Dec 19, 2010 10:37

WHO: AHAHAHAHA. Just... just tag yourselves in.
WHERE: The Gorsewick Hotel
WHEN: December 19th. 5PM-7PM for setup, 7PM onward for dinner.
WARNINGS: Let's just cover for your basics unless something more specific comes up.
SUMMARY: Miles Edgeworth and Remus Lupin are hosting the second comm-wide holiday party and have rented out the dining hall in ( Read more... )

doctor zoidberg | the lovable tramp, † leo | n/a, † rachel grey | marvel girl, jonathan crane | scarecrow, lyra silvertongue | lizzie brooks, † shockwave | n/a, † jonah matsuka | n/a, nymphadora tonks | badger, james potter | prongs, † eleanor lamb | big sister, † nico di angelo | the ghost king, seras victoria | n/a, † castor | father castor, † haruka toyama | n/a, toph bei fong | blind bandit, † ysera | the dreamer, sanji | mr. prince, terra | esper terra, zelgadis | greywords, alastair | hacker, † aphrodite | goddess of love, topher brink | n/a, † miles edgeworth | the law, † bruno | dark glass, † obi-wan kenobi | the negotiator, *open, † bakura ryou | shiromadoushi, trowa barton | n/a, † querl dox | brainiac 5, † remus lupin | moony, † james rogers | n/a, † himuro maruko | rex, lily evans potter | the doe, hank mccoy | beast, † roronoa zoro | pirate hunter zoro, ruka | gallitrap, fred weasley | forge, † cheshire cat | oreo, severus snape | the potion master, *in progress, ted kord | blue beetle ii, † hiruma youichi | devil ace, † edna mode | e, † annabeth chase | the architect, peter parker | spider-man, dr. franken stein | n/a, soldier blue | n/a, carrie kelley | redbird, † quatre winner | sandrock, bellatrix lestrange | n/a, † lina inverse | what the hell is this, † marceline | n/a, calvin | stupendous man, † yuugi mutou | king of games

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Discovery Time bluffing_ruffle December 19 2010, 16:40:43 UTC
Perhaps you went for a smoke, or wanted a breath of fresh air. Maybe you're just full and sleepy and would like to go home. Hell, someone might even be trying to call you a cab as you drunkenly stumble across the lobby, keys in hand and a lopsided grin firmly in place. However it happens, you have a problem: it's unnervingly light out, for a late winter's evening--maybe a little too light. It's not often the sun shines so brightly it whites out your vision.



That's not the sun.

It's ice and snow. Tons of it, packed in tight all around the hotel, and seemingly not going anywhere anytime soon.

...Funny. The weatherman didn't call for a sudden, highly-localized blizzard. Impenetrable containment fields? Also probably not on the 7-day forecast.



[open] precog_princess December 20 2010, 00:20:20 UTC
Haruka has premonition vibes about these sorts of things. She hadn't sensed anything bad for most of the evening, but that nagging feeling in the back of her head was hard to ignore as the night grew longer. But she didn't want to mention it to anyone else just yet, in case she was wrong. She was still trying to figure out her City powers, after all.

But by the time she's crossed the lobby, finding her coat and taking it off the hangar, the brightness from outside definitely has her wary.

Especially when she tries to open the door -- Haruka immediately gets danger signs going off in her head not to try prying it open. Not unless she wanted the lobby to flood with huge packs of snow.

"Um... everyone...?" Haruka calls, though not very loudly. Maybe it was just a prank someone had done on the hotel, covering the door with snow like that. She didn't remember anything about a blizzard today...


unastregadoro December 20 2010, 16:38:29 UTC

Beatrice has been standing behind Haruka the entire time, looking perplexed. Not good in that now she's now stuck in the same place, but...she could still have her cake and eat it since everyone else is stuck as well.

Of course, she's not going to make her planned shenanigans known to Haruka at this very moment. "Well, it has been frightfully cold out as of recent; move aside. Just for precautionary measures---it is still snowing out---I'm going to seal the door shut until it stops, just to avoid an avalanche."

And with that, Beatrice snaps her fingers---which are glowing---and thick chains made of light quickly wrap themselves around the door.

She may have other purposes in mind for doing so besides preventing everyone from being buried in snow.


hackeralastair December 20 2010, 17:28:53 UTC
Alastair came up in time to see that, his jacket already on. "Hey, what did you do that for...? Holy shit!" He could see the snow packed around the door, it was as if they had been buried in an avalanche. And that was cause for panic. "Wh-what the hell? What happened? Where did all that snow come from?! It wasn't snowing when we got here!"

He rounded on Beatrice as if to accuse her of doing it.


bluffing_ruffle December 20 2010, 20:31:19 UTC
Miles could hear a commotion going on from the other side of the dining hall's doors and opened them to peer out at the small crowd beginning to form in the lobby.

And then, seeing the press of white up against the doors, decided it would... probably be for the best if he went to clean up the kitchen. A lot. For a good portion of the next hour or two. Where almost nobody would be. Yes.


precog_princess December 20 2010, 22:01:30 UTC
Haruka tended to look more towards Alastair when people started approaching - it was at least someone she knew. Beatrice, on the other hand, she was a little wary about. Especially since she'd snuck on her unaware... Mamoru would have another fit. Haruka really needed to be more alert to her surroundings...

"Um," she tried speaking up, looking toward her floormate, "the snow was there before she came by. I don't know what caused it." She frowned somewhat, looking back outside - though the chains kind of hindered her view.

Something made her turn around, though, and she noticed Edgeworth hurriedly going off somewhere. Haruka's mouth twitched in response, her premonition abilities telling her to go after him - which she did. If he knew something, then maybe there was a way out.


bluffing_ruffle December 21 2010, 14:38:13 UTC
Edgeworth thought he would be safe in the dining hall again; with so many people still inside, spotting him would have been difficult, right?


That was what he got for wearing that particular suit, really. Hard to miss a fellow standing around in shades of purplish-red.

"May I help you?" he asked, trying to hide his nervousness.


precog_princess December 21 2010, 17:16:33 UTC
Hard to miss, indeed.

Haruka narrowed her eyes a little, examining Edgeworth carefully. The nervousness was apparent, and, like Mamoru would, she needed to investigate. "Do you know what happened?" she asked slowly, watching his face for any signs of a clue.


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bluffing_ruffle December 21 2010, 14:40:37 UTC
"Y-yes, of course it is," he said, turning to hide the fact that he'd been startled by the young man's declaration. "Very well done. Excellent job. I'll merely have a look around to be sure."

He cleared his throat and busied himself hiding in the main food storeroom under the pretense of counting cans of creamed corn and such.


approx 8:30 [open] bluepurrymuffin December 20 2010, 21:30:10 UTC
Hank excused himself after dinner, as he had much to do the following day. As he tried to open the front door, he found it gave an astounding level of resistance! Not so much a problem for a man with super-strength, and he managed to convince it to open only to find...endless winter.

"Oh my stars and garters."


carrytheshield December 21 2010, 01:36:55 UTC
James felt better than he did when he decided to attend the party, but it was probably time for him to go home and check on Gerry. He wasn't far behind the large, furry blue man on the way out. When he pushed the door open and there was a rush of cold air, James took a couple steps to the side so he could get a good look and stared.

"Is that ice? How did that get there?"


bluepurrymuffin December 21 2010, 01:52:27 UTC
Hank hadn't decided whether to go outside for a look or close the door, so he just stood there in the cold wind, uncertain of what to make of any of it.

"More than ice, it looks like a blizzard! But...is that something beyond it?"

He made up his mind, and shielding his eyes, he walked through the door.


carrytheshield December 21 2010, 01:56:24 UTC
"Is that supposed to happen here? How are we going to get home?" James asked, continuing to ask questions. He hadn't seen so much ice or snow since the flight away from his home.

He moved closer to the door to try to look out and watch the furry man.


bluepurrymuffin December 21 2010, 02:13:25 UTC
"I don't know," Hank said, matter-of-factly as he ventured further into the snow. He made sure to shout, loud enough that the wind wouldn't carry it off, "Make sure the front desk clerk knows!"

He made it about twenty feet before he saw any kind of break in the white. At a certain point, it just stopped As he reached toward the boundary, he got a better idea, and ended up knocking on some kind of barrier. This would have to be tested.


carrytheshield December 21 2010, 02:18:34 UTC
"Make sure who knows?" James shouted, worried. This was not good. He was worried about the guy going into that alone, but James wasn't dressed for that kind of weather.


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