are you alright? | open

Jan 31, 2010 08:56

WHO: Lucinda Guthrie, X-Men faculty, students, and visitors.
WHERE: Kitchen & dining room.
WHEN: Early morning.
SUMMARY: Mrs. Guthrie has been offered a room and use of facilities in the Xavier Institute. She's been sending her kids here for years, but this is the first time she's actually lived under their roof. She decides, clearly, she ( Read more... )

† sam guthrie | cannonball, † sooraya qadir | dust, † lucinda guthrie | momma, maggie mui | paper sister, scathach | the shadow, † rachel grey | marvel girl, † amara aquilla | magma

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Comments 81

spadassin January 31 2010, 14:33:19 UTC
To say the least, Scathach was feeling refreshed after feeding. She had been reluctant to, yes, but it had probably been for the best. Alex had seemed upset, but there was nothing she could do about that--he had to sort out his own problems, with his own feelings. Having her just take them away wouldn't have done any good, because then she would have known just how tangled and messed up they were ( ... )


ahhmahbabies January 31 2010, 14:42:22 UTC
Lucinda would be lying if she said she didn't get a slight fright out of a statuesque woman suddenly piping up behind her (If her hair turned slightly whiter, she didn't notice). She turned with a whisk in her hand and a smile slowly forming on her face. "G'mornin', girl. Can't say Ah recognize ya from the roster, sorry. Breakfast should be ready in the hour though."


spadassin January 31 2010, 14:45:53 UTC
The elder's aptitude for defense was certainly impressive; not many people would have immediately gone to defend themselves before screaming or something of the sort. "My name is Scathach--Scatty," she corrected herself. It was always just easier to introduce herself by her nickname to people newly met. "I teach combat skills here." She paused for a moment before offering: "Do you require assistance?"


ahhmahbabies January 31 2010, 14:48:15 UTC
"Scath-ack? Now ain't that a mouthful," she chuckled, turning around to tend to her egg yolk. "So you're a teacher here. That's good. My boy just popped the news to me that he's a professor now. Ah'm mighty proud though Ah never suspected he to be teachin' anybody. The boy sometimes got his head in the clouds if you know what I mean. Do we got oranges?"


origamiguardian January 31 2010, 14:37:21 UTC
Maggie had fallen asleep in the library again (technically it was her job to take care of the books, not read all of them, but that sort of just kept happening...), and as she stepped out to wander blearily about the campus to wake herself up, she... smelled something.

Something good.

She was a staff member and student here... she was pretty sure that meant she was allowed to partake of the group meals, so she headed toward the yummy smells and found herself standing in the door of the kitchen where Mrs. Guthrie was at work. Helpful instincts took over and after softly clearing her voice to make sure she did not entirely startle the woman, she spoke. "Can I help?"


ahhmahbabies January 31 2010, 14:45:19 UTC
She was expecting folks to start popping in when the eggs began to spurt and the bacon was sizzling. The aroma in the air was familiar and filled her nostrils with sweet sensations. She smiled, humming an old Willie Nelson tune when a sweet woman came in asking to help.

Without missing a beat, Lucinda ordered, "Can you put some toast in the toaster an' see if we have any potatoes?"


origamiguardian January 31 2010, 14:53:01 UTC
She nodded, very glad to be of service, and sought out the bread and subsequently the toaster.

With slightly less enthusiasm (not that it was really possible to tell with Maggie) she checked cool dry storage for potatoes, but she reminded herself that whoever this lady was, she was unlikely to leave them half-peeled and half-cooked like her little sister had a habit of doing.

"Wow," she said as she pulled out a sack of potatoes, looking at the eggs and bacon cooking. "A real American breakfast." There was that little hint of an accent to Maggie's voice ((American dub voice notwithstanding)) that suggested she herself was not American.


ahhmahbabies January 31 2010, 14:55:13 UTC
Lucinda was not one to discriminate. Samuel had brought home enough foreign girlfriends for her and she knew Joshua had a mighty fancy for Sooraya. Still, she smiled proudly at real American breakfast. They couldn't beat her anywhere else.

"At least a part of America," she smiled warmly. "Oh good, they've got 'em here. Time to peel now."


ahhmahgawd January 31 2010, 18:34:04 UTC
Sam wasn't really planning to eat breakfast this morning. He couldn't even remember the last time he had breakfast, unless he was making it for X-force. Still, he poked into the kitchen to find his mom.

Aw, ma. He wouldn't be able to sneak away to work without her shoving some sort of food in his mouth now.

"You're up bright and early," he told her as he leaned against the doorway.


ahhmahbabies January 31 2010, 18:51:21 UTC
Most of breakfast was done. There were plates filled with scrambled eggs, sizzling bacon, and the toast was in the toaster. Most of the potatoes were peeled and Lucinda was slicing through them to make chips. She grinned at her boy, finally popping in.

"You've been in the city too long boy you forget what a good long day's work is. We used to start at the break of dawn every single mornin' even when Ah had grammar school." She left her potatoes and washed her hands with a cloth. "Have you been sleepin' this whole time? Where's Jay and Paige?"


ahhmahgawd January 31 2010, 18:54:53 UTC
"Ah gotta sleep sometime, Ma," Sam rolled his eyes so much as he moved into the fridge to get a drink. "And Paige is at her apartment. Jay's still sleepin' probably."

He had two jobs and was on two teams! He could sleep in if he wanted. Well, X-force wasn't even in the city right now, but STILL.


ahhmahbabies January 31 2010, 18:57:32 UTC
"Excuses, excuses boy," she smacked Sam on the shoulder with the dish towel. "And get a cup. We got plenty of OJ on the table. Don't be drinkin' out of the carton. You may have grown up on a farm, but Ah taught my kids not to behave like pigs, you hear?"

Lucinda turned her back on Sam to return to her potato peeling. If no one was going to peel the potatoes, someone had to roll up her sleeves and get right down to work!

"And what's this about Paige still livin' off on her own? She's too good to be with her brothers?"


temporaltossed January 31 2010, 19:25:36 UTC
Food. She smelled real food coming from that kitchen and God only knew that Rachel could use a good meal. She'd only been back in the institute long enough to shower and change and her body was badly craving some sleep, even if she did have nightmares, but really... maybe a little food first? Couldn't hurt.

She ducked her head into the kitchen and almost chuckled. Mrs. Guthrie, of course. Because if anyone was going to mother hen and try and feed the entire institute, it was going to be her.

"Good morning, Mrs. Guthrie. I'm Rachel, we haven't met yet."


ahhmahbabies January 31 2010, 19:30:02 UTC
Everything was all set and laid out on the table. All Lucinda had left to do was cleaning up the mess she left behind. She was putting cartons away and throwing egg shells in the garbage and piling dishes in the sink for hand scrubbing. Another fine girl came in to wish her a good morning. Lucinda smiled.

"Rachel, Rachel. Ah don't think Ah didn't, but Sammy mighta mentioned a thing or two 'bout you. Well, there's breakfast on the table if you're hungry. Best be startin' early before all the young ones wake up."


temporaltossed January 31 2010, 19:32:43 UTC
"Rachel Grey, one of the X-Men, and don't worry about it. If Sam told you about all of us, he wouldn't be able to stop talking for a week solid."

She telekinetically pulled a plate toward her as she grabbed a spoon to serve up some of the eggs.

"This looks wonderful, ma'am. Thanks."


ahhmahbabies January 31 2010, 19:36:18 UTC
"Heck, sometimes it's hard to shut that boy up," she chuckled, turning on the faucet. She squeezed some Dawn dish soap on a scrubber and got to cleaning plates. "Not that Ah mind. It's gonna be lonely without his brothers an' sisters around."

Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted the TK. She was relatively unfazed, having been dealing with kids randomly sprouting super powers at a moment's turn and now she had powers. She just didn't know what.

"That'd be useful."


turns_to_fire January 31 2010, 19:37:46 UTC
Amara wasn't the least bit surprised that Mrs. Guthrie had commandeered the kitchen and she was also sure that not one person would complain about it. She was happy for Sam and his siblings that their mother was here-- despite all the dangers of city-life, who wouldn't love to have a parent here to turn to when things got rough? Still, it couldn't have been easy for her to have been transported here, seeing Jay alive, living in this new environment. But how many people got second chances with their dead children? Amara couldn't decide if this was lucky or unlucky ( ... )


ahhmahbabies January 31 2010, 19:42:52 UTC
"Ah wish Ah can say Ah did child, but that just ain't my bed," she smiled in greeting to Amara. There was a nice, beautiful, and respectable woman. Lucinda knew of Amara as one of Samuel's close friends and she wondered once or two about where their friendship was going. Sammy could use a strong, firm hand and a good influence in his life and Amara rang all the right bells for Lucinda.


turns_to_fire January 31 2010, 19:50:10 UTC
She didn't know how many people would eat but Mrs. Guthrie needed enough plates to put the food on plus some extras for whoever decided to join them at the table. Mugs for coffee or tea, glasses for juice-- Amara hadn't set up an elaborate table setting like this in forever. It was nice. Usually everyone ran downstairs at different times, grabbed whatever they could, and fled out the door to get to whatever they had to do. Already it was starting to feel homier.

"If there's anything you need, please ask me. Not that Sam, Jay or Paige won't have you taken care of," Amara quickly amended. No doubt Sam would make sure that his mother was happy here because if Momma wasn't happy, no one was happy.


ahhmahbabies January 31 2010, 19:53:32 UTC
"Ah don't know about that. They've been in and out, savin' the world an' all," she sighed, rubbing the back of her aching neck. "Usually, it would just be me and the kids helping around an' then them when they came to visit from school. That is, until, you know certain things."


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