
Aug 21, 2011 19:01

WHO: Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes and YOU!
WHERE: The Workshop aka George’s former apartment
WHEN: Sunday through the rest of the week
WARNINGS: Magical trickery.
SUMMARY: In preparation for the upcoming convention, the twins throw production into overdrive. Anyone who volunteered to be a tester, wants to stop by to observe testing/get some product ( Read more... )

† harleen quinzel | harley quinn, † erin hannon | the receptionist, ron weasley | n/a, luna lovegood | loony, ginny weasley | n/a, nymphadora tonks | badger, † robert fischer jr. | the mark, fred weasley | forge, calvin | stupendous man, george weasley | gred, *open

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Comments 244

Yeah yeah Jade is gone THIS IS TOMORROW OKAY respaces August 22 2011, 00:19:26 UTC
[Jade is surprisingly not regretting her decision to volunteer just yet. She peers around the room, clearly impressed by all this awesome magical stuff floating about.

Minus the first aid kits. Those are pretty worrying.]

Um, hi!


WELCOME BACK? byholeystgeorge August 22 2011, 00:23:04 UTC
Hello, hello.

[George pokes his head out of the kitchen with a wide grin.]

Heard rumor you'd pulled a bit of a vanishing trick of your own.


:D respaces August 22 2011, 22:14:10 UTC
[She grins.]

Yes! I went back home, but only for a few days.


byholeystgeorge August 22 2011, 22:49:41 UTC
Ah, that's not so bad, then. Pleasure to have you back.

[He waves a hand at the tables.]

And in such a timely manner.


ginnydor August 22 2011, 00:34:34 UTC
[ Ginny is perched, probably unhelpfully, on the corner of one of the tables. She is literally surrounded by products and is trying very hard not to interfere with any of them except for the Day Dream Charms she's currently examining. She fully expects the shop to be an unbridled success, just like it was at home. ]

Out of interest, what're you two charging for all this? [ Yes, she still can't work Muggle money, what of it? ]


byholeystgeorge August 22 2011, 00:48:50 UTC
For relations or for the rest, sister dear?

[George happily leans against the table next to her to munch on some of the more harmless candies- just ignore as his ears start smoking a little. Or a lot. The holey one results in some interesting smoke patterns, at least.]


ginnydor August 22 2011, 21:16:22 UTC
Both actually. All this paper money is a bit mad, I’d have no idea what to charge anyone.

[ Ginny looks up with some alarm when she notices the smoke coming out of his ears. ]

George--! Why is your head pretending to be a kettle?


byholeystgeorge August 22 2011, 22:53:13 UTC
Eh? Oh, s'alright. Just a bit of a side-effect.

[That he might just leave in there rather than work out, since it was pretty neat.]

But bloody confusing with the money. Got us a guide somewhere around here on the suggestion of a find young lady over the box...But whatever price we work out, never fear. It'll be double for relations.


Monday fliesacomet260 August 22 2011, 02:24:16 UTC
[ Tonks has never gotten to see the Twins work. Oh, she's seen a few of their products. The Canary Creams are an especial favorite of hers but she's never actually witnessed what work went into their products.

She pokes her head into the apartment. Tonks peaks before finally stepping in and getting hit in the head by one of the floating first-aid kits. ]


[ Tonks swats it away. ]


:D byholeystgeorge August 22 2011, 16:33:56 UTC
[There's unabashed laughter at that, and a grinning George flicks his wand to send the kit rushing over to a far corner of the room.]

Oi, Tonks. Don't they teach Aurors 'bout this sort of thing?


fliesacomet260 August 22 2011, 16:43:14 UTC
Let's be honest George, most of the Aurors are not prepared at all to deal with you and Fred.

[ Tonks is only half joking with her comment. ]


byholeystgeorge August 22 2011, 17:05:12 UTC
I do believe that is one of the nicest things anyone has ever said to us.

[It really is a lucky thing they only use their powers for good. Or at least only well-intentioned evil.]


Saturday hairwasmyroom August 22 2011, 02:56:58 UTC
[Erin peers in the open door timidly, then looks up at the sparkling letters again. She has no idea what this is all about, but she's definitely curious.]



byholeystgeorge August 22 2011, 16:34:54 UTC
Hello, hello.

[George tilts his head, smiling at her cheerfully.]

Come for a trial?


hairwasmyroom August 22 2011, 18:34:41 UTC
A trial?

[Still, she steps inside, smiling back.]

I'm not sure what this is, I was just passing and I thought the letters outside the door looked really cool.


byholeystgeorge August 22 2011, 22:54:56 UTC
All, Freddie's work. Be sure to tell him.

[He gestures towards the table.]

You're in luck. You've stumbled upon our first open house. Have a bit of a sweet tooth by any chance?


fyeahcannons August 22 2011, 09:17:25 UTC
Ron knew he should've just left well enough alone and not wandered down to see what the explosions were about, because of course it was Fred and George. That thought in itself was enough to make his head spin. Fred and George, matched set. Made him ache, practically. He worked with George now that he was done with the Aurors, and he tried to be as close to his older brother as he could be, but it would never be anything near what Fred had been.

So he was in between the compulsive need that had apparently grown in him to mother-hen and the thought that maybe he should just let them be while they could be.

Compulsion won out. He entered the open apartment and gave it a somewhat critical once-over before frowning. "Oh, yes. Band-aides and burn ointment. That'll solve everything."


byholeystgeorge August 22 2011, 16:41:21 UTC
“Now, mum,” George tutted from his seat on one of the cushions, “no need to make that face. S’all perfectly safe. Relatively speaking.”

George was more than aware that the first aid kids would, likely, indeed be next to useless in the face of an actual emergency, but, really, the effort should be appreciated. Ron’s warnings had gotten to him a bit more than he’d ever admit…but with Fred here and whole and so eager to get the business again, no amount of common sense about a few teens possibly ending up in a magically induced coma for a bit could make George say no to that. This was the only time he’d get with his twin ever, ever again. The finality of that statement was enough to keep him up nights just so he could listen to Fred breathe in his sleep, and it was certainly enough to quiet any objections that he might have been tempted to make.


fyeahcannons August 22 2011, 22:40:50 UTC
Ron frowned even deeper at the immediate mum-related retort. That was the kind of thing usually reserved, at least in the past, for Percy. He still wasn't much like Percy, thank you very much. He was just concerned. He cared about both his brothers and the shop, but that didn't mean he'd let even his own kids do something like this.

"Just don't come to me when you get into trouble for this." This said, of course, knowing that he'd be there even if they did get into trouble. "I hope you're practicing a little restraint in trying not to pulp up peoples' insides, at least."


byholeystgeorge August 22 2011, 22:58:00 UTC
"Would hardly be good for business, would it?"

But of course Ron will get dragged into helping them patch up whatever trouble they cause, it's not even a question. It's just a matter of waiting to see what particular form that trouble ended up taking. In the City, the options were a bit more varied than back home.

"Come now, Ron. Have a seat, watch the entertainment. Oversee the day in a bit of comfort to go with the disapproval."


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