WHO: Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes and YOU!
WHERE: The Workshop aka George’s former apartment
WHEN: Sunday through the rest of the week
WARNINGS: Magical trickery.
SUMMARY: In preparation for the upcoming convention, the twins throw production into overdrive. Anyone who volunteered to be a tester, wants to stop by to observe testing/get some product
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and she actually decided to stay for a few minutes because. well, she could appreciate wacky business ideas, and those Day Dream Charms have certainly caught her fancy.
as of right now she's examining a random product, but will probably eventually take that charm for a spin eventually. funny how magic seems to be cropping up all over the place around here.]
Anything catch your eye, miss?
she throws a hand to her heart, still holding the product (some kind of chocolate because what woman doesn't love chocolate) in the other.]
Oh! [she laughs. a genuine one.] Nothin' yet. I was just...y'know, looking. It's not often someone opens shop up in the MAC.
[she notes the accent.]
Sounds like there's been a whole lot of Brits bein' brought to the City nowadays.
[Winning smile, winning smile, oh fuck his life he's not very good at those without looking like he's guilty of something. Because that's when he usually uses them.]
And it's only a temporary set up for the moment, until business is big enough to allow a larger premise.
[she's well-acquainted with smiling the guilt away. not that she does it, but she's known other boyish men who've done similar.
whatever the case, she offers him a smile in return. her interest is piqued at the mention of expanding a business.]
You're lookin' to expand your horizons, hon?
[He placed a dramatic hand over his heart, the grin still surfacing despite the attempt at a shocked expression.]
No disapproval whatsoever. I think the lot of you are a lovely group.
[it's totally the accent. americans are suckers for the british accent.]
Y'know...there is one thing that interested me...
[her voice trails off and again, she looks towards the Day Dream Charms.]
The lady has excellent taste. One of our best creations. Offers a thirty-minute daydream, with a variety of scenarios to select from. Pirates and Knights tended toward the more popular.
[Sally runs a nail lightly against her lower lip, considering.]
Well, I do like supporting young entrepreneurs, havin' been one myself back in the day.
Meaning yesterday, miss? Though, I suppose I could imagine you off devastating industry from the playpen.
there's a laugh, and a playful light push against his shoulder.]
Oh you flatter me, honey. I'm not sayin' I'm that old either, but I'm not that young either.
[she's being humble.]
[He presents the charm to her with a dramatic flourish.]
[She takes the charm and looks it over.]
So, how does it work?
[George taps the box with his wand, exposing the...well, vial of liquid within. They really swear they're not drug dealers.]
Just settle down and take a deep breath of it.
[Sally takes the vial, looking at it quizzically. something about this feels...well, illegal. inhaling unknown liquid wasn't exactly something a ~lady~ like her should do.
but putting away glasses of alcohol wasn't very ladylike either so........
by settle down, she takes it to mean sit down, so she takes a seat on one of the cushions. there's another second before she does anything with it, and then places the vial beneath her face and thinks 'to hell with it' as she takes a deep breath.]
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