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Comments 83

GROUND LEVEL loltraitorlol August 2 2010, 13:40:35 UTC
The streets around the Empire State Building flooded with machines. Civilians skittered this way and that, only to be cut down by stun rays. The fact that no one had died did little to comfort the residents of the City - one attack by a psychotic imPort villain was much like another in their eyes.

“Where the hell are those damn heroes?” snapped one businessman, his hands over his head as a drone pointed a gun at his back. “They're never here when you actually NEED them!”

[OOC: This area is full of drone robots and a whole lot of civilians here for lunch hour. Drone robots look (insert TFWiki link to WFC drones here!) and are armed primarily with stun lasers and the fact that they are, well, seven foot tall robots

There is exactly one dead civvie - an older woman who had an adverse reaction to the stun gun which caused her a heart attack. All other casualties are unconscious at present but otherwise fine.

Though the drones are semi-autonomous, Slade is directing them from an undisclosed location.]


ctu_savior August 2 2010, 23:20:49 UTC
Jack Bauer roared up in his SUV, announcing his presence by slamming into one drone with enough force to send it flying across the street in a mangled pile of metal. Unfortunately, this didn't exactly do his SUV any favors. The front end crumpled and the airbag inflated just in time to keep Jack's head from smacking into the steering wheel. Turning off the trashed car's engine, he stumbled out of the SUV and crouched behind its opened door, yelling into his radio.

"This is Jack Bauer, we've got a situation at the Empire State Building, repeat-" he ducked as a stun laser flashed over head- "the Empire State Building! Multiple armed hostiles, they appear to be mechanical!" And didn't Jack miss the days when the only thing he had to defend a landmark like the Empire State from were human terrorists. "Need immediate backup!"


agodlesscommie August 3 2010, 15:52:30 UTC
He's not on Bauer's radio frequency, but there's a giant man of metal smashing his way through drone robots anyway, looking to be all-business... with maybe a slight hint of being a little too pleased to have something on which to vent his immense frustrations.

He does hear Bauer's last words, though. "You have backup," he says, with a relatively Americanized Russian accent.


ctu_savior August 4 2010, 00:22:26 UTC
Jack saw metal, and pointed his gun at it out of sheer combat reflex. "Jack Bauer, City police department, identify yourself!" He ordered before getting distracted by stun lasers smacking into the door he was taking cover behind. Diverting his aim, he fired at the offending drone, only to receive confirmation that yes, the seven-foot-tall alien war machines could not be taken down with handguns.


THE EMPIRE STATE BUILDING loltraitorlol August 2 2010, 13:41:55 UTC
[The Master, Sentinel Prime, and Mecha Sonic - This is your battlefield! Have some fun - remember that Starscream specified no civvie deaths and that he wants them unconscious, disabled, or otherwise alive-but-not-opposing-him]

The floors of the Empire State were pure chaos. Drone robots ran this way and that, paniced announcements went out over the loudspeakers. The security guards did an admirable job of trying to fend off the onslaught before they were summarily disarmed and disabled by the drones.

Nearer to the top floors, strange things were happening - long arms of strangely jointed alien metal had seemingly grown through the walls, and glowing purple crystals sprouted from the floor. Near these crystals, unshielded electronics went haywire, communication turned to static, and hair stood on end. The civilians avoided these like the plague. On the observation deck, twisting spiral staircases jut upwards and through the floor of the great machine above you...


Closed to Starscream and Rimmer - Put to Rest What You Thought of Me. ajrimmer_ssc August 2 2010, 14:49:18 UTC
Well. This was certainly ironic. Another tall building. Another rooftop. Another repeat, the patterns of his life popping up over and over and over again. Only this time, instead of being a sniveling, terrified coward, he'd started to become...well, all right, be fair, he was still a sniveling coward. But now he had grown a tiny wedge of a backbone. Enough so that this time the parts were reversed. Starscream was up on the roof, and Rimmer was the one who joined him up there ( ... )


lol linkin park again? also i am posting from my phone. loltraitorlol August 2 2010, 19:16:13 UTC
He watched as his machine spooled to life, violet streams of energon tracing its way across the metal surfaces when he heard it.

Oh, frag my life.

The one person he didn't want to see here. Great. he'd hoped, prayed that Rimmer's cowardice would have kept him home. Home and safe.

"Shockwave, Dr. Horrible; continue the spool-up sequence. I have... business to attend to ( ... )


Had to bring it full circle. ajrimmer_ssc August 2 2010, 22:11:39 UTC
Terrifying indeed. As he finally spotted what was left of his friend, his eyes went wide and his face went a funny grey colour. Swallowing, he froze right where he was, taking in the dessicated, metallic form of his friend. Taking in the knowledge that his once-human friend had wholly become inhuman.

"My god," he whispered, fighting down the urge to either vomit or run. But they had been friends for too long, and this was something he had to...fix? Change? Something. He owed it to his friend to at least try.


"What the hell have you done?" he said in a louder voice. It wasn't much louder, though.


THE SKIES loltraitorlol August 2 2010, 13:42:25 UTC

[Slipstream and Terrorsaur]

The skies around the Empire State Building seem choked with flying drone patrols, led by the deadly Seekers Slipstream and Terrorsaur! Flying heroes, here's your chance for some action.


femmescream August 2 2010, 17:52:35 UTC
[Woop woop Slippy up in this hizzy.]

She'd been intensely pleased and flattered when Starscream named her his Air Commander. Not, of course, that there was any doubt as to who it would be. Still, the position gratified her, solidified her reasons to follow his orders. Even so, she was a bit..wary about the response to this plan. The heroes of the City would certainly object (and she'd been trying to keep a relatively low profile).

Circling the building with her drone group, she wad decked out in the flight suit Starscream had built for her and then upgraded; it was both armor and protection against g-forces, which allowed her to maneuver more like her true robot self than the human body she inhabited.


If this is OMG WRONG just tell me and I will amennnd~ nowaxing August 3 2010, 21:04:35 UTC
Robots, drones, and other assorted, sundry automated machines zipping through the skies at high speeds wouldn't be that strange, in the time and place that one Val Armorr is from. Indeed, back home, the Karate Kid might not have given this whole affair a second glance, when seen from above. Then again, he's Val Armorr, so chances are pretty good that he'd actually have noticed something was amiss even then. In any case, Val has been in this time long enough to figure out that masses of flying drones circling about the Empire State Building are not, in fact, par for the course. And, being who he is, it hasn't occurred to Val that perhaps--what with being squishy and entirely human--it's not the brightest of moves to go zipping off into the morass of the sky patrols.

Or maybe it has occurred to Val and he just doesn't care.

Either way, here is the Karate Kid, easy to spot given he's still in bright orange and puttering along courtesy of his flight ring, which is neither nearly as fast or as agile as, you know, jet-powered robots, ( ... )


Is lovely! femmescream August 3 2010, 23:04:00 UTC
Slipstream scowled at the flying human and his funny-colored clothing, then swooped down toward him, firing a warning shot of purple laser across his nose.

Not literally across his nose, mind you, but he'd definitely feel the sizzle. Lord Starscream wanted people alive to be changed; she was looking forward to being a robot again, shedding the pathetic human shell the 'Porter had given her.


PLATFORM THREAD A - VILLAINY loltraitorlol August 2 2010, 13:43:16 UTC
[Dr. Horrible, Starscream, Sentinel Prime, Waspinator, and Shockwave in this thread here (sentinel is initially with the Master + Mecha Sonic but will work his way up through the building to help Starscream out). We will begin with Ye Villains being Villainous (Shockwave and Waspinator first plz) and Sentinel having Second Thoughts and starts to wreck the machine, which brings us to Thread B!]


INSANE SECOND CHECKING IN! notsoloyal August 2 2010, 21:11:13 UTC
It was finally time, after so much planning and discovering Starscream's notes. Shockwave had moved up to the position of Second, since Soundwave's death, not that it mattered much considering how many of them were left. And Soundwave... He was not thinking about that today. There was too much at stake.

Or he'd try to keep it out of his mind.

If he could.

Were this plan to fail, it would spell doom for the Decepticon empire. It would all be over. He knew the calculations, there was a good chance that the plan would fail, he'd told that to Starscream long ago. He had to remain focused, keep the plan on the tracks to victory. It had to succeed, for their continued survival, and to bring home to them. To stop being so weak. Feeling so weak ( ... )


YAY loltraitorlol August 2 2010, 22:45:20 UTC
It wasn't as if Decepticons were particularly well known for keeping their promises.

Starscream watched Shockwave carefully. He was worried, deeply worried about his second's emotional state. Primus knew his own status was bad - and how much worse would Shockwave be? Shockwave, who as a result of never having had emotions before had no coping mechanisms? Shockwave, who had been so much closer to Soundwave?

No. He, too, would focus on this task. This had to work. For the Empire. For himself.


(The comment has been removed)

AFTERMATH loltraitorlol August 2 2010, 13:44:35 UTC

[Starscream has been killed by Waspinator, and while the machine is mostly busted, it still got enough energy from the destruction of Starscream's mutant spark that it went off anyway! About a hundred civvies have been affected (70 of them are robots, 30 of them have sparks; and 30 of the robots also have sparks I COULD MAKE A VENN DIAGRAM BUT I AM LAZY.) See (link here) for the list of imPorts affected.

Finally, a large number of machines have animated and become hostile, and there's still drones left to clean up! Feel free to make comm posts/your own logs for attacking animated robots/dealing with your own robot-ness, or post it here.]


AFTERMATH ctu_savior August 3 2010, 00:27:25 UTC
Jack staggered out of the building, at the end of another long day. It was over. The machine had been destroyed- he hadn't been there in person, but it had been impossible to miss. Whatever insane scheme had been unfolding here, it was done.

Or at least, it should have been, except for some reason there were a ridiculous number of rampaging machines waiting to greet Jack when he exited.

"DAMN IT!" He yelled. Not for the first or last time, Jack was denied the opportunity to rest. Slamming a new clip into his pistol, he took aim and resumed the fight.


AFTERMATH THIS, FUCKER. terminatefate August 3 2010, 00:48:38 UTC
Sarah Reese skidded around the corner after a haywire mini-microwave oven that had nearly taken her head off a block ago, it chattered, clearly pissed off, and spat tiny bullets at her as she pumped her shotgun and fired. Fucking asshole machine.

She had a few more guns slung over her shoulder and was playing Rambo with a belt full of ammo. The microwave whirled and launched itself at her.

"MOTHERFUCKER!" she snarled as the air crackled for a moment, charged, and just as the little bastard was about to take out her face, there was a humming WHUMPH. The machine spat sparks and twitched. One of its little tiny guns went off reflexively and pinged off another machine. Sarah rolled away and came up, already moving to jam her rifle into the face of another machine, whereupon, she calmly, grimly blew its head right off.

She snapped to the left and finally caught sight of Bauer, reloaded her gun, and scowled.

"You need a bigger gun, Bauer," she growled. "You're not shooting chipmunks off a fence."


ctu_savior August 3 2010, 00:54:40 UTC
"Sarah?! Yeah, hello to you too," Jack said as he sent what appeared to be the demonic spawn of a fax machine and a photocopier to the great junkyard below. He decided to consider practical matters ahead of just what the hell she was doing here. "I lost my shotgun inside, you got anything?"


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