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INSANE SECOND CHECKING IN! notsoloyal August 2 2010, 21:11:13 UTC
It was finally time, after so much planning and discovering Starscream's notes. Shockwave had moved up to the position of Second, since Soundwave's death, not that it mattered much considering how many of them were left. And Soundwave... He was not thinking about that today. There was too much at stake.

Or he'd try to keep it out of his mind.

If he could.

Were this plan to fail, it would spell doom for the Decepticon empire. It would all be over. He knew the calculations, there was a good chance that the plan would fail, he'd told that to Starscream long ago. He had to remain focused, keep the plan on the tracks to victory. It had to succeed, for their continued survival, and to bring home to them. To stop being so weak. Feeling so weak ( ... )


theprimerprime August 4 2010, 22:13:05 UTC
"And I should have known better than to trust a Decepticon. Especially you, you twisted, backstabbing--"

The blast halted him in both rant and demolition, and he had only a moment to realize what was happening - EMP? But...oh, right. Not human. Slag. - before he offlined. The lance fell from his hand as his systems froze and failed. He dropped like a rock, eyes wide, expression fixed in mute shock.

So much for his moment of triumph.


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/slaps an elle mask on zero notsoloyal August 4 2010, 23:43:34 UTC
No. No, it could not fall apart like this! Even if Shockwave had suspected a large chance of failure, that did not mean he wished for it to happen.

Fragging Autobots!

Why Sentinel had to suddenly have a change of spark was beyond him. Starscream needed to learn to lie better. To have done something to have put the Autobot's mind at ease, and- oh it did not matter now. Failure was already in motion. He could either choose to stick around or leave at this point.

While yes, he hadn't really wanted to come to begin with, his mind was still cluttered with unwanted things, he'd stay. No backing down now, he was already here.

"Hnnnn... Fragging..." he muttered, quickly shuffling around the damaged machine. Sparks crackled, and he backed up for a moment, giving it a good look over.

Yeah. He could not fix this.

But maybe...

"Starscream! Just... just get the bug back! Or anyone, I do not particularly care! I will try and keep the machine stable."


OH YEAHHHH *BUSTS THROUGH WALL owwmyspine August 5 2010, 01:25:04 UTC
Jaime was so. So. Sick of things going awry. It was just one thing right after another with no room to breathe. The mess in South America was plenty, but then there was this.

Hell no.

Rather than react as the rookie he'd been and just tackle the problem in front of him, he wasn't going to have it. Scarab was going to get a workout, scanning the breadth and width of the City as far as it could for the source. He'd nip this right in the bud and be done with it.

He was a pale streak of light in the sky, rockets wailing in their fury of speed as he arced low, sensors zeroing in. Scarab scanners blew up the image before him twice, threefold, just as Starscream's EMP lit up and nailed Sentinel Prime. Him again.

No banter (he sucked at banter), no entrance line (not enough time to think one up)...just that rocket thunder and two oversized, heavily armored fists forward, speeding towards Starscream like a bright, blue bullet.


elle i have waited my whole life for this moment. THIS MOMENT. loltraitorlol August 5 2010, 04:51:59 UTC
"Just use Sentinel! His Spark is perfectly viable, and he's unconscious!" snapped Starscream. Of course, the machine looked like that particular part of it might be damaged beyond repa-

He barely reacted in time. The blue streak was literally within inches of hitting him when he jumped away.

"What even -"

He blinked. "You?! Of all the heroes..."

He unclipped his cape and cast his crown aside.

"Shockwave! Try to see if you can use Sentinel! Just... ignore that idiot insect for the moment! I'll distract this fool..."


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owwmyspine August 7 2010, 01:01:54 UTC
The freeze ray's blast whizzed by off-target as the Blue Beetle veered and arced upward, turning himself to face Starscream and the scattered unknowns around him. Whether they were in cahoots or not wasn't much his concern; null rays were more important at the moment. Nullify the null rays and whatever tech-dampening tech on that guy and, hopefully, the rest would fall into place.

With the most meager of plans in mind, Jaime zipped back towards the platform, his arms reconstructing into a heavy, two-handed laser cannon, targeting systems already locking on Starscream as the cape and crown were discarded.


loltraitorlol August 7 2010, 03:24:07 UTC
"Cease fire, you idiot!" snapped Starscream at Dr. Horrible. "Help Shockwave! This one is mine, and mine alone!"

He'd fought this... what was his name? He couldn't remember. But the point was the boy had been a thorn in his side for far too long, and he wouldn't let his moment of triumph be ruined.

Warning: Weapons lock

"Oh, frag - "

Starscream immediately jumped and spun into a barrel roll, hoping to throw off Jamie's targeting systems.


yell at me if i'm out of posting order sobs owwmyspine August 8 2010, 01:08:19 UTC
Laserfire whizzed by, making an unpleasantly warm hole in the platform it struck. It might've been impressive any other day, but Jaime had already forgotten about it, his sights set on putting Starscream down. He swapped his rocket out for the more maneuverable bug wings and chased after him, arms splitting apart into long-reaching claws that hissed with electricity. Come on, come on, come on...

"Come on!" He shouted, taking a swipe when he'd gotten close enough.


you are fine; i am late bargle wargle loltraitorlol August 12 2010, 03:17:26 UTC
It was a near hit. Starscream barely managed to twist away, but Jamie left long, inch-deep wounds in his torso, wounds that bled brilliant purple.

He wasn't even going to bother with the EMP laser this time. Plain old would do. He skipped backwards a pace and took aim, letting loose a barrage of bright red shots.


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