and then there was one.

Sep 04, 2009 22:08

WHERE: Random locations around the City.
WHEN: Evening, September 3rd.
SUMMARY: Elaine takes a walk after Mazikeen is Ported out in a bid to not brood in the Lux by herself.
FORMAT: Quicklog.

I close my eyes and hope they do not fade // these remnants of a voice and of a smile. )

† enma ai | hell girl, † watler kovacs | rorschach, † nigel colbie | pike, † n/a | the lobster, † amaterasu | hana yamato, † elaine belloc | n/a, *in progress, *open

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Comments 43

OH WELL THIS IS A SHOCKER /half-asses every tag ever yoursoultokeep September 5 2009, 02:22:54 UTC
[it's become innate for her to understand where people of Elaine's caliber are, and how to find them. quite suddenly, without any noise or special effects, Ai is walking on the street, a few yards behind her. nobody else seems to notice, because she doesn't want them to.]


/DIES OF SHOCK. where is this half-assery you speak of. yahwehbrthright September 5 2009, 02:33:28 UTC
[ Elaine notices, because at close distances, she would be hard-pressed not to sense supernatural auras, and she recognizes it as Ai's because Elaine has come to think of the other as a sort-of friend here and her signature is a familiar one. The only sign she gives that she's aware of the other girl's presence, however, is a slight pause and then a slowing of her pace, giving Ai the chance to catch up if she wanted. ]

[ooc; Ice cream log is up as well, and open to Ai if you want~]


yoursoultokeep September 5 2009, 04:53:08 UTC
[Ai knows that those who Elaine had been close to are gone, now--the feeling of departure was so blatant that anyone with a sense for them would have noticed--and assumes that she will be upset. although the emotion is nothing she's been personally acquainted with for a long time, she understands its nature to a point. silently, she closes in.]

((LOL OH LORD :D: i will probably tag her in sometime soon!))


yahwehbrthright September 5 2009, 05:37:34 UTC
[ It hasn't been difficult to realize that Ai prefers silence, and Elaine is happy to walk together without words for a while, greeting her with a nod and a smile. She had expected to walk alone tonight, but Elaine finds that she appreciates the company. And when she does speak, she chooses a light topic. ]

Thank you for coming to ice cream with us last weekend. I wasn't sure if you'd want to, but I'm glad you did.

[ooc; Excellent X3 &hearts]


I AM SO SORRY FOREVER :( implemented September 5 2009, 02:31:14 UTC
[ Nigel is used to being on his own. Even though he has Alex with him in the City, their friendship is hardly one built on companionship, so it is not out the ordinary that Nigel is here -- sitting alone at one of the stone-slab tables on the east side of the park, playing a game of chess with himself to pass the time. Every so often he checks his watch as a reminder that he shouldn't be too late, but beyond that he's mostly oblivious to the joggers that quietly huff past or the rich women that teeter by, trailing ridiculous-looking dogs. ]


/SOBS ONTO YOU. At least we can have this hideousness now. yahwehbrthright September 5 2009, 02:42:47 UTC
[ When her wanderings take her to the park, Elaine is unsurprised. The scenes of normal, everyday life playing out in front of her imbues her with a sense of peace; a peace that is slowly gaining ground on the pangs of longing she also feels at the sight of mothers herding their children away with the coming evening and groups of friends strolling by, chatting about everything and nothing.

As she walks, she sees a boy who, for all intents and purposes, appeared to be playing chess by himself. Intrigued, she slows down and looks at the position of the pieces curiously, trying to figure out what was going on; she used the play the game with her father-- her adoptive father, before her life took such a drastic swerve with Mona's death. She hadn't been very good at it, but she'd been improving. Belatedly, Elaine realizes that she's staring and glances up somewhat sheepishly to the boy. ]


/HOLDS ELAINE SO CLOSE. AND YOU AS WELL. implemented September 5 2009, 02:56:15 UTC
[ Nigel rarely pays attention to most people, simply because they rarely pay attention to him. So when one of the passersby slow to a crawling halt a few feet away, he assumes at first that it's merely a coincidence. A short glance up, however, reveals that it's him that the stranger -- a teenage girl -- has stopped to look at.

Or, perhaps more accurately, his chess game. Turning his attention back to it, he moves one of the black knights to take a white rook, and then looks up once more. When he speaks, his voice is quiet and polite, a British accent slanting the words. ]

Do you play?


/NEVER LETS GO NOW. EVER. yahwehbrthright September 5 2009, 03:07:05 UTC
[ Caught. She offers him a small, mildly sheepish smile before glancing at the board again. ]

Not very well, and not for a long time. [ She admits that easily, her words similarly tinged with a slight British accent that she hasn't been able (or willing, perhaps) to shake. ]


LMFAO IDK I JUST WANTED TO PLAY HOBO-ALTER-EGO. reactionary September 5 2009, 03:04:09 UTC
[along her way, one Walter Kovacs catches sight of Elaine, leaning against a building with a reconstruction of his "The End is Nigh" sign. there's nothing extremely noteworthy about her, at least to his mortal eyes, but nonetheless he stares at her. unlike most everyone else out tonight, she doesn't seem to be going somewhere specific - just wandering. or so it seems.

something a little different, anyway.]


XD! HOBO-ALTER-EGO DESERVES LOVE TOO. yahwehbrthright September 5 2009, 03:37:29 UTC
[ The weight of the stare makes Elaine pause, and glance back curiously at the rough, grumpy-looking man with the sign. He stands by himself, apart from the rest of the milling crowd of people on the street. She's seen people like him before in London proper, of course, when her parents took her there for some reason or other. Her mother and father usually ignored them, pushing her away sometimes when she stopped to look and wonder. They would never allow her to speak with them, but Elaine sometimes spoke with their ghosts when they came to her.

Here, however, she's not sure whether to approach or not, hesitating. ]


reactionary September 5 2009, 04:19:26 UTC
[she's stopped. and now she's glancing at him, and he tenses up. does she recognize him, somehow? can she see through his "disguise"? Rorschach immediately averts his own hard stare, focusing abruptly on some far-off object in the distance, more parallel to him.]


yahwehbrthright September 5 2009, 04:58:50 UTC
[ She's a little surprised by the abrupt glance away and, before she can really think about it, she's following his gaze before she realizes that the move was likely to avoid her attention. Not wanting to make him uncomfortable, and now utterly uncertain she even would start up a conversation, Elaine just offers him a small smile, gives his sign another curious glance, and moves on. ]


everyone's out tonight lobsters_claw September 5 2009, 03:57:48 UTC
[There's a man sitting on one of the benches in the park. He's got a magazine in his lap that he might be reading. Alternately, he could be observing one of the chess games -- not Nigel's; a few tables down -- from afar. It's hard to tell, with the orange lenses of his glasses reflecting the light and obscuring his eyes. Overall, to normal senses, he's a fairly nondescript fellow in his late 20s in unremarkable clothing, but his aura might seem familiar to the right person.]


all the quiet ones too XD yahwehbrthright September 5 2009, 04:36:31 UTC
[ Having acquired a small piece of bread, Elaine is just looking for a place to sit and feed the birds for a while when she senses the vaguely-familiar aura. It takes her a few seconds to place it; she hasn't come across it directly since her first day here, but she remembers it now. He had recognized who, or more accurately what, she was.

She thinks for a moment, and then takes a seat on the empty bench next to his, shredding some bread for the birds who seem to have sensed a meal coming their way and are now beginning to throng in front of her spot. ]


silent night, creepy night? lobsters_claw September 5 2009, 04:58:32 UTC
[The man doesn't seem to notice her for a few seconds. His ambiguously-placed gaze tips up slightly for a few seconds, more definitely focusing on the chess table with a slight squint. Apparently satisified with what he sees there, he finally turns his head to look at her.]

Hello, Elaine.

[His voice isn't quite what it was on the comm. The basic tone of it is the same, but it's a bit warmer, and it doesn't have that slight echo.]


f-fitting yahwehbrthright September 5 2009, 05:40:30 UTC
[ At the greeting, she's pleasantly surprised and looks over at him with a smile. ]

Hi. The Lobster, right? [ she pauses, thinking ] Or, um, is there a different name I should use since you're out of costume.


sunrisewolf September 5 2009, 04:20:26 UTC
[It is the dead of night on a rootop, and Amaterasu sits on a room, braving the chill and staring at the moon. She concentrates on it, as if attempting to find something within its surface. However, try as she might, there was no small red-and-white rabbit there.

It is different a second time in the City. Restlesssness was something she had not expected to gain this time around]


yahwehbrthright September 5 2009, 04:46:51 UTC
[ Down on the street below, Elaine is also taking a moment to appreciate the moon, though she's not searching for anything in its uneven, glowing surface. Nearby, she senses a strong power signature, and she recalls it from the time she had her slight weather temper. ]


sunrisewolf September 5 2009, 05:13:48 UTC
[So this was the girl that made the City thunder and rumble a while back. With a leap, Ammy jumps from the building and lands with a soft thud in a patch of manifested grass]



yahwehbrthright September 5 2009, 16:27:11 UTC
Hello. [ she greets the deity in Japanese with a smile and a slight bow]

I didn't ask your name last time.


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