Let's go to the movies.

Oct 05, 2009 16:33

WHO: Rimmer and Raven.
WHERE: Stark Tower at first, then a movie theater.
WHEN: Evening 10/5/09.
SUMMARY: Rimmer's in his happy place, so to celebrate he's taking Raven to the movies. Yeah. That's his idea of a celebration.
FORMAT: Whateva.

Let's go see the staaaaaars! )

† arnold rimmer | ace rimmer, *complete, † raven roth | desdemona

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darkprophecies October 5 2009, 23:50:50 UTC
Raven was still in business mode as she quickly made her way out of her place of work - it usually called for her to be proper with her words, as good of a personal assistant as she could manage to be. She barely watched where she was going, one high-heeled step in front of the other, navigating based on the emotions of people around her alone.

Her eyes were focused hard on the cellphone in her hand, thumb going a mile a minute as she worked at inputting data, replying to texts, anything to wrap up her day and get that last thing in. She was becoming more like Tony every day, it seemed.

However, in her peripheral vision, she saw the car approaching, and quickly went to send one more message out before tucking the cellphone into her bag.


ajrimmer_ssc October 7 2009, 02:42:36 UTC
"Really and truly!" he answered, still grinning. Seeing her smile like that, seeing her excited for something as opposed to the flat calm he'd gotten so accustomed to from her, made his chest tight with...something.

"If I'd known you liked documentaries, I'd have invited you to the cinema well before tonight. I should have known. Come on, then, let's get our seats. Ten dollars says we're the only people in the theater."


darkprophecies October 7 2009, 02:45:03 UTC
"It simply means I can focus on the film, or your emotions, rather than the emotions of a random five-year-old child getting anxious three rows in front of us." the excitement would be written all over her face all night long now.

And with that she takes his arm again.


ajrimmer_ssc October 7 2009, 02:49:04 UTC
His chest swelled with something resembling pride, as he led her to the theater. Here he was, taking his dearest friend out for an evening for something she enjoyed, and he enjoyed, and he was alive and smegging hell, how was this evening even happening? A part of him was waiting for the cosmic "forehead flick," the fickle finger of fate knocking him back down to his previous level of rotten luck.

Life could actually be pleasant, sometimes. Even for him.

"Focusing on my emotions, hm? Voyeur."

If he didn't tease a little, he wouldn't be him.


darkprophecies October 7 2009, 02:59:19 UTC
The laugh rang out loud enough for others passing by to look at her, but she didn't seem distracted by it at all, like she would have normally been otherwise. She nudges at him with her hip.

"Yes, it's an addiction of mine that I've been struggling to get over. It's just so difficult."

Her expression changed only momentarily as a young girl, around the age of four, dashes down the hall ahead of them, squealing something about her excitement to see the newest animated film out - her parents following behind her, as proud as can be. ... So this is how that felt, that youthful excitement she never got to have as a child?
It brought a more serene smile to her face.


ajrimmer_ssc October 7 2009, 03:05:16 UTC
"They should have twelve-step programs for superheroes. Hallo, my name is Raven, and I'm an empath." Oh god, he just did an impression of her. And it was remarkably good.

Then, he raised an eyebrow at the squealing child, wondering why dear old mom and dad weren't holding on to her a touch more tightly. If that were his daughter, he'd have a couple of words to say about running around like that...and then he stopped himself. It was unlikely that he'd ever have a daughter that age, no matter what he did. It was so unlikely that this status of living would last, and even if it did, the one person he'd want to share the duties of parenthood with was gone.

So his was a wry sort of smile.

"Seen and most certainly heard, that one," he muttered.


darkprophecies October 7 2009, 03:08:20 UTC
She really didn't say anything to the impression, only glancing up at him with the most amused look on her face, combined with a thin cocked eyebrow. That would never cease to impress her.

She looked back at the child again as Rimmer muttered his words, and hugged a bit tighter onto his arm.
"Mmn, a child's excitement is something hard to reproduce in later years. She's fortunate to have a family that allows her to express herself, rather than withhold her emotions and feelings. There's no question she wants to see the movie, and that she's been looking forward to it for awhile. She's so free."


ajrimmer_ssc October 7 2009, 03:12:16 UTC
And as they pushed into the, yes, totally empty theater, a couple of little mental tumblers clicked into place for him. Something she'd said earlier about "being new to the emotions." Another little lock fell open, and he looked down at her in the dim, small theater. His free hand moved over hers again, and the door swung closed behind them, leaving them with an illusion of utter privacy.

"Were your emotions forcibly repressed when you were a child?"


darkprophecies October 7 2009, 03:21:48 UTC
It was a strange sudden change of scenery, even if she had been in theaters many times before. From the bright lighting of the theater itself, to this dim lighting - and the sudden contrast of bustling crowds to the near perfect silence. The hundreds of emotions she had been picking up outside faded down to nearly just Arnold. It took her a moment to adjust.

She didn't bother walking much further into the theater, even though they could have if they wanted to, freely.

"It was believed... that if I expressed my emotions, I would be a danger to myself and others, because of my father. They wouldn't even allow me to see my mother often, incase it brought them out."


ajrimmer_ssc October 7 2009, 03:27:04 UTC
For a long, long moment, he didn't answer. Because he was thinking to himself that, god, what he wouldn't have given to be away from his family sooner than he managed it. The thought of faceless strangers keeping him away from his mum was a darkly pleasant one. But then again, the result of what Raven went through had left her...left her...

As bruised and battered as he was, in her own way. Where he gave in to the anger and bitterness and self-loathing and hate, she tried to give her all for a team, tried to build a new family around herself.

"Who's 'they?'" he asked quietly, still standing in the short hall that led into the auditorium proper. "You mentioned this Azar place. Was it somebody there?"


darkprophecies October 7 2009, 03:38:36 UTC
She took a bit of peace in this hallway - it wasn't as open and wide as the rest of the room, but was separated from the crowds. It was... safe. In comparison, of course.

"Azarath." she corrected simply, "Azarath is the name of the place, Azar is the name of the high priestess, a part of my religion. And yes... it was... everyone there." a bit of concern had begun to drip into her features, so she simply looked in the other direction. After all, if he couldn't see it, it didn't necessarily have to be there.

"It was for the safety of the world, they claimed."


ajrimmer_ssc October 7 2009, 03:45:31 UTC
"Smeg," he muttered, disgusted. The safety of the world. That was probably one of the most repulsive things he'd ever heard. To quarantine a child just because of the way she was born, to isolate her and tell her that she could destroy the entire planet, to keep her away from her parents...well, parent, at any event. Her father sounded like a very nasty piece of work.

He opened up his arms and pulled her into a hug, right there against the wall of the hallway. It just felt like something he needed to do, not just for her sake, but his as well. To remind himself that...that while he might make horrible decisions from time to time, while he occasionally had a megalomaniacal bent, at least he was never that bad.



darkprophecies October 7 2009, 03:49:21 UTC
Her natural reaction was to push away from that hug in particular, and declare that everything was fine, that she was stronger for it, or any multitude of things to brush off the negativity of it all. But instead she pressed her forehead into his chest, allowing herself that one moment.

There was more details to it, ones he would probably find out one of these days. She seemed to tell him everything after all. But until then, she'd just keep it at what it was.


ajrimmer_ssc October 7 2009, 03:56:16 UTC
He felt her initial stiffness, and then felt her relax into the hug, and he nodded. In fact, he pressed a small kiss to the crown of her head, on her hair. It was almost an automatic gesture, over before he realized he'd done it.

"I begin to understand why you put up with everybody's negative emotions. Anything to feel, right?"


darkprophecies October 7 2009, 03:58:17 UTC

Her words were a bit muffled by his shirt, but she said them anyway.

"... anything to feel someone else."


ajrimmer_ssc October 7 2009, 04:03:00 UTC
"Oh, Raven..."

His arms tightened around her, and his eyes closed. How very, very much he understood that. The aching need, the pressing want, to leave yourself behind, put down all the hurts, and live somebody else's life for a while. Oh, he got that. He got that in spades, in droves. Only he didn't have the empathy powers; all he could do was retreat further into his own bitterness.

Except around her.

"...I also begin to understand why you say you'd beat my horrible life. I thought at first you were trying to make me feel better, but..."

He trailed off. This was also not a topic of conversation he was expecting to have, on this first night of the rest of his life.


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