Wrapping up 24 Hours in Irvine

Sep 17, 2019 16:47

SNA Airport - Tue, 17 Sep 2019, 4:30pm

I'm back at the airport again, waiting to fly again for the 4th time in under 96 hours. I've been on the ground in Irvine, CA for just under 24 hours. The customer meeting today went well. Not all of it was smiles and sunshine.... Most of it was, but we also had some moments of frowning faces from the customer. It's good we got those out because it makes us aware of the challenges we need to help them address.

With these 4 trips in 4 days I'm looking forward to a few days at home. Though on Friday night we'll be going out on a leisure trip again. And next Monday I'll be headed back down to Orange County once again on business, for a three day stretch. I'll be making periodic business trips to Southern California for the forseeable future. Not every week but maybe once every 3 weeks on average once it. My job responsibilities have shifted a bit as a colleague who lived in this area has left the company, and there are no plans to replace him.

sales, orange county, planes trains and automobiles

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