[the seventeenth] / [video; streamed from Channel Four News]

Aug 02, 2009 17:52

[Dododo dododododododo dododo! CHANNEL FOUR NEWS flickers onto the screen for anyone whose communicator is on. The urgent harbinger of monosyllabic dos bring attention to a flustered and clearly unscheduled broadcast.

An attractive male, mid-thirties with a strained smile, sits before the screen. The perceptive will notice he’s clenching the papers in his hands just a little too tightly.]

This is Rath Danners reporting. We at Channel Four alert you to breaking news: in addition to the extremely violent outbreak of rioting in the downtown area, a record high of audacious looting and robberies has struck uptown, reigning terror upon that district. Twenty-four counts of murder and manslaughter have been recorded thus far. Disputes are amassing in greater numbers. There is no suspected gang activity-it appears-it appears that these larceny prone mobs are-accumulating at random. Local and notable psychiatrist Doctor Franklin Raud explains-blahblahblahblah.

[As he speaks, a gaudy golden cane slowly inches behind the sitting man. The curve of a question mark slides just over the newcaster’s neck before viciously yanking. Rath is yanked off screen and a cacophony of questions, thwaks and screams can be heard.

Then silence.

Edward Nygma strolls on screen and calmly assumes Rath’s seat. He’s dressed in a dark suit and in possession of four red, glowing eyes. He stares at the camera. Smiling. And smoothly flicks some locks of hair back from his forehead. Still smiling.]

Why hello.

We interrupt this absurdly biased and-if I may speak frankly-incredibly tedious spiel to give you, my dear viewers, a more riveting report. After all, isn’t that what you deserve? Don’t you want something interesting? Something more? Well. I’m here to deliver, my dearest darlings. My ever-blind pawns. Here for you.

It has come to my esteemed attention that the current social structure just isn’t working. You-yes you--strive and labor and live in agony for what? For what, exactly? For nothing more than the mediocre right to breathe while fat cat jerks like Tony Stark rub their smug faces in the lap of luxury. You struggle to piece together a mundane life with mundane needs while they get whatever they want. They’re the men and women who wield power and control and who live without being questioned. And why? Because they take what they want.

So why can’t you? Why do you have to accept terms that you’ve never agreed to? Why must you struggle for naught? Why can’t you win?
It’s all a choice, my dear viewers. All a choice.


Question, then; do you recognize me? If you don’t know who I am, well, I need a better publicist. Or perhaps three. But that’s beside the point at the moment because really, if we must be blatant: I am all of you.

[His expression darkens, a sharp sneer flaunted upon his lips.]

So yes. You know me quite well.

I wouldn’t want anything less.

[Screen cuts to static.]

ooc || So Eddie’s the incarnation of Greed now. This broadcast occurred independent of his communicator, but he will be commenting to anyone who comments here eventually. ALSO the whole time he was on screen he was employing his demonic INFLUENCE, so if you want your character to feel a little greedy BY ALL MEANS, GO AHEAD.

Since this is a mass-broadcast and Eddie is a media mongrel, expect the frequency of looting and stealing and killing for such things to quadruple as of right now. REMEMBER, POLICE SQUAD, YOU ARE LOVED.

edward nygma | riddler

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