
Aug 21, 2011 19:01

WHO: Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes and YOU!
WHERE: The Workshop aka George’s former apartment
WHEN: Sunday through the rest of the week
WARNINGS: Magical trickery.
SUMMARY: In preparation for the upcoming convention, the twins throw production into overdrive. Anyone who volunteered to be a tester, wants to stop by to observe testing/get some product ( Read more... )

† harleen quinzel | harley quinn, † erin hannon | the receptionist, ron weasley | n/a, luna lovegood | loony, ginny weasley | n/a, nymphadora tonks | badger, † robert fischer jr. | the mark, fred weasley | forge, calvin | stupendous man, george weasley | gred, *open

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Comments 244

i_seethestrals August 22 2011, 17:28:44 UTC
[ It was a bit of a mystery as to when Luna wandered in, exactly, but at some point she had! Now, she was examining the display case intently, wondering what she would like to try. ...Or what would explode in her face. ]


byholeystgeorge August 22 2011, 23:00:14 UTC
[Why can't it be both, Luna? George slides on up next to her, looking as pleased as can be with the day so far.]

In search of a recommendation, Ms. Lovegood?


i_seethestrals August 23 2011, 04:02:05 UTC
[ Because that combination is not as fun as you think it is, George. She turns around, smiling, not even slightly surprised to find one of the twins next to her. ]

Well, if it's a recommendation from someone I can trust...

[ In other words: don't prank her too badly, if you must. ]


byholeystgeorge August 23 2011, 17:52:19 UTC
Wounded to the core you’d ever think otherwise. Would hardly suit to have our primary advertiser preoccupied with plotting our demise, now would it?

[He considers for a moment, then actually nabs one of the day dream charms.]

Brand new scenario in this one. Haven’t gotten much feedback from the female element on its enjoyability as yet.


Open, Monday more_surreal August 22 2011, 18:29:48 UTC
After being warned by half the Twins' acquaintances about their proclivities and discussing the possibility of human ear harvesting with Tigger, Calvin was slightly less optimistic about his fantastic new job than he had been before. Slightly. However, the possibility of being employed by magical maniacs if anything only made more excited, so it all balanced out. He was full of energy as he prepared for his first public testing and demonstration of his employers' products.

"Hi guys! What are we starting with today?" he asked, grinning.


byholeystgeorge August 22 2011, 23:05:32 UTC
George is only all too pleased Calvin has ignored the words of wisdom- that is, lies and slander other had offered about the twins and chosen to show up to work. He considered for a moment, hand thoughtfully on his chin, then made his way to a table and tossed a chocolate over at Calvin.

"Here we are. Should be a simple hair-changing charm. Let's see how it works out in this batch."

[ooc: Feel free to make up and crazy side-effects for Calvin, so long as they're non-lethal. The twins would have at least gotten it past the point of being that dangerous...though it could very well still turn him into Cousin It by mistake.]


notsaintly August 23 2011, 02:14:58 UTC
"Fancy yourself a redhead, Calvin?"

Fred is adding liberal amounts of...well, lord only knows what to the pot on the stove. There are several rolls of paper towels nearby, because after the first three pots had spontaneously dissolved or melted, Fred had learned to keep a healty supply of cleaning materials nearby.


This is the HMD's fault more_surreal August 23 2011, 16:39:23 UTC
"Chocolate magic! You guys really are geniuses." He holds up the chocolate, squints at it like a jeweller inspecting a gem, then pops it in his mouth and chews. "Hey, it tastes great too! Just like-"

And then Calvin was a redhead. The change started at the center of his head and spread outwards to his furthest and most unruly bangs. Yet that wasn't all- the bangs bent and folded, his eternally spiky and unkempt hair becoming limper, smoother, cleaner, rearranging itself until it was a perfect copy of the Twins' haircut.

Calvin felt the unfamiliar sensation of hair over his ears and immediately grabbed a mirror. The red looked great, but the style was another story. "My hair! You made my hair neat!" He cried, anguished. "I have a part! I have a style! It looks like my parents just got me ready for a dorky family picture! It looks- combed!"He furiously ran his hands through it, trying to mess it back up, but wherever a hair was brought out of place the charm immediately returned it to its proper Weasleyesque position, strands moving ( ... )


HELLO DEARS, YOU WERE LOOKING FOR AN INVESTOR. dreamsonaplane August 22 2011, 20:19:08 UTC
[Why would he even be at a magic store? Ever since Zatanna told him about Magic*Con and all about it, for some odd reason it became the Jackie-Chan game (DON'T THINK ABOUT JACKIE CHAN).

But there he was, a very stern looking businessman in a very fun store.]


OH, MR. FISCHER. YOU HEARD THEIR SIREN CALL byholeystgeorge August 22 2011, 23:09:16 UTC
[And here comes George, a very happy looking man in a brown suit and purple tie to tend to this stern (and possibly lost) soul.]

Hello, good sir. Welcome to the trial-branch of Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes.


THIS WILL BE GLORIOUS. notsaintly August 23 2011, 02:16:14 UTC
[ and fred just trailing along behind george with a matching smile. ]

Anything strike your fancy?


OH CRAP. dreamsonaplane August 23 2011, 03:51:54 UTC
No, nothing. [but he is curious. is this what a wizarding store actually looks like? he ends up looking past them and at a shelf in somewhere beyond one of them.]


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byholeystgeorge August 23 2011, 00:47:45 UTC
[George returns the grin as he spots the girl scurrying around the store.]

Hello there, miss. Now there's the type of enthusiasm that makes the trade worth while.


(The comment has been removed)

byholeystgeorge August 23 2011, 21:58:00 UTC
At the moment, sampling's free. Mainly because the kinks aren't quite worked out yet, so it's tasters risk.

[He tosses her a reassuring smile, though.]

Nothing too risky, however. Have to think of the children and all.


LET'S GO WITH LIKE tuesday. not_polish August 23 2011, 03:29:01 UTC
[she had come due to the explosions and the fact that an open door with sparkling letters on it was, in fact, a welcomed sight.

and she actually decided to stay for a few minutes because. well, she could appreciate wacky business ideas, and those Day Dream Charms have certainly caught her fancy.

as of right now she's examining a random product, but will probably eventually take that charm for a spin eventually. funny how magic seems to be cropping up all over the place around here.]


byholeystgeorge August 23 2011, 17:45:33 UTC
[And George only takes a moment or two after disengaging with his last custom to slide on up to her. He's always had an appreciation for the pretty sort of girl, but this one...seems to demand a bit of extra attention. And for once in his life he's managed to reach her before Fred. It must be his lucky year.]

Anything catch your eye, miss?


not_polish August 23 2011, 19:38:06 UTC
[Sally doesn't sense him siding up next to her, so there's a slight jump to her when he finally speaks.

she throws a hand to her heart, still holding the product (some kind of chocolate because what woman doesn't love chocolate) in the other.]

Oh! [she laughs. a genuine one.] Nothin' yet. I was just...y'know, looking. It's not often someone opens shop up in the MAC.

[she notes the accent.]

Sounds like there's been a whole lot of Brits bein' brought to the City nowadays.


byholeystgeorge August 23 2011, 21:56:53 UTC
Bit of an invasion, isn't it? But only of the best kind.

[Winning smile, winning smile, oh fuck his life he's not very good at those without looking like he's guilty of something. Because that's when he usually uses them.]

And it's only a temporary set up for the moment, until business is big enough to allow a larger premise.


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