Trickster Problems 5/10

Feb 05, 2011 16:58

Title: Trickster Problems
Author: candylovinangel 
Rating:PG or PG 13 at best
Pairing: Sam/Gabriel Dean/Gabriel possible Dean/Cas(Any one if you like to read between the lines)
Spoilers: Seen season 5? Then you're good
Warnings:I like writing cooky stuff sometimes
Word Count: 3,415
Notes: Comments are love! 
Summary: Gabriel is an active part of Team Free Will, but there's one initiation step he has yet to take. Dying.

Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4  Part 5 (This one)

A lot happened over the past month and the main highlights for Gabriel was that the boys were killed and sent to heaven, learning that God didn’t care and Castiel seemed to break when they told them of that. Gabriel hadn’t really been sure how to react even as Dean had thrown away his amulet, leaving Sam hurt as they left the hotel. Gabriel had hesitated on the way out and when the boys weren’t looking he picked up the amulet and looked it over. They had said that God had said even the amulet couldn’t sense him if he didn’t want it to, but Gabriel didn’t care as he put it on and tucked it under his shirt. It was obvious that it had sentimental value, and he couldn’t let it just be thrown away like that, but that didn’t mean that he’d let the boys know he had it.

After that there had been a bit of an issue at an isolated town the boys had run across. Castiel was gone doing who knows what and Gabriel was in the car when they got attacked by demons on the road. They went for the boys first, and Gabriel blinded the demon holding onto Sam’s hair and killed it. They had then been saved by a group of hunters that just happened to be believers… Gabriel had decided to stay hidden on this one, watching the actions of the men and women as they listened to someone who was supposedly a prophet and who the angels were supposedly speaking to. Sam had called Castiel after the first night, trying to get a hold on him, because Gabriel had no clue what they were up against.

Well, Castiel came alright, but he was drunk beyond belief, telling Sam not to ask stupid questions and then revealing that this woman who supposedly was a prophet was not one at all, but the Whore of Babylon.

Ever since the incident with Famine, Gabriel had noticed that Dean had gotten surlier than what he had become accustomed to…
Eventually they had killed The Whore, Dean being the one to strike the blow. Gabriel knew why Dean had been able to do it, but didn’t say a word as Sam tried to interrogate Dean…but when Dean left that night, Gabriel knew what was in store.

“I’ll follow him,” Gabriel had said to Sam, who had sighed and nodded. Gabriel managed to get into the car and stayed invisible even as Dean came up to a house and talked with a woman… Gabriel had long since been bought a cell phone by the boys so when Dean stopped at a Hotel and went into room 100 of that hotel, he sent a text to Sam and Castiel, Castiel arriving with Sam within minutes.
Sam opened the door right as Dean finished taping a box shut and was picking up a glass of whiskey…

“Sending someone a candy gram?”

Dean looked back and blinked in surprise.

“How’d you find me?” He asked in a quieter tone than Gabriel was used to.

“You’re gonna kill yourself, right? It’s not too hard to figure out the stops on the farewell tour,” Sam said as he motioned for Gabriel to come in with a slight motion of his hands.

“So how is Lisa these days?” Sam asked. Dean shifted his weight, which gave Gabriel the noise he needed to sneak past Sam into the room.

“I’m not going to kill myself,” Dean said though he didn’t sound too convincing. He looked like he hadn’t had a lot of sleep, and Gabriel knew he hadn’t.

“No? So...Michael’s not going to make you his muppet?” Sam said, looking dubious. Dean didn’t answer but broke eye contact with his brother and looked away, taking another drink of his whiskey.

“What the hell, man? This is how it ends? You just...walk out?” Sam asked as Dean picked up the whiskey bottle and poured more into his glass.

“Yeah I guess,” he muttered as he did so, not making eye contact with Sam.

“How could you do that?” Sam asked, voice rising a bit. Dean looked up.

“How could I? …All you’ve ever done is run away!” He said angrily.

“And I was wrong! Every single time I did!” Sam said, seeming to try and keep himself from yelling, but his voice was still loud. Sam took his hands out of his pockets as Dean just looked at him blankly.

“Just…Please…” Sam pleaded, “Not now, Bobby is working on something,” Sam said, looking desperate to keep Dean there, who shot him a dubious look.

“Oh really? What?” He asked as he approached the bed and Gabriel snuck up behind Dean now.

“You got nothin’ and you know it,” He said, calling Sam out, who just sighed. Dean took another drink of his whiskey.

“You know I have to stop you,” Sam said, not quite looking at his brother as Gabriel senses Castiel’s arrival.
Dean sniffed and put his glass on top of the box on the bed.

“Yeah, well you can try, just remember, you’re not all hopped up on demon blood this time,” Dean said, getting ready for an all out fist fight.

Sam nodded, “Yeah I know, but I brought help,” He said and both Gabriel and Castiel appeared. Gabriel standing right by the bed on one side of Dean and Castiel on the other, even as Dean spun around and Castiel put two fingers to Dean’s forehead, knocking him out.
Gabriel picked up Dean’s limp form and looked at Sam.

“Bobby’s?” Gabriel asked, Dean nodded and all of them were then gone from that hotel. Gabriel arrived in Bobby’s study, nodding to the wheelchair bound man and putting Dean down on the bed. Dean woke within the hour as Gabriel was helping Bobby with some books. Castiel was standing at the doorframe and Sam sitting at the desk.
Dean was causing problems and being an ass, but Gabriel wasn’t sure whether to ignore him or not even as he set the books on the table for Bobby.

It was then that he and Castiel yelped, Gabriel more than Castiel out of shock. Gabriel put his hands to his head and tried to block out the streams of voices all of varying tones but all holding a painful pitch…

Gabriel fell to his knees as Castiel seemed to make sense of the noise and looked to Bobby and Sam.

“Something’s happening…” He said, and even as Dean asked what it was, Castiel was already gone.

Choas seemed to reign in the house as Gabriel managed to stop the voices he was hearing and he couldn’t stop the feeling that he should be helping them, even as Castiel came back with someone…

Castiel set that man on a bed and the hours seemed to go by in a haze, but the man was Dean and Sam’s half brother, Adam.
They moved Dean down to the panic room and handcuffed Adam to the bed. Gabriel ran his hand through his hair and hung his head a moment before deciding he needed to check on Dean…

He went downstairs and heard a crash.

“Dean?” He yelped as he went to the door and opened it, eyes scanning what little of the room he could see. He didn’t see Dean and he opened the door and went in, looking around.

There was a bang and Dean called his name.

“Gabriel, I’m sorry,” He said as he pressed his hand to a bloody symbol drawn on the locker.
Pain lanced through Gabriel as he let out a yell and was banished from the area…

Gabriel shivered as he found himself on a sidewalk and he rubbed his arms and started looking around for Dean. He didn’t know what Dean had done, but it had hurt like hell.

He wandered around for the better part of an hour and then he found him, Dean.

“You’re annoying you know that?” Gabriel growled as he knocked out the bible thumping man, whose prayers Gabriel had been hearing, grabbed Dean by the coat and dragged him into an alley.

“Gabriel!” Dean yelped as Gabriel pinned Dean to the wall.

“Do you realize how much I’ve lost? How much confusion I have to go through every day? Hm?! There are days I want to quit too, but do you see me doing that? NO!” Gabriel growled. He didn’t move to beat Dean up or anything, just stood there, seething.

“So you need to suck it up and go along for the ride, not give up and submit! I thought you knew better! And what about Castiel? He fell to help you guys, but do you care? NO! So tell me, tell me that your life is so shitty that you’re going to let Michael use you as a meat suit to kill Sam?” Gabriel snarled. Dean blinked in shock.

“How did you know Sam was Lucifer’s vessel? We never told you…” Dean said, eyes flashing with an odd emotion.

“I heard a lot of things when you and Sam thought I was asleep the few hours after the demon incident, why else do you think I didn’t ask questions for a few days?” Gabriel said with a faint smirk.

“Still, this isn’t about me, it’s about you, and you need to suck it up!” Gabriel growled before he knocked Dean out and took him back to Bobby’s.

“Special delivery for the moron isle,” Gabriel said sarcastically as he almost threw Dean on the bed but stopped himself from doing that.

“Where’s Adam?” Gabriel asked as Sam came into the room.

“Gone, the son of a bitch got taken by angels,” He said as Castiel came up to Gabriel.

“I heard your yell…are you alright?” Gabriel nodded to Castiel.

Sooner than later Gabriel found they were going towards some warehouse in California, Castiel leading the way. Gabriel didn’t like the plan Castiel had come up with but Castiel had taken him to the side and explained why it had to be him.

“If I can’t come back, you need to stay with them, alright? You’re more..useful than I am,” Castiel had said, and Gabriel had tried to protest but Castiel had silenced him and told him that was the plan…

So Castiel came back from scouting out the place, saying there were at least five angels in there…

Castiel then looked to Gabriel for a moment, nodded faintly and then went inside. He and the boys heard shouts and then five yells at once and a flash of light seeped through the cracks in the wood and a clang of metal.

Dean poked his head in and walked into the warehouse…Sam and Gabriel followed. Gabriel was to stay out of the room. He was their way out…

Sam and Dean went into the room as Gabriel waited outside the door, hearing noise inside…

“No…Dean no…” Sam’s voice was loud and clear, but minutes later there was a yell, a blast of blue light and the boys were fleeing as a high pitched tone filled the air, and Gabriel heard a voice in it even as he screwed up his ears against it. Sam was being helped by Dean out of it even as the door slammed shut hard and they heard Adam yelling inside and Dean tried to open the door but was unsuccessful even as the glow from the shed stopped and Dean bust down the door to see a ramshackle old shed only.

“C’mon, let’s get going while the going’s good, hm?” He said and the boys nodded silently as Gabriel took them back to the car…
Two weeks passed and they still couldn’t find Castiel, but something….something wasn’t right about this storm Dean was driving them through…

“Another roadblock...” Dean sighed as he kept going, “Sam we need to stop somewhere, this storm is…it’s unbelievably ferocious...”

“Let’s just keep going,” Sam growled but Dean shook his head.

“I’m stopping at the nearest hotel, this isn’t good conditions to drive in,” he said, and so they went until they saw a sign for the Elysian Fields Hotel.

Gabriel vanished from the spot and waited inside, invisible. Something told him he should stay like that right now, even as he noticed the receptionist or whatever checking someone in as the boys came in, Dean’s hair soaked from the brief exposure to the rain. He watched as they checked in and Dean and Sam then went to the buffet, Dean getting pie and Sam getting regular food as he then sat down and started looking through texts before Dean joined him.

“C’mon Sam, unpucker and eat something,” Dean said sarcastically. The boys then started talking and Sam pointed out just how strange the whole situation was even as Gabriel looked around the place and waited until the boys went to their room.
Gabriel waited for them on their couch in the room; they stopped and looked at him as they set their bags down.

“You okay, Gabriel? You look paler than usual,” Dean said after a moment, his eyes going over him, taking in how he looked just then.

“Something doesn’t sit right about his place,” Gabriel muttered as Dean swiped the candy from Sam’s pillow and then his.

“Probably nothing, Gabriel,” he said even as Sam looked to Dean with an expression like he’d won something.

“See? I’m not the only one with a bad vibe about this place!” Sam said even as there was a crash and the wall bulged outward. Dean and Sam left the room quickly and Gabriel waited….but they didn’t come back to the room after half an hour. Gabriel got up and left the room, walking the halls and going into the lobby. He noticed it was quiet and empty. There had been quite a few people there before…where were they now? Not to mention, where were the boys? He walked down the hall towards the Grand Ballroom when he heard a crash and went over to it.

“Stay,” said a female voice and it was a command. Gabriel listened to the conversation for a minute before sneaking in his own way, watching the proceedings from a corner before the woman that was speaking looked towards him.

“Why are you hiding there, Gabriel?” She asked dangerously and Gabriel blinked, letting the invisibility go away.

“How did you know?” Gabriel asked, the woman, who had a nametag on just smirked. The nametag said Kali.

“Because I do, what are you doing here? Trying to spy for your brothers?” She asked but Gabriel shook his head.

“No, not at all,” He said but Kali interrupted him.

“Lies, you just want to take us down, why else would you be here?” She asked as Gabriel was forced into a seat.

“To get out of the rain, why else?” Gabriel said smoothly, but the woman sat on his lap.

“I don’t think so,” She said. She reached into his jacket and pulled out his elegant arch angel’s blade.

“I’m sorry Gabriel, if you were actually a Trickster, this would never have happened,” She whispered to him before she took the blade and stabbed him with it.

“Hnk!” Gabriel hissed as the blade pierced his heart and he looked at Kali pleadingly before she twisted it in even deeper, he could see just how sorry she was even as he threw his head back and yelled, the blue and white light coming from him…

“NO!” Sam yelled, rising, but he was forced back into his seat by one of the Gods.

What no-one knew was that the real Gabriel hid quietly behind curtains in the room, watching as his duplicate died. For good measure he even added the shadows of his wings on the ground... He saw Dean and Sam pale. Sam looked at the corpse and then to Kali. Dean then stood and Sam looked to him and said something Gabriel couldn’t hear, but it didn’t matter… Gabriel watched the proceedings and waited. Dean left the room and then came back after a bit.

They talked for a while until the lights started flickering and yells pierced the air. That was when Gabriel knew… Lucifer was there, now!
He got up and edged towards the end of the curtain even as the doors opened and Lucifer walked in and put his hand through one of the Gods named Baldur… Kali then seemed to catch fire as the boys jumped a table and Dean looked over the sword and saw him say something to Sam… Gabriel then appeared by them.

“Hey…” He said as they started looking at him with wide eyes.

“You’re…you’re not dead!” Dean yelped and Gabriel shook his head.

“So this sword…it’s fake?” He asked and Gabriel nodded.

“I’m sorry I had to fool you guys…and well…I guess now’s the time for me to fight him…” and he got up before they could protest. He flung Lucifer against the wall through the doors and Lucifer got up, grunting.

“Hey Lucifer! Pick on someone your own size!” He said, holding his blade in clear sight as he said this and he went into a defensive stance.
Lucifer obliged, taking out his own sword. The two then lunged at each other, sword glancing off sword and Gabriel relying purely on instincts. He faltered and that’s when Lucifer struck, thrusting his sword and it went into him faster than his could blink...

“Hrrrk!” He grabbed onto Lucifer’s coat, forcing him down with him.

“NO!” The yell was so unexpected, but Gabriel knew it was Dean…Even as it seemed like his life flashed before his eyes. Why was it in his final seconds that he remembered….?

“Gggck…” He didn’t…He didn’t want to die…not like this...

“I’m sorry it had to end this way brother,” Lucifer whispered as he dug the sword in deeper and Gabriel yelled a yell of pure agony … He could feel the cool metal of the blade even as he felt the amulet he wore burn hot.

Gabriel grabbed a hold of the sword and furrowed his brow, he felt his wings unfold themselves almost on their own…he even saw Lucifer’s wings unfolding themselves from Nick’s back…Jet black wings…

Gabriel fought silently with his brother even as his strength drained and blood dripped from his wound onto the floor, a pool of crimson blood forming... He knew that he was supposed to die in a few seconds, but he didn’t want that. He never wanted that, and the boys were still there! If he died now Lucifer would get them and Kali… The air then shivered as did both angel’s wings…Almost from nowhere Gabriel found his strength being replenished and used as much power as he dared to blast Lucifer away from him, faltering as his whole body was wracked with pain as he forced the doors closed. He felt like he was going to die any second now, that his grace would flee him, and that he and his host would both die there… Maybe if he actually bothered to pull that sword out of his gut…

He brought his hands to the hilt and started pulling, yelling in agony as he pulled it out, inch by inch as the blood of his host slid off of the exposed bit of blade seamlessly…

He finally got the blade out and held it, barely, as he picked up his own blade from the ground and looked around with fuzzy eyes even as he now remembered the fight he’d had with his brother earlier at the mill and he went towards the boys and stopped, just now realizing the amulet was still burning hot. He looked around and saw someone standing by Dean and Sam. He looked at the person for a moment before flicking his hand toward the door and furrowed his brow, forcing the table to upend itself and block the doors Lucifer was trying to get into.

Gabriel looked at the figure who approached him and put an arm to his shoulder.

“You fought well and you beat your fate, my son,” He whispered into Gabriel’s ear.
Gabriel smiled and closed his eyes, falling to his knees, head bowed even as two sets of hands grabbed him, as two sets of voices yelled his name…

The room was then bathed in white light as the barrier was blasted out of the way and there was a flash and they were gone…

gabriel, castiel, pairing: dean/gabriel, lucifer, dean winchester, sam, fic: supernatural, cas, dean, winchester, pairing: sam/gabriel, supernatural

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