Let there be Peace in thy Heart 1/1

Jun 14, 2011 13:26

Title: Let there be Peace in thy Heart
Author: candylovinangel
Rating: G
Summary:Dean wants Gabriel back no matter what

Dean stood next to Gabriel's dead body and he bowed his head over it before kneeling down and taking a hold of the sword before he started something he hardly ever did. he started to pray...

"Our father who is...somewhere on earth, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done...on Earth as it is in Heaven..." Dean paused and kept a hold of the sword and started to pull.

"Please if it is thy will then bring thy son back to thy paradise in the sky or on earth. Please let him not have died as a sacrificial lamb like your son did for humanity. Gabriel did what was right in the end, did he not?" Dean asked in his prayer. He had his eyes closed as he pulled out the sword, tears had fallen onto the sword and slid down to the wound...the wound had started to glow right as Dean got the sword completely out.

He felt....something change in the air and suddenly he wasn't in the hotel...there was something soft under him, and he felt the sword being pulled gently out of his hands.

"What did you do, Deano?" Came that wonderful voice Dean thought he'd never hear again. When Dean opened his eyes he saw blinding white light and a shadowed figure.

"See Deano...it's not often I end up in Heaven..nonetheless with you being next to me, holding my sword and crying like a ba-" Gabriel started to say but Dean let out a growl.

"Shut up!" He hissed as his eyes readjusted to the blinding light, "I humiliated myself in front of your dad not even knowing if he'd give a shit, so SHUT UP and just accept that I fucking came back," Dean growled and Gabriel for once he listened and then he started laughing.

Dean frowned at him and wondered just what it was that Gabriel was laughing at. But then he saw Gabriel in Clear detail, sword in hand and  held at such an angle that the point was hidden by his head and hair.

"What's so funny?" Dean asked as Gabriel snorted and looked to him fondly now as if all the layers had been dropped off the Archangel and there were pure emotions in his eyes instead of the masked ones. Pure positive emotions instead of the negative bitter laced ones that had always been with him.

"You, grovelling at my dad's feet, just the image of it," He said quietly and with a bright grin, "And I feel like I am...free for the first time in centuries...Free of what I did to myself to stay hidden..." He looked around at Heaven and sat down again.

Dean watched Gabriel and smiled warmly.

"Well I'm glad I could help..." He muttered as he lay back in the softness of the ground he lay on and he knew Gabriel is watching him, but Dean could care less. he'd done what he could. He had brought Gabriel back with help from God. Little did Gabriel and Dean know the power of love had brought the Archangel back with an extra nudge.

After all, love could get a person to do things they had never expected to do.

gabriel, dean winchester, dean, fic: supernatural, god

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