[Open] Can't stop loving, can't stop living

Sep 08, 2010 23:43

WHO: Starfire and whoever she runs into
WHERE: Pick a place, any place.
WHEN: Pick a time, any time.
WARNINGS: None as of yet.
SUMMARY: Some days Kory gets sad and ends up wandering around until she finds something or someone she finds comfort in.  Or someone she can be righteously angry at and beat the shit out of.
FORMAT: Para that will probably ( Read more... )

† connor macmanus | veritas, soldier blue | n/a, carrie kelley | redbird, † koriand'r | starfire, † gar logan | beast boy

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sanctusveritas September 9 2010, 14:35:34 UTC
Connor was...trying to get used to this place. His methods may or may not involved a great deal of alcohol, but that was neither here nor there. At the moment, that's what he was doing, walking about the City looking for a decent pub and chain-smoking. Also, trying to ignore the more outrageous aspects of the City.

Although really, when someone like Kory was in the general vacinity, Connor would have to be blind not to look. And Connor wasn't blind; he nearly broke his neck looking up at her.


flyinwithheart September 9 2010, 18:19:11 UTC
For the most part, Kory's quite gotten used to the sudden and occasionally animated reactions to her presence. Granted it probably had a lot to do with her habit of playing tag with her shadow in the later hours of the day, lighting briefly on top of street lamps.

She generally tried to play in streets that seemed momentarily empty, and that was half the fun of it, seeing how long she could carry on the game before someone showed up. But occasionally-and this seemed to be one of those "occasionally"s- she would become absorbed in the game and someone would catch her playing.

The embarrassment and surprise are clear on her face, but she tries for friendly politeness anyway. "Ah... Hello."


sanctusveritas September 9 2010, 20:30:10 UTC

In the back of his head, a voice that sounded an awful lot like his Ma's snapped, "Put your fucking eyes back in your head, boyo," and Connor really did try. But it was kind of impossible not to stare. He'd never seen anything like Kory before in his life.

It helped too, that he wasn't getting weird, sinful flashes from her. He was kind of relieved, actually. It was getting tiresome, watching other people's sins playing out in his head.


flyinwithheart September 10 2010, 02:29:41 UTC
She lands lightly in front of him, farther away than she normally would, though for a human it's comfortable. She smiles, not quite as bright as she normally would.

"My name is Starfire... What's yours?"


sanctusveritas September 10 2010, 03:18:11 UTC
"Connor MacManus." He says, sticking out a tattooed hand for her to shake. Murph would never believe this if Connor were to tell him about it.


flyinwithheart September 10 2010, 06:29:45 UTC
And now she's in his personal bubble, taking his hand and turning it over, palm down, in hers to see the tattoos. Her grip is gentle, but the strength behind it is there.

"Oh! These markings. These are tattoos, aren't they?" She brushes her fingers over the letters, supremely delicate, as if her touch might hurt.


sanctusveritas September 10 2010, 06:34:29 UTC
Connor's never had much regard for his own personal space. For as long as he can remember, Murphey's been invading it; Connor's never quite bothered developing any sort of need for it. Although he's never exactly had anyone he's just met crowd right up to him like this.

"Aye, tattoos. I've a few of them." He answers, and Mother Mary, she's strong. Stronger than any woman Connor's met back home, and Connor'd met some very, very muscular women.


flyinwithheart September 10 2010, 06:42:30 UTC
"Really?" She looks up from where she's carefully tracing the letters to him, nearly radiating curiosity. "Are they more words like this? What does this word mean?"

She's seen tattoos before, of course, but none nearly within reach as his and none quite like the one she's touching now.


sanctusveritas September 10 2010, 06:49:21 UTC
"No, I've no more words. I've got the Virgin Mother here," he taps two fingers to his neck, then rolls back the sleeve of his jacket to display the Celtic cross on his forearm. "And the cross. And that's the Latin word for truth, there on my hand."


flyinwithheart September 10 2010, 07:04:04 UTC
She makes a soft, fascinated noise, her fingers moving from his hand to his forearm to again delicately trace the lines of ink. "It's very beautiful. Are you a priest?"


sanctusveritas September 10 2010, 19:03:41 UTC
That gets a laugh out of him. It's...both utterly accurate and completely wrong.

"No, not a priest." He tells her, grinning. "Just a lowly worker in a meat-packing plant."


flyinwithheart September 11 2010, 22:54:04 UTC
"Then you are very devout? These are markings related to faith, yes?" Her English always feel apart a little when she was confused and at the moment, Starfire was particularly perplexed.


sanctusveritas September 12 2010, 02:36:45 UTC
"Aye, very fucking devout." Connor agrees, flipping his palm over in her hand as he pulls his rosary out with the other. "I've gone to Mass every morning since I was a wee lad."


flyinwithheart September 12 2010, 02:51:48 UTC
She reaches out to delicately touch the rosary. She's never actually seen one before and it fascinates her. "What's this?"


sanctusveritas September 12 2010, 02:54:35 UTC
"Rosary. Catholics use it to keep count of our prayers. One prayer for each bead." It's simplistic, but Connor doesn't exactly know how to get into all the nuances of his faith. "Me brother has one just like it."


flyinwithheart September 12 2010, 03:01:42 UTC
Kory's split her time between holding Connor's hand and carefully touching each bead of the rosary. She doesn't find the physical aspect of this at all strange, even if she does think the religious explanation is a bit silly.

"But what do you do when you've used up all the beads?"


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