Sires - Prologue

Jun 17, 2011 14:57

Title: Sires
Author: candylovinangel 
Rating: PG /PG-13
Spoilers:5.19 and 6.22
Warning: Egg!preg (Aka an archangel housing an egg and later having it out the ass (XD in writing that sounds weird)
PAorong: Past Lucifer/Gabriel maybe more to come.
Summary:Lucifer stabs Gabriel and expects him to die...but is shocked when something else happens

Gabriel hadn’t thought it would ever happen like this. No…he’d imagined something similar…but never this… He watched the blade come at him and pierce his chest. He grabbed onto Lucifer, eyes wide and he saw the sadness on Lucifer’s face as his older brother put a hand to his cheek.

“Y-y…you you’re…gonna kill it…with me…” Gabriel gasped through the pain and Lucifer blinked at him and quietly put his brother out of his misery, seeing Gabriel’s eyes widen some more as the younger Archangel cried out in pain and clear agony along with something else…something like loss…
Lucifer let Gabriel fall to the floor….but as Gabriel’s wings started to burn the floor…it stopped as a flare of light came from the wound and it seemed almost….desperate as within seconds Gabriel was coughing and hacking up blood and pulling out his sword.

“Gabriel….What have you done….?”Lucifer asked as Gabriel curled up on the ground, chest heaving as the Archangel whimpered, his hand going to his chest.

“Gabriel…” Lucifer said in his best big brother voice he could muster with his broken up voice.

“I did nothing…Lucifer…I did nothing…it was our father’s will before you fell that…I…I have a fledgling…with your grace being the second half…” Gabriel groaned as he rubbed his chest and grimaced painfully.

“That was ten millennia ago, long before father-“ Lucifer started to say but Gabriel stopped him.

“I know…I know okay…I know how long it’s been…that the fledgling has been in me…hidden in the core of my grace…Waiting…” Gabriel said quietly, “I never…never expected this…Never wanted to hurt you, brother…” Gabriel whispered before he coughed up blood and grimaced.

“Gabriel…” Lucifer knelt down on the ground and started to reach out for Gabriel but the younger archangel fled with a whisper of wings.
Dean and Sam were surprised when Gabriel was suddenly in the back seat and Dean yelled and swerved. Gabriel whimpered and his sword was bloody as he held it at his side quietly.

“Gabriel!” Sam yelled and Gabriel just whimpered again.

“Did you kill him?” Dean asked once he got control of the impala again…Gabriel just whimpered again.

“My…brother killed me….he actually…killed me…” He panted at last. Sam looked back at him with wide eyes, the light hitting Sam’s hair from a passing set of headlights… it looked like the sasquatch had a halo…at least for a brief moment.

“How are you alive then?” Sam asked and Gabriel just shook his head and his bangs fell in his face.

“I’d…rather not talk about it….” He whispered as he curled up on himself, he could tell the fledgling is worried, that it had gathered up as much of Gabriel’s grace as it could in the seconds before he died. He was a smart little fledgling…yes it is a he…this one angel wouldn’t be a genderless one…
The fledgling let the grace go and flow through Gabriel again…it wasn’t as much as before but his grace would regenerate itself as it’s supposed to.

It was then that the fledgling let go and Gabriel let out a pained gasp at the feel of the pure grace of the fledgling settling in his abdomen and he could feel a shell already forming around him…

“Hey…Gabriel you with us?” Sam asked and Gabriel looked up to them and he let out a shuddering breath, hugging his stomach…

“Not really…just…keep driving and wake me when you get to whatever trashy motel you guys are going to stop at…” And with that, Gabriel let himself slip into a welcoming darkness he hardly ever gave himself over to.

“Gabriel…why didn’t you stay…Why didn’t you tell me?” Gabriel heard Lucifer say in his dreams, in his blank night of sleep, his brother standing there, tilting his head in a way that Gabriel thought belonged more with Castiel.

“You fucking killed me! What else was I supposed to do?! As for telling you…fuck you! I haven’t see you in six millennia!” Gabriel snarled at him, unaware of the way he was mumbling in his sleep…
“Fuck you…” Gabriel mumbled from the backseat… Sam exchanged a worried look with Dean and he sighed.

“Mine…not yours…MINE Lucifer…You gave it up…YOU FELL YOU BASTARD THAT’S HOW!” Gabriel snarled rather clearly in his sleep. Sam and Dean’s eyes widened. Gabriel was talking to Lucifer in his sleep, and clearly there was a situation going on in Gabriel’s head as Sam actually saw him curl up and wrap his arms around his stomach and abdomen.

“No…It’s mine and if it weren’t for it I-“ He trailed off and Sam watched as Gabriel hugged his abdomen even more, “You lost the right…now fuck off…”

“Pull over, Dean I’m going to try and keep him calm…” Sam said quietly and Dean nodded, pulling over and Sam got into the backseat and sat next to where Gabriel was curled up. Sam sighed and put a hand to Gabriel’s should.

“Gabriel, if you can hear me…say Dean will happily have sex for pie,” sam said with a smirk and Gabriel snorted as Dean let out an indignant yell.

“Dean…will happily…have sex…for pie…” Gabriel muttered as Dean growled out an angry curse.

“Now listen to me Gabriel…Lucifer’s not leaving your head now is he?” Sam asked and Gabriel muttered something indistinct and in enochian.

“No…” Gabriel whispered and Sam squeezed his shoulder.

“Well listen to me…He’ll leave when you’re ready to wake up, and you don’t have any reason to talk to him right? Or at least, you don’t have to give him answers. You do have free will like me and my brother Gabriel, you’ve shown me that. You’re not all about that destiny crap anymore…are you?”

“Destiny…destiny is everything….” Gabriel muttered and Sam sighed…

“Guess not…” Sam mumbled softly as he started to turn away from Gabriel.

“And yet…it’s nothing…it’s…everything and nothing…I don’t…” Gabriel trailed off and his eyes fluttered under his eyelids and his breathing hitched and the hands at his stomach curled up into fists as Gabriel’s stomach seemed to go taught for a moment and Gabriel started breathing heavily.

“Gabriel? Can you hear me? Gabriel!” Sam shook the Archangel who was unresponsive and he was actually sweating.

“Dean...We need to stop somewhere…He’s not doing too well…Either its Lucifer actually screwing with his vessel or… He isn’t faring too well because of well…dying or being stabbed…either way…he’s seemingly more human than I think even he knows… “ Sam said quietly and Dean sighs and nods and the next town over they stop at a different hotel than usual, a fancy one and Sam gives Dean a look who shrugs.

“They’ll be looking for us at a trashy hotel…get to a fancy one they won’t suspect it,” He said calmly. Sam swallowed and nodded and picked Gabriel up and nudged him a bit so the Archangel started and seemed to wake up for a moment and he looked disoriented. He looked around with some disorientation and he mumbled something, snapped his fingers and they were all in nice suits and Gabriel sagged into Sam and Dean’s grips. Gabriel had dressed himself in a black suit with elegant silver and gold thread along the shirts and the suit…the shirt is gold colored and when Sam looks to his shirt it’s a hazel-brown… with gold thread, and Dean’s is emerald green like his eyes with silver thread.

“Dude, what…?” Dean asked and Gabriel just let out a huff of air and looked to them, eyes somewhat clouded.

“I heard you say fancy hotel…can’t go in there looking like a ragtag bunch of farmhands…Gotta look the…the part, no cheap suits…fancy ones…” He sighed and then…He passed out.

“Well at least we can say he was drunk,” Dean said as he hefted Gabriel up and lead him into the hotel lobby and they got a nice suite, apparently Gabriel had given them a shitload of money on their cards…. They put Gabriel on the bed closest to the bathroom and Dean said he’d take the couch so Sam could sleep on a bed….
Sam and Dean waited and watched Gabriel the whole time, the Archangel hardly waking but to do rather…human things…Eat, drink and go to the bathroom before he’d pass out on the bed, they didn’t notice his stomach getting bigger….Nor did they pay attention to if Lucifer was coming or not. They just knew that Gabriel’s…sick or dying….

The fifth day, the door flies open and there stands Lucifer, he’s wearing a casual suit and he’s disintegrating sure but he still looks good in it and Sam snarls and grabs Gabriel’s blade and holds it up.

“What? Coming to finish the job you couldn’t do before?” Dean’s standing by Gabriel’s bedside and Lucifer is shaking his head.

“Don’t you foolish humans see he is dying? There’s more to this than you could possibly imagine…” Lucifer says calmly but Dean sees the way Lucifer looks to Gabriel, the way his eyes aren’t cold and calculating…The way they’ve softened and carry emotion to them. That’s Dean’s sign that Lucifer doesn’t intend on hurting Gabriel and he steps forward…

“What’s wrong with him?” Dean asked and Sam tensed up.

“Dean…why the HELL aren’t you banishing him?” Sam growls and Dean looks to him.

“If I draw a sigil now, I’ll end up banishing Gabriel too….” Dean said quietly as he notices the very thin smile on Lucifer’s face.

“Gabriel is lacking grace right now…most of it is replenishing itself. Yet it is not fast enough. I can help with this…” Lucifer seems very hesitant to say any more.

“You…won’t hurt him?” Dean asked carefully and Sam was looking back at him like he was crazy. Lucifer seemed to get that Dean was going to let him close and he nodded.

“I will not hurt him…there are certain things I did not know a few days ago…that I wish I had known…If I’d known my actions towards him would have been very different…” Lucifer looks to Gabriel on the bed, curled up in a ball…

Dean sees something in Lucifer in the moment he thought he’d never see on an angel…That big brother protectiveness of an Archangel, even a fallen one as Dean pulled Sam back and took the knife away from him. Sam snarled and fought against Dean…. Before Dean slammed him against the wall like Gabriel had once done…

“Listen to me, Sam…Does he look like he wants to do anything harmful to him right now?” He growled as he watched Sam look to Lucifer, who sat on his brother’s bed with a look so familiar of the one Dean wears when he’s concerned for Sam…it was almost like déjà vu. Sam relaxed in his grip and Dean let him go and they watched as Lucifer put a hand to Gabriel’s stomach.

Lucifer let out a breath and Dean watched as the fallen Archangel was glowing faintly and after a moment a very faint glow appeared around Gabriel, the other Archangel whimpering…

“Mine…please….mine…” Gabriel whispered and Dean watched Lucifer run a hand through the other Archangel’s hair.

“It is yours…I’ll give you that, brother…after taking care of it for so long…it is yours,” He whispered and Gabriel seemed to relax then and the glow got stronger.
Dean and Sam hovered by the Bed and Lucifer looked up at them…He doesn’t have that calm composure anymore…He truly looks scared for his brother as he speaks…

“I need holy water…holy Water will help him, just as it hurts demons for it’s divine properties, it helps us when we are at our lowest…” Lucifer said and Dean and Sam immediately went for the bags and pulled out a gallon of Holy water and set it next to Lucifer with a glass and Lucifer nodded and Sam poured the holy water in and Lucifer took the glass carefully and gave it to Gabriel, whose base instinct was to swallow and the glow around him got stronger. Lucifer started talking to Gabriel in enochian, if anything so the humans couldn’t understand…and Dean and Sam could get that. There’s only so much you can say in one language, in front of others…You’ve got to have a way to communicate with family…that’s just the way it is…
Dean sat on the couch with Sam and he looked to him then to Lucifer and Gabriel, Gabriel still out, not talking, just Lucifer talking to him.

“I don’t get it…why kill him if he was going to just come back and do this with Gabriel?” Sam asked, and Dean frowned.

“He said he didn’t know about everything that was going on with Gabriel. I don’t know what that means…but look at him…If he could do it over…it looks like he would…What matters to me is that he’s there in the end…” Dean then looks to Sam, “In that regard, he is like you…”

Sam’s quiet for a minute and when they look up its when they hear a yelp from Gabriel and a thud on the floor. Lucifer blinked from his spot on the floor and he looked to Gabriel whose eyes were wide open and he was backing the Hell away from Lucifer.

“What the Hell?! What are you doing here?!” He looks to the boys and points at Lucifer, “What the Hell is he doing here?!” Gabriel seemed…hysterical and its only when he’s sitting up that Dean and Sam notice the way the shirt is pushed away, see the flesh pushing against it and that’s when Dean realized what is happening with Gabriel, and WHY Lucifer gave a shit and WHY Gabriel was so hysterical and Dean went to Gabriel’s side.
Gabriel let out a whimper and grabbed Dean and pulled him close and Dean could feel the fear coming off of Gabriel and Dean looked to Lucifer and saw the hurt in Lucifer’s eyes and Dean…Dean thought he saw the devil, satan, Lucifer….stick his hands in his pockets and look…like a kicked puppy, a look that Dean had thought Sam had mastered…

“Gabriel, Look at him and tell me…does he look like he wants to hurt you again?” Gabriel shivered in his grip and then looks to Lucifer again and he takes in a shuddering breath. Gabriel’s hands go to his stomach and then he looks to Lucifer.

“What did you do?” He asked and Lucifer looked up at Gabriel.

“I helped your grace’s progress in replenishing itself…” He says calmly, “You know how important it is at this stage…” He says softly and Dean and Sam exchange looks and then Dean watches Gabriel lean back, groaning as he puts both hands to his stomach again.

“Lucifer…thank you but you can go now…” He whispered…Lucifer looked like he’d been punched in the gut.

“Gabriel…” Lucifer said pointedly but Gabriel snarled at him, “I’m not leaving,” Lucifer said firmly. Gabriel rolled his eyes and vanished, leaving the boys with Lucifer…Who in all honesty? Looked like he’s lost something important. Something precious…

Dean watched Lucifer’s look slowly go back to that cold mask as he stared at the bed. He looked to Dean and swallowed.

“Thank you….for letting me in…I know it wasn’t an easy decision,” Lucifer says before he leaves in a flutter of wings, the room now angel free…

Sam and Dean look to each other and Dean keeps his thoughts to himself as he gets onto the bed Gabriel had been on…He curls up and then falls asleep….
Gabriel appears at one of his safe houses and sits down heavily on his recliner. He puts a hand to his stomach and his grace wraps around the shell of the egg, the shell was nearly at the right strength. Another two weeks and the fledgling would be ready to come out in its egg and then it’s homemade vessel can start forming in the egg.

Gabriel put his hands to his stomach and ran his thumb over the skin of the bump that is the egg. He loved the feel of his hand like that, the warmth… The fledgling’s grace flared and rubbed against Gabriel’s and Gabriel felt the grace out quietly, feeling his and Lucifer…it was now it’s own unique grace, a unique mix and…Gabriel reminded the fledgling of how much he is loved. The fledgling brushed its grace against his and Gabriel smiled and kept rubbing the skin. This fledgling…it was the reason he’d never been alone. He’d always felt close to alone but then in his darkest times his fledgling would be the one to comfort him…And he’d remember what hope is before he would sigh and give in to the comfort the fledgling offered…and he’d keep going.

Gabriel stayed in that house for a few days…Until he found himself missing the company of the two knuckleheads… too bad he didn’t know where they were…but he could tune in to the Winchester Channel on his TV, so he turned it on… And there they were, the Winchesters the boys were in their car and Gabriel decided to have some fun with it when he stopped and he noticed something in the car…the backseat…

“Hey boys, you’ve got a listening device in your car,” He said casually into a microphone he made appear. Dean yelled and slammed on his breaks and looked around.

“Back seat, on the floor,” Gabriel answered when Dean started cursing and put the car in park on the side of the road and started to go through it when….

“Well you boys are no bloody fun, thanks a lot you asswipe…!” When a demon showed up…and Gabriel started laughing.

“Oh man, Crowley you wanker! I didn’t know that was yours!” Gabriel laughed and Crowley scowled at the radio where Gabriel’s voice is coming from on their end.

“What, too scared to show up?” Crowley sneered as Sam tried to knife him and Gabriel watched the hilarity that ensued, the Archangel laughing at the demon who was going to get knifed by the Sasquatch he had dubbed a ‘moose’.

“You enjoying this Gabriel, because its pretty damn unfunny!” Sam growls as Crowley proves too evasive for him.

Gabriel just laughs his ass off before suddenly the pain comes from around the egg and he cant help the cry that comes from his lips as the microphone falls to the ground. It was the two week mark…

“Gabriel!” He heard the voice of Dean and Sam as Gabriel curled up on the ground, the pains wracking through his abdomen, causing him to cry out even more and the whole body shuddered and he groaned and stripped completely on the floor until he was completely naked. His wings spread out and they were all shaking, all six gold massive wings shook and were slick with sweat as was his vessel. He screamed in his vessel’s voice with his true voice bleeding through. The boys…they were frustrated and yelling for Gabriel to say something.

“SHUT UP I’m having a mo-AAAAGH!” He cries out in pain halfway through his sentence and his wings quiver and sweat drops onto the floor… Then one last wave of pain…and the feeling like he is taking the biggest crap ever in the face of existence…. And then it’s out and he’s coughing and panting as he flops onto his other side. He finds himself looking at an egg…The egg is a light gold color with a prismatic sheen to it…

Gabriel reached out and touched it and he could feel His son’s grace so strong and alive…and he smiled and brings the egg close and brings it to his chest, wrapping himself and his wings around the egg and grabbing the microphone…

“I’m here you mooks…I’m here….” He said in a hoarse voice as he looked to the screen and saw Dean starting and the Impala swerving and Sam sighing in relief.

“What happened to you there? All we’ve heard for five hours is you screaming in pain…” Dean said as he got control of the car and Gabriel just laughed.

“I’ve been…having an egg…” He said quietly and the car swerved again before it came to a stop.

“You what?!” Dean yelped and Sam choked on his water he’d been drinking and Dean looked around the impala.

“Mind telling this to us in person?” He growled and Gabriel laughed. I will….where are you anyway?” Gabriel asked as he weakly snapped his fingers as he got some clothes on. It was a simple T-shirt, jeans and silk boxers even as they told him where they are and he dragged the egg with him and he landed in the back seat of the car rather heavily, jostling around the car. The egg gave off a soft golden glow in the darkness of the car and Dean and sam looked around at him and blinked.

“Whoa…so wait…THAT is why Lucifer was so worried about you? The…fledgling?” Sam asked and Gabriel nodded, he kept his arms wrapped around it.

“It’s…it’s gonna be the…the only Archangel fl..fledgling around…” He mumbled, “Wanna know how old his grace really is…? Ten millennia… They…they choose when they wanna come out…” He mumbles as he holds the egg close and Dean looks back, seeming at a loss to say anything.

“So that’s your kid, huh? Or well…egg kid…” He said with an small smile and Gabriel returned it faintly.

“Keep going…or Lucifer will find us…” He said softly as he felt himself starting to slip into the realm of unconsciousness. The boys seemed to sense that and they nodded and Dean stepped on it and went on.
They kept going until the boys couldn’t drive anymore and they checked in at a hotel and made sure Gabriel was awake, the Archangel having been very quiet the last few days. Gabriel was awake three fourths of the time.

The other times he was out cold, holding the egg close, the egg getting brighter and brighter with each passing day.

When they got into the hotel they had barely managed to get Gabriel to put the egg in a bag before getting into a room and when they did, Gabriel immediately took it out again and held it to his chest, head bowed and he’d be running his fingers across it. Gabriel gave it as much grace as he could spare.

“Gabriel?” Dean asked the Archangel, walking up to him. Gabriel looked up. He is quiet and more reserved than usual, and he’s holding the egg tight to his chest.

“Yes?” He asked quietly and Dean sat down in front of him.

“Why are you so quiet? What is it you are doing that has you so damn quiet?” Dean asked, “It’s unnerving…” He said quietly and Gabriel blinked at him and shook his head.

“Look if you don’t like it I can leave,” He said as he looked up, hair falling in his face even as a fierce wind rattled the windows and Gabriel glared at Dean and Sam bit his lip from the corner.
Gabriel realized he really had lost his…humor over the last few days he just looked down and then pointed towards the DVD.

“Ignore the first part I have in there…but the rest…the rest is good…” Gabriel then vanishes and leaves the boys alone…

He then is gone for the next few days…It then becomes a month and Gabriel is still trying to think of names for the boy.

He ran through names of many of them but the child rejected them all until…

“Matthew, how about Matthew?” He asked at last and Gabriel felt some satisfaction from the child inside the egg.

Yes. I like the name, Matthew. The child said at last and Gabriel laughed.

“Finally,” He whispered and the egg glowed bright.
Now that I have a name…I am ready. That was all the child said before the egg started shaking and Gabriel put it on the couch and watched it glow brightly before it started cracking and then….then it blew apart as if it had exploded and its light blinded Gabriel for a moment.

When he looked again at the couch as crying started and He picked up a beautiful baby with fairly tanned skin and the hair was a mix of blonde-gold and the boy’s eyes…they were blue…blue like the sky….with traces of gold in them. Blue like the color of Lucifer’s eyes in his true form, with the gold of Gabriel’s own eyes. But the wings…The wings caught his attention the most. The wings are light gold and in the right light are like Lucifer’s once was…The wings had a prismatic sheen to it like the egg had, rainbow colored.
Gabriel held him close and hugged him close to him. He kissed the little baby fledgling and sat down with him…

Now…Now he had to raise him in as good a peace as he can…and that meant moving somewhere else…so he did that…he moved to a condo in Miami Florida and he was there feeding Matthew some baby food when he felt the moment Lucifer went into Sam, took Sam as a vessel…

Gabriel sighed and picked up Matthew and went down to the beach and walked with Matthew, he’s barefoot, the waves licking at his feet when there’s a flutter of wings next to him and the sound of gigantic feet.

“You moved outside your wards…” Lucifer says in Sam’s voice and Gabriel nods and shifts Matthew, who is a squirming mass of flesh and feathers. He stops and looks to Lucifer…to Sam… Gabriel can see Sam in there, trapped and struggling… Though for the moment Sam’s intent on wondering what the hell Gabriel is doing…

“Why, brother? Why did you leave your wards?” Lucifer asked as he reached a hand out and put a hand to Gabriel’s cheek. Gabriel leans into it slightly and looks up at him and smiles.

“I want you to hold him, before you face Michael…” He says as he looks up at Lucifer, seeing the wind blowing about the long hair…He sees Lucifer’s eyes soften and Lucifer reaches out.

“His name is Matthew. He wouldn’t accept anything else, though he will go by Matt too,” Gabriel says as he hands Matt over to Lucifer, who holds him in those giant arms and he smiles.

“He has your hair,” He says after a moment and Gabriel smiles and then after a long moment Lucifer gives him back reluctantly.

“I have to go…” Lucifer said quietly and Gabriel smiles and pulls him in a close hug and Lucifer blinks but then wraps both arms around Gabriel, returning the hug before he pulls away and after a moment he vanishes.
Gabriel knows when the cage opens…He knows when his two brothers fall into Lucifer’s cage… He’ll never admit how much it rips his heart apart, or how many tears he sheds for Lucifer… He refused to have anything to do with the boys anymore.

He stayed in isolation for six years, Cas is the new God…or so he claims, and Gabriel knows Cas could care less about Matt…So Gabriel raises Matt quietly, teaching him enochian, English, Spanish…every language out there…He gets the child to read every passage of the bible in every language it is published in. Matt doesn’t seem to mind it. In fact he thrives, and he really is growing up to look like Gabriel, though his hair is a beautiful shade of honey gold and it draws looks from people on the beach and has many mothers and women fawning over the five year old fledgling.

Gabriel eventually teaches Matt how to fly in the house, getting him to where he can keep himself in midair…He couldn’t help the tears that would come from him on occasion, seeing Matt’s wings get his just right in the light so they would flash in a multitude of colors for a moment. IT would only remind him of Lucifer….and Matt, Dad bless him, Matt would come to Gabriel and hug his leg and tell Gabriel that everything is going to get better…
Gabriel knew they wouldn’t…but he indulged the kid….

That year, around Halloween something happened…something that Gabriel thought wouldn’t happen again…Lucifer escaped the cage. Again…. Gabriel pet his fledgling’s forehead and watched as Matt looked to him, the little one having clearly felt the cage opening as well…
Gabriel tracked down the people that did it, he left Matt at home and told him to stay in the house and yard and to never leave the boundaries of the house….

What he found…it sent chills down his vessel’s back as well as sparked a righteous fury inside his being as he came to Salem…He saw this manor and snarled at it snapping his fingers and utterly destroying the gate and walking down the path, a thunderstorm clapped ahead and Gabriel knew he had to be glowing…just had to be when the windows shattered and he spoke with his true voice as he got closer, telling them they would all die for what they had done… But when no-one came out he frowned and went in…The moment he came in witches assaulted him and he didn’t even snap his fingers before they were dead on the ground. He went down the hall, witches dropping like flies as he got to the center of the house where there was a fire burning and a woman sat on a throne-like chair and there, in his true form was Lucifer, trying to choke her….that is before he let go and looked up, there were gashes and injuries of all sorts showing on Lucifer’s true form. Wounds clearly given to him by Michael…

“Get him, Lucifer,” The lead witch growled and Lucifer nodded and attacked, pinning Gabriel to the ground and punching him…hurting him…

Gabriel waited…It hurt, but he waited til he had worn himself out. Gabriel gave him a bloody smile and shoved him of and went towards the witch.

“You broke my brother free of the cage, bound him and forced him to do your petty little things-“ He caught Lucifer’s fist and spat on the witches face.

“This ends now,” He growled and the witch laughed.

“Who are you to pass judgment and be the executioner?” She laughed and it froze in her throat as Gabriel grabbed her by the neck and squeezed.

“They call me Gabriel,” He hissed, and he saw the witch’s eyes widen before Gabriel killed her, burned her up from the inside as he shielded himself from Lucifer with one wing… When the witch was nothing but ash, Gabriel felt the fingers moving along his feathers, felt the shivers going down his spine….
He lifted his wing and wrapped it around his brother’s true form and pulled him close, Lucifer was shaking and he looked like a mess even as Gabriel brought Nick back, put him on the ground in front of Lucifer, the vessel is whole and not disintegrating…

Lucifer looked to him then to Gabriel he was silent for a long time before Gabriel heard the whispered words of YES and there was a rush of light and sound and wings as Nick’s eyes flew open seconds after, his chest heaving and when he got up it was Lucifer… Lucifer…he went to Gabriel and pulled him in a tight hug and shuddered as he just lost it, lost all his nerve and self-control.

“What happened to you, Lucifer?” Gabriel asked and Lucifer just shook his head and buried it into Gabriel’s shoulder.
Hell…it was always interesting to watch…at least, before he had a fledgling…Before he’d held an innocent angel in his arms for the first time in six millennia…

Michael, the bastard he is, kept attacking him…He didn’t react the first few times…but Michael had this way of getting on his nerves….So Lucifer finally lashed back out at him. For the first 200 years Lucifer fought with Michael, and when he wasn’t fighting with Michael, he was relentlessly destroying Samuel Winchester’s soul, pissed at the human that had trapped him here, that had taken him away from Gabriel and the Fledgling…
One long Hell year when Lucifer was torturing sam he stopped after a moment…He had been going through the man’s memories and came across one in particular…standing there trapped in Holy Fire at the time…Gabriel…

“I have to watch my brothers kill each other because of you two! Heaven, Hell…I don’t care who wins, I just want it to be over!”

Lucifer held onto the image of Gabriel before Sam wrenched himself out of Lucifer’s grip and actually fought back, but not before Michael had tackled him and well…The torturing of Sam Winchester continued, as did the clawing and scratching at Michael. There would be times where he got so irrationally angry he would dig his grace into Michaels and try and rip chunks of it out. He was losing it, that much is clear. After so many years in Hell the first time…when he’d been released it was like breathing in fresh air after coming out of an insane asylum. It was good and it cleared the mind… Lucifer remembered it had actually helped him a bit when he was working on getting Nick to say yes… But being in here again…something broke in him and he wasn’t quite sure what it was. He just knew he had to keep hurting Michael…To Keep hurting Sam. Hurting both gave him a satisfaction he never had when he was alone in this cage the first time.

So when the cage was slammed open and he was suddenly pulled out, he thought for one crazy moment that one of his brothers had saved him…But even then it would have been too late, he would have killed them all. He just wanted to kill everything in sight until he could find what was HIS. So imagine his surprise when he saw that it was a bunch of lowly witches. He tried to attack the one summoning him but she had finished the spell and it had forced him to be her….her PET.

“Filthy human!” He yelled at her, causing the lower witches to scream in agony at the sound of Lucifer’s true voice… This witch just laughed at him.

“I have plans for you, Lucifer and you WILL obey them,” The witch hissed and Lucifer snarled at her and tried to attack her again, he was only inches from grabbing her throat and killing her when he was met with an invisible wall. He wanted to rip the human apart piece by piece. Yet an hour later right when he was just barely away from getting her throat….There was a crash from outside and the doors flew open as thunder clapped in the air. Lightning flashed and the wind roared and there was a figure outlined by the flashes of lightning, wind blowing about his hair. Witches came at the intruder and they all dropped dead without the person lifting a finger and Lucifer found himself back at the witch’s neck. He wanted to kill her, destroy her, get his revenge on killing this infidel.

He heard more thuds and knew by now the intruder was in the visible light, and he looked to the side. He saw…He saw…Gabriel… He was too stunned to actually do anything more than abandon the attempt to kill the witch and he looked to his brother. To Gabriel who was standing there, looking pissed. Lucifer watched his brother speak and then the witch ordered him to attack and he could do nothing but obey, he was forced to attack Gabriel. He hated that Gabriel wasn’t fighting back. Why wasn’t he fighting back? Ah but Gabriel was smarter than he looked. He let Lucifer wear himself out. Gabriel shot him a bloody smile and shoved him off and then looked to the witch.

“You broke my brother free of the cage, bound him and forced him to do your petty little things-“ Gabriel snarled before he caught Lucifer’s fist as Lucifer swung at the other Archangel and spat on the witch’s face. Gabriel shoved him back and turned his attention back to the witch.

“Who are you to pass judgment and be the executioner?” She laughed and it froze in her throat as Gabriel grabbed her by the neck and squeezed. Lucifer saw something in Gabriel he hadn’t seen in a long long time. He saw his younger brother, who would do anything for his big brother…

“They call me Gabriel,” He hissed, and he saw the witch’s eyes widen before Gabriel killed her, burned her up from the inside as he shielded himself from Lucifer with one wing…seeing as Lucifer was still attacking, even if weakly.

When the witch was dead, Lucifer went and ran his fingers through Gabriel’s wings…They were as soft as he remembered. Gabriel then lifted his wing and then wrapped the large golden appendage around Lucifer and pulled him close. Lucifer couldn’t help how he was shaking. He saw Gabriel watching him before he looking to a spot in front of him and Gabriel is glowing for a moment before there’s Nick in front of him.
Lucifer knew what Gabriel wanted him to do and he looked to Nick and started talking to him, trying to get him to say yes. Nick caved easily and Lucifer looked to Gabriel and then went into Nick…
He got resituated and then he opened Nick’s eyes and took in the breaths Nick needed and he sat up, looked to Gabriel who was watching him…and something inside him ached for some sort of comfort…which is what caused him to go to Gabriel and pull him into a tight hug and then he felt his control slip away as he shuddered and put his head to Gabriel’s shoulder. He needed his brother, needed someone to hold him…He hadn’t been comforted in so long…

“What happened to you Lucifer?” Gabriel asked and Lucifer wished he had an answer. Wished he could explain how broken he felt…how much he had missed his brother… All he could do is hug his brother close to him.
Gabriel lifted his brother up and then took his despondent brother to the next place he could…to the place he called home, where Matt was waiting. Matt was a good boy, he was sitting right where Gabriel had told him to stay. Matt looked up and a bright smile crossed the six year old’s face.

“Daddy!” He yelled and he went and jumped up and Gabriel caught him with one arm, aware of Lucifer watching.

“Hey there Matt, what’s up? You miss your daddy?” Gabriel asked brightly as he spun Matt around and the child laughed happily and hugged Gabriel, the fledgling’s wings appearing on his back.

“Yes Daddy! Where did you go?” Matt asked and Gabriel smiled and looked to Lucifer.

“To get your other daddy,” He said softly before he turned to Lucifer and he saw the look on Lucifer’s face, and it clearly told Gabriel that he needed to give his son to Lucifer.

“How long has it been?” Lucifer asked as he took the child in his arms and held him close, his black, ragged wings coming forward and showing for the first time. Matt looked him over and put a hand to his cheek and Lucifer looked curiously at Matt and Gabriel saw a smile go across his face and Matt giggled and patted his cheek.

“Lucifer…” Gabriel said, “Matt this is Lucifer, your…other dad. And he loves you,” Gabriel says softly and Lucifer looks around the room and then sits down on a light blue couch. Matt smiles and tugs at Lucifer’s hair and the older Archangel raises a brow at the child as Matt keeps tugging and then giggling.

“Does that amuse you little one?” Lucifer tilted his head curiously at the fledgling he held and Gabriel smiled as he went and got milk and water as Matt then looked to the black wings.

“Wings…they are burned…” Matt says in enochian and Lucifer looks to Gabriel.

“I see you have taught him our native tongue. Good,” He says calmly in English and Gabriel smiles and nods as he brings the scotch and wine to Lucifer, putting it on the table. Lucifer raises his brow again and Gabriel shifts his full glass.

“It’s been a long five years, Lucifer….” He says as an explanation, “I…I checked in on you a few times I…You didn’t recognize me…” He says quietly and Lucifer blinks at him.

“When did you check on me?” Lucifer asked as Matt curled up in his arms and rested his head against Lucifer’s chest.

The two talked with each other, catching up as Matt listened to the hum of Lucifer’s grace. Matt was quiet when he closed his eyes… He had a vision…a rather vivid one…of a man coming into the room and sending Lucifer away…and capturing Gabriel…The man wearing a leather jacket…and the other being a tall giant… The tall giant scooped him up….and took him away…

When Matt opened his eyes again it was to hearing Lucifer laugh, and the fledgling looked up to Lucifer and nuzzled closer to the former Archangel, sensing the chaos and brokenness in him…

“Dada,” He said with a grin and Gabriel snorted as Lucifer pet Matt’s head fondly.

“Is that what you are going to call me then? I suppose you call Gabriel something as well?” He asked curiously as Matt pointed to Gabriel and made an interesting noise that sounded like a mouth fart, and Gabriel rolled his eyes as Lucifer chuckled.

“Yes he can be a annoying one, hm?” Lucifer seemed at peace with the situation as he brought a finger to Matt’s wings and massaged them.

“Yes, Daddy can be annoying but I know he loves me,” Matt said as he relaxed into Lucifer’s touch and he nuzzled his head against Lucifer’s chest again.

“And your grace hums your love too Dada,” Matt said as Lucifer pulled the fledgling closer and Gabriel watched all this with a smile.

“smart kid,” He said with a grin, “He gets that from you,” Gabriel said as he sat down on the couch next to Lucifer, Gabriel wrapping his arm around Lucifer, and leaning his head onto Lucifer’s shoulder.
“You know that you are….mildly smart Gabriel, but you are more the cunning pain in the butt type,” Lucifer said with a slight nudge to Gabriel’s ribs and the Archangel chuckled and nudged him back.

“You were always the tactical one, the one who knew everything that was going on around him without letting the enemy know…” He trailed off as a hand went to his chest, and there was a brief emotion on Lucifer’s face before it passed, Gabriel not quite catching what it is.

“Yes…I was good at that, and sword fighting, I remember you always hated my training you…” Lucifer nudged Gabriel again and Gabriel just rolled his eyes.

“That’s because I wanted you teaching me more neat tricks,” He stuck his tongue out at Lucifer who laughed lightly and relaxed into the couch, still petting Matt’s wings before looking to his own.

“I like his wing color,” Lucifer said after a moment of examining the wings and Gabriel smiled and pulled the two closer.

“I thought you would,” Gabriel says as he snaps up some candy for himself and Matt tilts his head and Gabriel’s candy exploded and he stared at it as Lucifer started laughing.
This? This was going to be a good way to spend the rest of his days…After it’s as the humans say….
If you can’t beat them, join them.

gabriel, lucifer, sam, fic: supernatural, pairing: gabriel/lucifer, trickster, winchester, michael, supernatural

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