another news report

Aug 02, 2009 23:19

[While Eddie is busy with Channel 4, and drawing so much attention to himself, the dutiful reporters of Channel 6 are busy with another story entirely - at least for now. The moderately attractive blonde anchorwoman hands over to a reporter live at the scene... a supermarket in the East of the City.]

Johnathan Myers here, reporting for Channel 6 News. Here at the L-Mart superstore, we can see an example of what's been happening all over the City - [here Mr. Myers and his camera crew move inside, and the camera pans over the people inside. They're all clustered around the shelves, squabbling over the food and shoving whatever they can get their hands on straight into their mouths, gobbling it down straight out of the packages whether it needs cooking or not. Mr. Myers attempts to get one of the people to speak with him, but only gets shoved away as the boy shovels cornflakes from the box into his mouth, barely pausing to chew before shoving in the next handful.]

As you can see, the people here are consuming food at an amazing rate - and with amazing focus. This isn't an isolated incident, and experts are so far baffled to explain the sudden outbreak of similar incidents across the City. Even more worryingly, this sudden surge in appetites has caused the City's food supplies to run dangerously low - demand is rapidly outstripping supply. Given the riots and looting in parts of the City, panic buying or stockpiling of food and other emergency supplies was expected, but this - this is completely unexpected.

[He gestures somewhat helplessly at the people in the superstore, and looks like he's going to continue, when a red and black blur cuts across the floor. For a second it's almost as if there's a caped figure with four glowing red eyes standing right behind him, brushing a hand over his shoulder - and then there's nothing, just the people that were there before.

Mr. Myers, however, drops his microphone and heads for the frozen food section, muttering something about how he must have ice cream.]

[ooc: Yup, Tim is influencing people with Gluttony using his superspeed to spread it far and wide - the food is just the most obvious and widespread craving. He will answer comments to this post.]

tim drake | robin iii

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