WHO: Bat-family! Tag yourselves in. Threadjacking encouraged! No posting order.
WHERE: Oracle's Place.
WHEN: Christmas Day, All Day!
WARNINGS: ...Bat-Family Christmas?
SUMMARY: It's Christmas! There are gifts and way too many decorations and Christmas cookies and Christmas dinner and it will be awkward and awesome and Christmasy.
FORMAT: Whatever?
And so it is Christmas...and what have you done? )
"I think you're lucky that Charlie didn't want you to do something like kidnap Santa," Josh said as he began to help her untangle herself from the lights.
"Kidnapping would be bad, and Charlie doesn't do bad. So I think you're safe from kidnapping duty."
Plus, maybe he'll meet a few more of her friends this way.
"Merry Christmas."
"Merry Christmas to you too," he told her. "This place looks amazing."
she twisted around, leaning back against him lightly as she pointed towards an empty spot, the same one she'd been discussing what Cass earlier. "A little Charlie Brown kinda tree right there."
"You totally need another tree there," Josh agreed, even though he thought she had gone on tree overkill about two trees ago. "A little Charlie Brown one."
She sighed. Maybe she'd just get it afterwards. It wasn't like there was a rule, right? You could always add another tree. Of course, she wasn't sure how long before Babs and the other girls got sick of the decorations anyway...
Charlie would've kept the lights up forever, if she could.
She wrapped her arms around his lightly and half-turned to look up at him. "Everybody I invited is coming, did you see?" She's honestly extremely surprised.
"Yeah, I did see," he said, grinning down at her before leaning in to kiss the tip of her nose. "It's because they know you throw an awesome Christmas party. Speaking of which... do you want to open your present now?"
"Now is always the perfect time for gifts." She stated firmly.
Finally she just gave up and opened it without guessing, yanking the wrapping paper off and nearly dropping the top as she pulled it off. When she saw the tickets though, she just froze up for a second, her eyes wide.
"Dude. ...Does that say Disney World?"
"It's for three days and two nights before we go back to school. I even talked to Barbara and she said it was okay for you to stay the night so long as you bounced back home once a day to check in. I mean, obviously I got us separate rooms..."
"You are the best boyfriend ever." She finally said, quite firmly, and then promptly hugged him.
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