Every time you masturbate, Jack Bauer kills a terrorist.

Apr 07, 2010 20:30

WHO: Jack Bauer, Carlton Lassiter, John McClane, James Bond, 10 Cult of the Damned NPCs, and surprise mystery guest.
WHERE: Closed-down funeral home next to one of the City's cemeteries.
WHEN: The following takes place between 9PM and 10PM. Events occur in real time.
WARNINGS: Violence.
SUMMARY: The cops have a lead on some of the people responsible for the undead plague, and they're not letting them get away.
FORMAT: Quick/para, whichever is most convenient.

"We have confirmation, they're all in there," Jack said as he viewed the images on the snake-camera he'd slipped under the door of the former funeral home. The building had once hosted the business of death before it had gone under and had a sizable graveyard right next to it, which made it a natural base for the ten black-cloaked individuals meeting inside, loudly discussing how the Scourge would soon strike again, how the death of the world was near, how the great reward of undeath was fast approaching. Jack was determined to prove them all wrong on each count.

"The perimeter reports everything's secure. We're not letting them get away from us," he said as he checked his weapons. Jack was fully loaded for this- black uniform with body armor, submachine gun slung around his shoulder, knife and sidearm at his side with smoke and stun grenades on his belt, comm in his ear. Technically both of the cops with him, Chief McClane and Inspector Lassiter, outranked him, but Jack was proceeding as though he was in charge anyway. In his mind his superior counterterrorism expertise trumped his superiors' seniority, especially when it came to an operation this important, complex and dangerous. "Remember, we hit hard and fast, maintain the element of surprise, establish control immediately, don't give them a chance to resist."

Ordinarily he would be going in with a full tactical team, but what Chief McClane had said to him the other day had stuck with him- for an ImPort officer, death in the line of duty could be just an inconvenience. For the others, it was permanent. Which meant there was no reason to risk anyone's lives in there unnecessarily, not when the three of them could likely take all the hostiles themselves. He was absolutely determined not to let a single hostile come out of this free and still able to carry out further attacks. This was what he did. This was how he made a difference. "All right, time to take positions. Everyone ready?"

† albert wesker | n/a, † carlton lassiter | n/a, † john mcclane | n/a, jack bauer | man of the hour, james bond | 007

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