And screaming / Are we we are/ Are we we are the waiting

Aug 11, 2010 13:27

WHO: Grimmjow & Ichigo
WHERE: Top of the George Washington Bridge lol.
WHEN: Evening
WARNINGS: Ichigo & Grimmjow's Mobile Swear Word Zone, and some violence
SUMMARY: Deal with the arrancat means Grimmy is beating the Berry into shape.
FORMAT: Para to start, then probably quick log?

Skyscrapers, Stargazers in my head )

† grimmjow jeaguerjaquez | n/a, † shirosaki hichigo | n/a, † ichigo kurosaki | n/a

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hollowish August 12 2010, 03:51:35 UTC
It didn't take long for Ichigo to get to the location Grimmjow had told him to meet at. It was impossible to mistake the espada's reiatsu, even for someone who was numb to such things as Ichigo could be, and since he had felt Grimmjow's spiritual pressure before he'd never mistake his for anybody else's ( ... )


holeheart August 22 2010, 23:10:56 UTC
Shiro just huffs. Running away like that. He really hated Grimmjow, sometimes. As cocky as Ichigo was, the Arrancar was ten times as cocky.

Shiro looks down at his pretty much unconscious other. Was the red-head scared of him? No doubt. Scared of his dark power, scared of what it might do to him. But Shiro knew something Ichigo apparently didn't; that Ichigo DID have the power to control him. He had enough power, seven times over. He just didn't know it, didn't believe in himself. His own self-doubt was the only thing allowing Shiro to have as much control as he did.

The Hollow had mixed feelings about it. On the one hand, he wanted to keep Ichigo down, keep him scared. He would keep his power, that way. Remain top dog. But he was also curious; just how strong would the boy be if he weren't held back by his fear? He could take on the world, and win ( ... )


hollowish August 23 2010, 02:54:25 UTC
The last thing that Ichigo could remember was Grimmjow's kneed crashing into his gut, but it didn't hurt nearly as badly as it should have, as if something had softened the blow, but the backhand was more than he could handle in his current condition, and there was no way he was going to be able to stop himself from crashing into the pylon in time when he was fading in and out of consciousness. All that he could do was brace for the impact, but ( ... )


holeheart August 23 2010, 03:01:23 UTC
"Keep your ass down, don't move. Your ribs are broken and I think he fractured yer arm, too. Or somethin'. Hurts like hell."

Shiro lays a hand, none too gently, on Ichigo's shoulder and pushes him down to the ground. His face doesn't have it's usual grin; instead it looks like he's fighting to stay conscious as well. The pain is unbelievable, and none of it is even his. He squats next to his other and opens the other's robe, pulling out the remnants of the Hollow mask that had blocked Grimmjow's gut busting knee-jab. He examines them, turning the terribly cracked thing over in his hands, then allows the mask to vanish.

"Grimmjow 'parently don't know what 'training' means. Your ass got kicked, King. Big time. Tch. I think 'I told you so's are in order, but what'd be the point right now?"


hollowish August 23 2010, 05:49:44 UTC
A sharp gasp is elicited as Shiro forcefully pushed him back down to the ground, pain spreading throughout his body. He didn't think that he'd been hit so hard during the fight. He knew that Grimmjow was beating him soundly, but the actual damage had been something that he'd ignored while he was fighting, if it could even be called a fight. He didn't even notice until Shiro said it, but his arm was definitely broken, not to mention at least two ribs, and he could only guess what else.

He looked off to the side as Shiro examines the mask, feeling embarrassed and useless. Not only was he unable to even so much as scratch Grimmjow, but Shiro had to jump in and save him... Again.

"Where did he go?" He couldn't do anything like this, and he knew that Shiro was right, but he was still too stubborn to admit it. "I knew what I was getting into... I'm going to fight him again once I've recovered."


holeheart August 23 2010, 05:56:55 UTC
Shiro gasps a bit as well when he pushes Ichigo down. He still has issues with remembering that whatever pain Ichigo goes through, he shares. Including the pain caused by pushing a young man with broken ribs down on the ground. Not his best idea. The Hollow sits next to Ichigo.

He tears off some of his shihakusho and walks a few steps over to the river which is, thankfully, fairly clean and cool. He soaks the makeshift rag and starts cleaning some of the blood from Ichigo's wounds. Not gently. Ichigo doesn't deserve that much, for being so stupid.

"He ran off, I assume ta find Inoue to heal his hand. Which is where yer goin' once I get you cleaned up. She sees you as bloody as you are, she'll flip her shit. Though even if I clean off all the blood, you'll still look like shit." The Hollow barks out a humorless, reverberating laugh, "Tch! Are ya now! Well you go right ahead, but like I told you. It's a problem for me if you die! So I'll keep on doing what I did." He wanted to add something else, but decided against it.


hollowish August 29 2010, 06:44:24 UTC
"I didn't know you cared," He muttered, looking off to the side. Of course, he didn't think that the hollow gave a damn other than saving his own hide, so even though he was injured and the hollow was cleaning him up, he still sounded a bit bitter, even if he was a bit genuinely thankful. He'd never admit that though.

Ichigo hissed when the cold wet cloth ran over his open wounds. They stung, and as Shiro roughly cleaned him, it only made it more obvious how messed up he was. His entire body was sore and bruised, and whenever Shiro pressed down on a particularly damaged area, Ichigo groaned pitifully. It really hurt now that he was thinking about it, and he wasn't sure he would even be able to stay conscious from just the total culmination of his pain.

"Can't you just take me to the clinic instead?" He spoke softly, it even hurt to talk. "I'll see her later, but if they can do anything first... I don't to make her worry about me..."


holeheart August 29 2010, 06:58:14 UTC
Shiro just ignored him and kept wiping his wounds, the rag now red with soaked blood. But the Hollow reiatsu he shared with Ichigo was already starting to do its work; healing small wounds and keeping the blood from flowing freely from the deeper ones. He just groaned a bit and stood up, washing the cloth in the river again before walking back over and giving Ichigo a close inspection.

"Ya've stopped bleeding now, at least, though you've lost at least a half a pint, maybe more. And no, we ain't goin' to the clinic. It's too far," he tilts his head and leans down, sliding his hands under Ichigo's back and under his knees and lifting. "She's going to worry about ya either way, dumbass, so what's the difference? Goddamn yer heavy. Jeez.... anyway... That damn cat should be patched up by the time we get there and long gone."


hollowish August 29 2010, 07:21:02 UTC
"Shut up," He weakly replied, a hand weakly clutching at the remainder of Shiro's shihakusho. It looked a bit pitiful yes, and Ichigo hated that the hollow was taking care of him like this, and that he was so vulnerable and helpless in Shiro's arms. It was awful, but at the same time he was too exhausted and torn up to complain.

"I don't think I can stay awake until we get there," He whispered, feeling himself already starting to lose consciousness again, his eyes blurring as he looked up at the hollow, trying to keep his scowl and his eyes looking cold. "Thanks..." He leaned his head against Shiro's chest, bracing himself for the inevitable surge of pain when the other moved.


holeheart August 29 2010, 07:36:10 UTC
Shiro knew Ichigo's pride was hurting. Not only did he have his ass handed to him on a silver platter by Grimmjow, but now the part of his soul that he detested was carrying his torn up ass home? It had to sting. The Hollow could almost feel that pain, figurative though it may be.

But like hell the Hollow was going to let his other, his bread and butter, rot there by the river. "Tch, I knew that. Go to sleep, idiot." Shiro pulled the other close to his chest, but no so close as to aggravate his broken ribs. He blinked a bit when Ichigo actually thanked him... he was probably just delirious. "Hold tight, aibou."

He used one echo step to get back to the top of the bridge, trying not to move as much as possible. Looking around, he found the shortest route towards home.

And took it.


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