White Collar/Mystery Fandom - Lost Loves

Aug 31, 2011 18:43

Lost Loves by
Reader: Cantarina
Fandom: White Collar/Mystery Fandom
Length: 7:47min, 4.5mb
Rating: PG
Author's Summary: Neal knows a very sad story about a thief and a sailor. Peter's still stuck on pirates.

Podder's Notes: I've wanted to record a story in this style for ages and ages (Fangirl Productions! <3) but fishpatrol - as my nearest fellow fen - kept stymying me. In the end, I went the ethical route and decided not to tell her (or anyone else in the room) that I was recording. I THINK THAT IT WORKED OUT RATHER WELL \o/

(Also, I'm not sorry about witholding the crossover fandom, but like the original author's notes say, it would seriously ruin everything.)

MP3: Box.net | Mediafire | Audiofic Archive

fandom: white collar, reader: cantarina, length: 5 - 15 min

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