Dec 06, 2008 19:32
Remind me to never go to the shopping centers during the month of December. I spent several breems just waiting in line.
Sep 27, 2008 16:40
Longarm, Landmine, we'll be going offbase for your next session. Meet me by the entrance at 1300 on Monday.
Nightbird, target practice at 1000, Monday morning.
...Gryphon, I'm still not sure what I can do with you.
Sep 19, 2008 14:43
This is one of the most ridiculous days humans ever thought of.
And whoever started playing that music? Shut it off.
May 30, 2008 19:38
Hello friends! Ironhide reporting in to let all of you know that I'm busy doing some very important things in my room! Please do not worry for me if you happen not to see me for a while! Please do not disturb me. Everything is fine.
Apr 30, 2008 18:08
-right side from his knee to his hip (the bad one, even) is covered with rust-
Frag. This itches. -grumbles-
Apr 20, 2008 01:21
Why. Why is it always my fraggin' knee?
Luckily, slowed the pit-spawned rust before it could lock it up. Yet.
All training is postponed until further notice. Obviously.