[Open] Can't stop loving, can't stop living

Sep 08, 2010 23:43

WHO: Starfire and whoever she runs into
WHERE: Pick a place, any place.
WHEN: Pick a time, any time.
WARNINGS: None as of yet.
SUMMARY: Some days Kory gets sad and ends up wandering around until she finds something or someone she finds comfort in.  Or someone she can be righteously angry at and beat the shit out of.
FORMAT: Para that will probably ( Read more... )

† connor macmanus | veritas, soldier blue | n/a, carrie kelley | redbird, † koriand'r | starfire, † gar logan | beast boy

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Comments 69

girlyboywonder September 9 2010, 05:42:26 UTC
She'd seen Starfire a few times since taking up a vaguely furtive residence in the Tower. Mostly it was glimpses, on occasion she'd had the chance to watch her. So when she caught sight of her flying overhead, it was curiosity more than anything that drove her to follow. She'd certainly never seen Starfire in action before, for one thing, and sometimes glimpses just weren't enough.

So she took up the grappling line and off she went, power in effect just enough to make her jumps a little longer and higher than they ought to be. It was fine with her if she didn't catch up, but from here she ought to at least have a good view.


flyinwithheart September 9 2010, 06:06:26 UTC
Keeping up with Starfire when she's flying full tilt is a little difficult without superpowers. She catches the flash of yellow and red when she takes a sharp turn and doubles back the way she came.

There's a heart stopping moment where she thinks Robin, before the reality of who she's seeing sets in. Still she swoops down and snatches up the little mystery Robin when a particular jump is just shy of missing it's mark, holding the little one easily in her arms.



girlyboywonder September 9 2010, 06:42:36 UTC
Carrie freezes, and the first instinct immediately following is to struggle and free herself. But no -- it's alright -- this is an ally. Even if she doesn't know Starfire well, or at all, there are people Carrie trusts that trust Starfire. So she forces herself to hold still, and arranges her expression from tight readiness to a pout.

"...I'd've made it."


flyinwithheart September 9 2010, 18:02:49 UTC
She feels the girl stiffen, tipping her head slightly to catch the play of emotion across the girl's face. Careful and closed off. Not like Dick, or Jason. More Tim than anything. Kory touches down on the roof, gently setting Robin on her feet.

"Really? I'm sorry then, I must have misjudged your swing."


sanctusveritas September 9 2010, 14:35:34 UTC
Connor was...trying to get used to this place. His methods may or may not involved a great deal of alcohol, but that was neither here nor there. At the moment, that's what he was doing, walking about the City looking for a decent pub and chain-smoking. Also, trying to ignore the more outrageous aspects of the City.

Although really, when someone like Kory was in the general vacinity, Connor would have to be blind not to look. And Connor wasn't blind; he nearly broke his neck looking up at her.


flyinwithheart September 9 2010, 18:19:11 UTC
For the most part, Kory's quite gotten used to the sudden and occasionally animated reactions to her presence. Granted it probably had a lot to do with her habit of playing tag with her shadow in the later hours of the day, lighting briefly on top of street lamps.

She generally tried to play in streets that seemed momentarily empty, and that was half the fun of it, seeing how long she could carry on the game before someone showed up. But occasionally-and this seemed to be one of those "occasionally"s- she would become absorbed in the game and someone would catch her playing.

The embarrassment and surprise are clear on her face, but she tries for friendly politeness anyway. "Ah... Hello."


sanctusveritas September 9 2010, 20:30:10 UTC

In the back of his head, a voice that sounded an awful lot like his Ma's snapped, "Put your fucking eyes back in your head, boyo," and Connor really did try. But it was kind of impossible not to stare. He'd never seen anything like Kory before in his life.

It helped too, that he wasn't getting weird, sinful flashes from her. He was kind of relieved, actually. It was getting tiresome, watching other people's sins playing out in his head.


flyinwithheart September 10 2010, 02:29:41 UTC
She lands lightly in front of him, farther away than she normally would, though for a human it's comfortable. She smiles, not quite as bright as she normally would.

"My name is Starfire... What's yours?"


Thursday evening on the Tower roof? of_animalia September 10 2010, 01:13:41 UTC
Gar had gotten home from work and, barring anything useful to do for a couple of hours, had chosen to soak up whatever was left of the warm, sunny weather. Literally. A large iguana was laid out on the roof, eyes closed and unmoving. It was a great time to think, too, to try and wrap everything up and try to relax.

His watch sat nearby. If nobody actually came around to get him, he wasn't completely planning on losing track of time.

... Weird week.


Thursday evening on the Tower roof! flyinwithheart September 10 2010, 02:40:08 UTC
Kory landed on the roof, not far from the iguana. She stretched a little, sitting down next to him.

"Hello, Gar," she said, delicately stroking the iguana's head.


of_animalia September 10 2010, 03:48:05 UTC
Oop! Had he dozed off? She'd sort of sneaked up on him, not that it was remotely unwelcome. He opened up his eyes and moved his mouth, all a little slowly, "Hey, Goldie." He couldn't really smile, but he tried his best to look as adoring as he felt. "What's going on, beautiful?"


flyinwithheart September 10 2010, 06:31:40 UTC
She picks up on it and in turn, beams affection, if oddly muted affection and continues stroking him. "Not a lot... Should I be thankful for that? I'm not sure..."


soldieringblue September 11 2010, 21:53:58 UTC
The rain was steady for hours, well on into the evening. Blue had, for a change, a safe and welcoming place to stay and wait it out as long as he wished, but the sleeplessness of the City had a strong effect on him, urging him to be in motion as often as he could. He could have never slept and still had much more to see and experience ( ... )


flyinwithheart September 11 2010, 23:38:57 UTC
The rain drops hit her skin, soaked her hair and evaporated in the energy trail as she tore through the storm. She curved up and shot through the clouds, the raindrops mixing with the moisture from the clouds, chilling and then frosting over as she rose higher and higher, finally breaking cloud cover. The frost on her skin and hair sparkled in the late sunlight as it melted.

Above the rain, the clouds looked almost blindingly white, curling and dipping to create something that looked almost like a new world. Starfire loved it up here. Closing her eyes, she flowed into a pattern that was more like dancing than really flying, not paying any mind to the glowing blue figure.


soldieringblue September 12 2010, 04:25:43 UTC
It was near impossible to escape the sounds of the millions of minds and their emotions entirely, Blue found, but physical distance helped, just as one could hear less of a conversation the further away they were. It made the sounds indistinct and more ambient than the chatter it could become if one became too aware of it. His eyes, drawn upward, ceased to focus on the colors of thought below and gave that semblance of quiet he couldn't possibly have.

That quiet was seared away like a hot knife when she drew near. Her emotions, freer than any human's below, were utterly impossible to miss or even ignore. It shook Blue out of that trance leading him upward and snapped him to attention. He hovered, quite overcome by the strength of her presence, even in such a pensive state. He knew very few non-humans, and each was as unique and as fascinating without comparison.

He had very little time to dodge her as she zoomed in his direction. He drew his arms up to shield himself, his cry an echo of thought.

Look out--!


flyinwithheart September 13 2010, 04:49:09 UTC
"Oh!" The sound of a thought in her mind, like Raven's messages, but a completely different voice, snaps her back into reality. She stops shortly, floating back a few inches before she runs into the man. She reaches out to physically make certain she didn't hurt him.

"I'm so sorry! Are you all right?"


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