Dec 19, 2010 10:37

WHO: AHAHAHAHA. Just... just tag yourselves in.
WHERE: The Gorsewick Hotel
WHEN: December 19th. 5PM-7PM for setup, 7PM onward for dinner.
WARNINGS: Let's just cover for your basics unless something more specific comes up.
SUMMARY: Miles Edgeworth and Remus Lupin are hosting the second comm-wide holiday party and have rented out the dining hall in ( Read more... )

doctor zoidberg | the lovable tramp, † leo | n/a, † rachel grey | marvel girl, jonathan crane | scarecrow, lyra silvertongue | lizzie brooks, † shockwave | n/a, † jonah matsuka | n/a, nymphadora tonks | badger, james potter | prongs, † eleanor lamb | big sister, † nico di angelo | the ghost king, seras victoria | n/a, † castor | father castor, † haruka toyama | n/a, toph bei fong | blind bandit, † ysera | the dreamer, sanji | mr. prince, terra | esper terra, zelgadis | greywords, alastair | hacker, † aphrodite | goddess of love, topher brink | n/a, † miles edgeworth | the law, † bruno | dark glass, † obi-wan kenobi | the negotiator, *open, † bakura ryou | shiromadoushi, trowa barton | n/a, † querl dox | brainiac 5, † remus lupin | moony, † james rogers | n/a, † himuro maruko | rex, lily evans potter | the doe, hank mccoy | beast, † roronoa zoro | pirate hunter zoro, ruka | gallitrap, fred weasley | forge, † cheshire cat | oreo, severus snape | the potion master, *in progress, ted kord | blue beetle ii, † hiruma youichi | devil ace, † edna mode | e, † annabeth chase | the architect, peter parker | spider-man, dr. franken stein | n/a, soldier blue | n/a, carrie kelley | redbird, † quatre winner | sandrock, bellatrix lestrange | n/a, † lina inverse | what the hell is this, † marceline | n/a, calvin | stupendous man, † yuugi mutou | king of games

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Comments 1024

Setup bluffing_ruffle December 19 2010, 16:37:50 UTC
The Gorsewick Hotel is beginning to fill with the mouth-watering smells of all manner of food and drink, either pre-ordered and delivered or presently being made in the hotel's kitchen. The dining hall is undergoing rapid but generally elegant redecoration. Massive amounts of tableware are slowly and carefully being set out. And that's not to mention, of course, the other things going on behind the scenes before the majority of guests arrive...

If you offered to show up early to lend a hand, consider yourself home!


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/lives, finally bluffing_ruffle December 19 2010, 19:14:46 UTC
Edgeworth seemed to be busy staring down a turkey as harshly as if it were a criminal on the witness stand when Bakura entered the main hall. In fact, it probably wouldn't have been too surprising to see him Object! to it, but he spared himself and everyone else in the room from such an embarrassment, finally deciding that it was just fine and needed no further inspection.

He turned, watching Bakura come in with an armload, and nodded approvingly. Punctuality did a lot to impress him, and so did people's willingness to work.

"On the rounded tables, if you please."


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Greetings and Arrivals bluffing_ruffle December 19 2010, 16:38:27 UTC
Welcome to the lobby! You might not be staying the night, but both the bellhop and the front desk clerk remain good-natured, offering genuine smiles and helpful directions to any who need them. Our resident pair of hosts will be in and out between their other duties. Please feel free to also mingle with each other and introduce yourselves to some of the other guests (familiar or otherwise) as you arrive. While you're in no way forced to be polite, you might want to keep in mind that a good first impression can go a long way, sometimes...


bluepurrymuffin December 19 2010, 18:19:53 UTC
Hank arrives in a black tuxedo. This is what happens when you use James Bond's tailors. He has a rather large picnic basket in his right hand, and he's not entirely certain what he's meant to do with it.


incywincyhero December 19 2010, 20:59:12 UTC
In contrast, Spidey is wearing a cheap suit over his costume, and looks about as ridiculous as you would expect. Seeing Hank, he wanders over with a little wave.

"What's up, Doc?"


bluepurrymuffin December 19 2010, 21:05:30 UTC
Hank turns to see the wall-crawler and extends his hand in greeting.

"Ah, Spider-Man! I see you've decided to join us. And rather an interesting choice of wardrobe, too."

He lifts the basket and ponders it a little. "I'm trying to figure out where I'm intended to drop off these muffins! I should, perhaps, have come earlier, but I have a number of things I've been busy with over the past few days, and simply couldn't manage it."


Argument bluffing_ruffle December 19 2010, 16:38:45 UTC
[Reserved. Do not reply.]


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bluffing_ruffle December 20 2010, 20:23:18 UTC
It's nearly 7:30 and Edgeworth is not pleased with the disappearance of his fellow host; if they are to present some sort of proper image, it requires them both to be in attendance and in a good mood.

They are not, and he is rapidly losing his ability to maintain the second.

Having already checked the second floor hallways after being told by the caterers that there were vending machines up there, he'd sent them all off to get the last few supplies from the truck before the dinner started, following them into the lobby.

It's then that he rounds the corner of the wall and catches sight of Remus by the sofas, stalking over to him, a storm brewing behind the cold grey eyes...

"Do you intend to assist me, or simply stand there like a lemon?"


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The Dinner Itself bluffing_ruffle December 19 2010, 16:39:30 UTC
For better or for worse, it's time to eat, and there's definitely enough to go around! The food arranged on twin monster sets of tables runs from full-on vegetarian to completely meat-centric, hitting every stop on the way and then some. Equally wide-ranging is the drink selection, covering the obvious choice of water as well as multiple kinds of sodas, juices, alcohol, and teas (so many teas); it even goes so far as to include the Energon-lookalike cocktail concocted for last year's party ( ... )


[open] temporaltossed December 19 2010, 19:40:52 UTC
She's sitting alone, not really feeling the holiday spirit, and picking at the food on her plate. She has to admit that the spread, the whole party really is amazing and she feels terrible about not enjoying it more, but she can't help it. Last year at this time she was contemplating ski wear and what to get her family for the X-Men's huge ski-trip holiday extravaganza. This year she's got no family, her boyfriend just disappeared, and she's hanging on by a thread. If it weren't for the X-Men that were here, she might have just given up.

As it is, she's barely being sociable.


bluepurrymuffin December 19 2010, 20:36:22 UTC
After he's done a fair bit of mingling, dinner is announced and Hank begins to contemplate where to sit. Seeing Rachel looking fairly forlorn, he comes around beside her and pulls out an adjacent chair.

"Is this seat open?"


temporaltossed December 19 2010, 21:08:43 UTC
"Always." She gave a slight smile to Hank as he sat, a familiar face from what was definitely a better time in her life.


Discovery Time bluffing_ruffle December 19 2010, 16:40:43 UTC
Perhaps you went for a smoke, or wanted a breath of fresh air. Maybe you're just full and sleepy and would like to go home. Hell, someone might even be trying to call you a cab as you drunkenly stumble across the lobby, keys in hand and a lopsided grin firmly in place. However it happens, you have a problem: it's unnervingly light out, for a late winter's evening--maybe a little too light. It's not often the sun shines so brightly it whites out your vision.



That's not the sun.

It's ice and snow. Tons of it, packed in tight all around the hotel, and seemingly not going anywhere anytime soon.

...Funny. The weatherman didn't call for a sudden, highly-localized blizzard. Impenetrable containment fields? Also probably not on the 7-day forecast.



[open] precog_princess December 20 2010, 00:20:20 UTC
Haruka has premonition vibes about these sorts of things. She hadn't sensed anything bad for most of the evening, but that nagging feeling in the back of her head was hard to ignore as the night grew longer. But she didn't want to mention it to anyone else just yet, in case she was wrong. She was still trying to figure out her City powers, after all.

But by the time she's crossed the lobby, finding her coat and taking it off the hangar, the brightness from outside definitely has her wary.

Especially when she tries to open the door -- Haruka immediately gets danger signs going off in her head not to try prying it open. Not unless she wanted the lobby to flood with huge packs of snow.

"Um... everyone...?" Haruka calls, though not very loudly. Maybe it was just a prank someone had done on the hotel, covering the door with snow like that. She didn't remember anything about a blizzard today...


unastregadoro December 20 2010, 16:38:29 UTC

Beatrice has been standing behind Haruka the entire time, looking perplexed. Not good in that now she's now stuck in the same place, but...she could still have her cake and eat it since everyone else is stuck as well.

Of course, she's not going to make her planned shenanigans known to Haruka at this very moment. "Well, it has been frightfully cold out as of recent; move aside. Just for precautionary measures---it is still snowing out---I'm going to seal the door shut until it stops, just to avoid an avalanche."

And with that, Beatrice snaps her fingers---which are glowing---and thick chains made of light quickly wrap themselves around the door.

She may have other purposes in mind for doing so besides preventing everyone from being buried in snow.


hackeralastair December 20 2010, 17:28:53 UTC
Alastair came up in time to see that, his jacket already on. "Hey, what did you do that for...? Holy shit!" He could see the snow packed around the door, it was as if they had been buried in an avalanche. And that was cause for panic. "Wh-what the hell? What happened? Where did all that snow come from?! It wasn't snowing when we got here!"

He rounded on Beatrice as if to accuse her of doing it.


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