a temporary new power!

There will be seven of these Cyber Key shards total. One is already called for plot reasons, leaving six open to be claimed. Each has a specific power which will last for about five minutes (and require a few hours' cooldown), though they can kind of backfire and endanger the wielder's life if they are misused.

(Read; if you want to have them get hurt or worse as a result of that misuse? That is okay. B) If not, that is fine too!)

The full description of the powers is is in my journal, but a quick read-off of them; Shielding, Speed Boost, Feral, Mass Shifting, Metal Shaping, Physical Empathy/Regeneration, Energy Manipulation. One shard, one powerup.

And they are free to change hands no really I have only a vague outline of where I want the plot to go. Once your character finds a shard - which will be fun in itself, since only one will be landing near the City, the rest will be scattered about the world and it's going to take some doing to hunt them down? - they can do what they want with it. Or lose it. Or, you know, you could be nice and turn it in to Vector. He'd like that, so he can go about fixing the darn thing.

ANYWAY the duration of the plot is mostly geared towards collecting the Cyber Keys, one way or another. The easiest way for this to happen will be for people to follow the news reports of odd meteorites, and then finding ways to get to where they landed - obviously, teleporters or those with quick transport will have an advantage, but that doesn’t mean they’re necessarily be able to get the things! (One, for example, is going to sploosh in the ocean. Might take some work to get it.) Presumably, after a week, Vector will have recovered all of them one way or another.

When all of them are together, Vector will try to reassemble and rework things, only it won’t go as planned again and to make a story short he’ll have to break it for good this time. This is what happens when you don’t balance your tachyons, people. (Or equate for them in the first place.)

As mentioned, I only have a vague outline of the plot. Things are free to happen here; shards changing hands, someone trying to catch ‘em all, etc etc etc. If you have more than one shard you can activate as many as you have at once, using all their powers, but again they only last so long but that may be all you need to get yourself out of a situation or to get in to one. Either or.

QUESTIONS, COMMENTS, MINDY THIS MAKES NO SENSE WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO DO HERE, etc, can all be directed here or through my AIM (twixtthestreams, for those of you who don't have it) or through LJ messaging, whichever! This is my first plot on here so I’m really kind of nervous, and any problems or anything that you guys see or forsee or whathaveyou are TOTALLY welcome to be pointed out! I'll be posting another one of these when we get closer to the 7th when this is set to kick off.

-brainstorming, *plot

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