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Comments 340

OPEN urbancrawl October 31 2009, 00:17:34 UTC
Well this was fucking fantastic.

Perfect introduction to the City - hello, you're hundreds of years in the past, it isn't a Reservation, and the pigs are not satisfied with merely beating you to a concussion in an alleyway: they're trying to chew your arm off and turn you into a member of the rotting-dick brigade.

Spider, unarmed. Zombies, gurgling and hungry. Brains and YOU: Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse, fresh in his mind. He'd climbed a fire escape and was peering over the roof at the lepric masses, searching his pockets for what had to be the tenth time. Cigarettes. The legion of the undead had arrived and he was out of cigarettes.


In times of dire stress it was only appropriate to vent with vulgarity. Unfortunately, it seemed nobody was around to be either offended or unified. Or were they?


Re: OPEN 20_lbs_of_crazy October 31 2009, 00:26:13 UTC
Offended? No. Unified? Probably not.

Armed with a flamethrower? Yes.

Spider probably didn't even notice the tiny blonde thief also on the roof come up behind him. Which would make sense, given that she routinely snuck up on people before she got her powers. "Really? I was gonna burn them instead."

This was not a comeback. Parker was in extreme literal mode at the moment.


urbancrawl October 31 2009, 00:37:29 UTC
He turned sharply, eyeing the blonde with a face completely devoid of emotion for a moment before his glance shifted to the weapon.

Rudimentary, but as long as it did the job of a proper flamethrower, he wouldn't say jack shit.

"You wouldn't happen to have a cigarette, would you? Carcinoma Angel, preferably, but apparently those haven't been invented yet. Christ. I wouldn't say no to some vasopressin, either."

No, the fetid swarm beneath them was not a top priority at this very moment.


20_lbs_of_crazy October 31 2009, 03:21:33 UTC
She fixed him with an equally deadpan stare, although that was more out of habit than anything else. "Nope, sorry." Parker smirked, patting the flamethrower fondly. "But if you find one, I got a light."

Oh, it did the job of a proper flamethrower, all right.


OPEN! homomachinis October 31 2009, 00:40:33 UTC
[ Mitch had been doing pretty good with avoiding the zombies up until now. That said, he hadn't stayed indoors during the day like he should have, and yes, he'd stupidly gone to the courthouse just like every other day with the intention of catching the mayor for a talk. It was going to happen eventually, but not today, apparently. The man hadn't even shown up for work today. Typical!

So there he was, on high noon, running from zombies. Zombies! ]

What the hell is this night of the living dead shit!?


Re: OPEN! inthecenterfold October 31 2009, 02:28:53 UTC
[ Gojyo had just exited the Porter Tower to discover.... zombies. And lots of them. And Gojyo doesn't like zombies at all. ]


[ And he starts slicing through zombies with his crescent-bladed chain and heading in the direction of the courthouse. He spies the lone not-dead-thing in the crowd and calls out to him. ]



homomachinis October 31 2009, 02:32:49 UTC
[ Mitch's head turns, and he just stares for a moment. The fuck is that guy doing? ]

You're in the fucking City! You always show up in weird places and fucking start killing zombies!?


inthecenterfold October 31 2009, 02:57:31 UTC
Actually - [slice] YEAH I DO! [slice] BECAUSE THEY'RE DEAD! [slice] And what city that's not helpful dude!

[ He seems to be rather good at using that weird weapon. ]


CLOSED (for now?) Kiryu and Alastair hackeralastair October 31 2009, 01:39:32 UTC
Well, it had to happen sooner or later. Luck ran out. After the sun had set and darkness closed in, too. The pack of zombie cops that began to shuffle into the light of the streetlamps outside the abandoned motel were probably just the beginning.

At least the boys were watching for this.

Alastair stood at the window and simply muttered, "Shit."


Re: CLOSED (for now?) Kiryu and Alastair satisfiedsigner October 31 2009, 02:09:13 UTC
Kiryu stepped up behind him, a dangerous grin forming on his face. Finally. He needed something to take out his anger on, and these "cops" were prefect. He'd feel even better destroying them than he would anyone else.

"I'm ready to go," Kiryu said softly, eyes following one of them work its way toward the building. It almost reminded him of when the HIVE's mutants had attacked.

He shoved that thought away almost immediately. Saitou had made it clear he already mattered to him then. Remembering it hurt.


hackeralastair October 31 2009, 02:11:39 UTC
"All right." Alastair turned away from the window - it hadn't really hit him that these things were real until he saw the first one come into the light.

"Lemme just grab my coat and my laptop on the way downstairs. You'll have to do all the dirty work..." His lips twisted briefly in a scowl before he pushed past Kiryu. "I'm useless. All I can do is drive."


satisfiedsigner October 31 2009, 02:25:58 UTC
Kiryu just laughed, slinging his bag onto his back. "Don't worry about it. I'd rather do it all." He turned, following Alastair out and down the stairs. "And you're not useless."


Open! Godmode permission for Guy given by Toast <3 shinygreenjesus October 31 2009, 01:50:00 UTC
Well, he should have expected this, really. It was New York - well, Fake New York - and what homecoming would be complete without shambling hordes of the undead?

He'd spent the day previous with Guy and Saint Walker - the latter was insanely useful, and besides which his eternal optimism was uplifting. Kyle couldn't not like the gentle alien. The fact that his ring constantly hovered around 200% power while he was around? Icing on the delicious green-and-blue cake.

He had started out being fanciful - a steampunk tank to mow down the shambling hordes - but then Guy had whipped out a shotgun and berated Kyle for overthinking things. Traditional was the way to go here ( ... )


*bothers forever* sparklejesus October 31 2009, 04:17:32 UTC
She'd been in the City for six, maybe seven hours, though the time seemed to stretch much longer than that. She was terrified - she was beyond terrified. She was always such scaredy cat about creepy things like this. Ghosts and monsters and dead things; it had been a long time since she would break down and start crying at being attacked by unexpected monsters, but being alone was the worst ( ... )


SO MUCH JESUS HERE. LET ME HELP WITH THAT. HAVE A SAINT. hope_damnit October 31 2009, 20:59:16 UTC
"You have an interesting choice of constructs, Kyle."

It hadn't taken long, but Saint Walker had indeed discovered that the power of hope he wields no longer comes from his ring -- but from himself now. In a way, this is all the more pleasing, but in honor to the Guardians, he continues to wear it.

He holds out his hands, blue light emerging as he forms chains and bonds to the zombies. Walker purposefully does not kill them, but he does not prevent Kyle from doing as he must.

There is a pause, and he notices the woman with the unique hairstyle down below.

"Excuse me! Are you all right?" Saint Walker calls down to her.


GEEZ IT'S LIKE EPICENTER OF HOPE AND CHRIST UP IN HERE. Posting order? What posting order? sparklejesus October 31 2009, 23:46:20 UTC
And, somehow, the strange green man with the strange green shotgun had an even stranger companion. She didn't notice him immediately, her attention more focused on the then blue-chained zombies, but her focus shifted easily.

His features were not precisely easy to determine, but to Bunny's eyes, he did not appear remotely human. Another enemy?! she thought, hand tightening on the Heart Moon Scepter. But... he bound up those monsters. Perhaps he was an ally?

Or perhaps it was a trap.

"I'm all right!" she called back, trying to keep her eyes on both the alien and the zombies both. "Are you?!"


CLOSED finally, a use for my terrified icons! attackbackpack October 31 2009, 02:01:50 UTC
Things were not looking good for Kelton.

There was a pack of zombies that had set what was left of their rotting, unbeating hearts on sinking their teeth into his delicious flesh. He had run away once, screaming bloody murder. They had come back. Twice with the running and screaming and then having to catch his breath. And here they were again. What the bunch lacked in speed, they made up for in perseverance. Or maybe it was some other group of shambling disgusting beasts. Kelton hadn't been looking at them too hard.

Now he had to, because they'd backed him into a corner. Kelton edged backward, away from the gaping maws leaking drool. The one in front was especially eager, making a little hop-shuffle towards him and groaning.

There was a sudden BANG, and out of nowhere, a backpack - black, plastered with badges with sayings ranging from "GOD THINKS" to "FREE TIBET" - flew at the imposing zombie, landing and making impact with a satisfying whump noise ( ... )


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i'm sure there are better out there attackbackpack October 31 2009, 02:49:11 UTC
Kelton felt sorry for bothering her, really he did. But he didn't have that many friends who could fly and make ponies out of ectoplasm. Or that many friends at all in the City. That he'd feel okay with bothering to come save him, that was. Right.

He just barely dodged a swung baton with a squeaking yelp. How could they do that with mostly-gone arms?! Police zombies: even worse than normal zombies. Not quite as bad as chainsaw zombie bikers, though. Thankfully, he glanced up at the sort-of yell. "Sera!" He was saved!

"Ye-yeah!" he wailed up at her, "I - kind of do!"


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