WHO: Eleanor Lamb and Sirius Black
WHERE: Outside the MAC, then on a motorcycle then...somewhere else!
WHEN: Friday, 11/19
WARNINGS: Teenagers?
SUMMARY: Sirius offers to show Eleanor his motorbike.
FORMAT: Paragraph
Eleanor stepped out of the doors of the MAC and into the cold evening afternoon air... )
He touches down easily on the sidewalk next to her, to the surprise and dismay of the other pedestrians and gives her a big grin.
"Well good morning! ...Aren't you cold?"
Sirius 'Highly Observant' Black, folks.
He keeps his face pointed carefully forward as her hands settle.
"I will make every attempt to be a comforting anchor for you, Ms Lamb." He then kicks the bike into a comforting roar, guns it to a sudden and comforting speed, and tilts it comfortingly up into the air.
When the motorcycle kicked off the ground, Eleanor made what was probably the first shout of genuine fear she had made in years. It was almost a squeak really, and the hands on Sirius's sides tightened their grip noticeably. At first her eyes were closed, but she opened them slowly, just a tad, and watched the sides of buildings pass as they moved onward and upward.
Her grip relaxed...but only a tiny bit. And she may have murmured something about not looking down.
"There, that's the worst of it over. And if you don't want to look downwards, look outwards!"
The whole city is spread out beneath them in the crisp morning light. It extends beyond the glittering river, but from this height, there are hints of a wider landscape outside of the city: forests and fields and roads leading through and beyond them. A glimpse and a reminder that there's a wide world out there.
"Sometimes I forget that everything is so much...bigger...here than in Rapture." She said, quietly, though loud enough he could hear considering she was sitting behind him. "Or just that everything feels bigger here because there isn't any water everywhere." Yes, she's still scared. But at least she's talking.
And no, that grip isn't any less grippy.
"If you love a place, it's all the world you need sometimes. But since we're away from our own places, it can't hurt to explore a bit, eh?"
It's a little tingly, getting gripped by a girl while Miranda purrs happily away, zooming them along. He might never attach that sidecar again, after this.
"Speaking of exploring, there's something else I wanted to show you."
The bike tilts a bit as they bank.
She leaned forward some, pressed into him lightly if only so she could more easily see what he was doing. "Where are we going?"
"You'll see."
And she would, soon enough, as the Institute was hardly a small and subtle campus.
"I figured that after I scared you half to death with all this zooming around, you might never want to speak to me again so I'd better get you over to the school while I have you or the Headmaster might accuse me of horrifying students away."
There were things to know about Sirius Black, and they included the ability to string together a run-on sentence like no one else.
She adjusted again, leaning away some now to look more at the city they were passing over. Of course, just because she said she'd look didn't mean she planned on actually going there.
You could just hear his eyes rolling in his tone of voice. The bike began to descend, though he wasn't touching down just yet (because then they'd be subject to banal things like traffic lights), until they were no longer going over the city but through it.
She could see people working in office buildings as they passed, some pointing out the window at them. It must have been quite a sight, really...in Rapture it had been normal to see things...boats, Big Sisters, sea life...swimming past the window. Here all there was were birds.
Sirius enjoyed the attention, though that should surprise no one. They touched down in the parking lot of the school, and Sirius let her off so he could park Miranda, a tarp billowing out of the tip of his wand to cover her up lest any birds, hailstones or passing children get any funny ideas.
She hadn't figured magic would be anything quite that...well...adaptable. She hadn't really figured about it at all though, to be fair.
He'll chatter her all the way inside, if she lets him. (Which is his goal.)
Her attention wandered even while she was speaking though, looking at the parking lot and the building and everything. She had passed here a few times on the bus but otherwise knew nothing about it.
The building isn't much on the outside, but inside much has been done to improve on the industrial decor of most schools. They pass students on their way to homeroom, but Sirius seems in no particular rush as he leads her up to the Headmaster's office.
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