A New Family 1/1

Jan 22, 2011 14:27

Title: A Angel's Child
Author: candylovinangel 
Rating: G 
Pairing: Gabriel/Jimmy
Spoilers: 4.20 and 5.08, 5.19
Word Count: 1,292
Summary: Gabriel decides to stay for good and lets a winchester see his and Jimmy's son.
This is a sequel to When I'm in Pain You're There and An Angel's Child

A month later

"I'm staying here, with family and friends that won't try and kill me," Gabriel announced when Jimmy asked if Gabriel was going to be leaving or not. Gabriel held Matthew who  was still excited to see Gabriel, there was a tiny flutter of wings and the kiddo's wings finally showed themselves, they were a fluffy looking white and they were so tiny. Gabriel smiled and kissed Matthew's head and stroked a finger across the arch of the wings and then with a mischievous smile slipped the finger between the one year old's back and that got a high peal of clear laughter from the baby and Amelia and Claire stood up from their spot and watched with amazement as the wings fluttered in reaction to the way Gabriel was tickling Matthew, that and they hadn't heard that kind of laughter from the baby ever. Gabriel smiled and held the kid close after preening the feathers a bit with his fingers. Matthew giggled and then the little wings vanished and Gabriel was beaming. Then he threw Matthew into the air which got surprised yelps from the other three, but Matthew was giggling and  Gabriel caught him easily and grinned at them.

"What?" He asked innocently as he did it again, and it was nerve wracking to watch but Gabriel never missed catching Matthew and the baby seemed to be thoroughly enjoying this until Gabriel put him down after a bit and he grinned and lay down on the ground in the middle of the living room and he spread his wings out as Matthew climbed up onto him. He let his huge wings materialize right there and Matthew let out a squeal of delight and said, "Wing man daddy too?"

"Yup," He said with a smile as   Matthew reached out and stroked the large wing feathers and soon the others had joined in tentatively and when Gabriel didn't say anything to stop them, they started threading their fingers through his  feathers and he let out a moan and they stopped. Gabriel blinked.

"What? Keep doing that, it feels awesome!" He said to them as  he  brought Matthew back up to  him as they went back to playing with his feathers. He then told him that he could call him dada and Jimmy daddy or dad which got a smile from Jimmy as Gabriel started talking to the little tyke sitting on his chest, who was listening intently for such a young thing, and Matthew was sucking on his thumb even as Gabriel told him of his brothers and of what Heaven is like, even as he knew Claire, Amelia and Jimmy were listening too, after all he is an archangel and he's actually seen God.

"What's it like, Gabe? To be in God's presence?" Jimmy asked when Gabriel had fallen silent and was content to let Matthew fall asleep on him, and he hand conjured up a blanket for him.

"When daddy dearest isn't angry? It's peaceful. You can feel his love, warmth, power , joy and every good feeling you could possibly imagine... When he's angry though, you want to stay as far away as you can while not angering him at the same time. When he's angry the skies scream with thunder and flash with lightning, volcanoes erupt and earthquakes and floods tear apart the ground...but well, he doesn't get angry alot, after all he is patient and he sent his son down for you guys to give humanity a second chance." He looks to Jimmy, Amelia and Claire, "And he doesn't mind my being here, which I'm surprised he didn't say anything about Matthew, but then again, this tyke has a pure soul, I'll tell you that," He says with a warm smile...

A year and a half goes by and now Matt is three and he's walking and talking and energetic. Yet the toddler seems to have terrifying dreams on occasion that have to do with Lucifer rising and as he would tell Gabriel, two boys fighting, one getting turned into something with lotsa teeth and that wants to drink blood...It was after that one that Gabriel started watching the dreams his son had, which had everyone worried, and it was when he realized Matthew was dreaming about things that were already happening or were going to happen. Hell he'd told Jimmy he had to go check it out and left, finding Dean and  interrogating the Winchester, who had fessed up to being turned to a vampire but a cure had been applied that made him human again... Gabriel had let him go and looked to Sam who was watching nearby. sam who had no soul, who seemed like a black hole on the inside. He remembered Matt saying something about a man in a suit giving Sam his soul by force, and that the suited man was called Death... And for a moment he wondered if he should show Dean his kid...Dean, not Sam...Sam would just...Gabriel shook his head.

"Sam will be fine in a few weeks, I promise," He says to Dean who blinked, "I...but Cas said-" He started to say but Gabriel cut him off.

"I have my way of knowing...and well...I haven't been around at all cause well...I have a kid. Want to see him?" He asked, puffing up like a proud parent and Dean tilted his head a bit and laughed, "You having kids? That's hard to believe," He says with a chuckle before Gabe whisks him away to the house and  Matt is on the  floor playing with army men and toys

"Wow. He looks alot like you," He says as he looks and sees Jimmy, Amelia and Clair coming to him.

"Ah! Jimmy! Hey! how are you doing?" Dean asked with a warmth Gabriel hadn't expected as Dean and Jimmy  pulled each other into hugs and  Jimmy laughed.

"Good, especially with Gabriel here to keep the demons from coming after us," He says with a smile looking to Gabriel fondly and then to Matt on the ground playing.

"I see he brought you here to meet Matt, after all Gabriel had to do a lot of work before he could get Amelia pregnant by angel means...Matt there has mine and Gabriel's vessel's dna." Jimmy says and Dean blinks and looks to Gabriel.

"That's possible?" He asked with wide eyes and Gabriel nodded.

"It's not easy but it's possible and Amelia was a good sport through all of it. Matt there is half angel, and he's been dreaming about what you and Sam have been going through...and what you will go through. Death is going to give Sam's soul back, but you need to strike up a Deal with him first." He says to Dean who visibly looks relieved and concerned at the same time.

Dean then approaches Matt and greets him.

"Hi there Matt," Dean says in a soft kid friendly voice that surprises Jimmy and Gabriel, "My name's Dean," He says with a smile as he sits down next to Matt who looks up at him curiously.

"Your soul's pretty...and nice," He says with a soft smile as he looks at Dean with those soft blue eyes.

"Well I do my best," Dean says with a smile as Matthew comes over to him and hugs him.

"You're not scary like in that dream I had," He says softly and Dean pats his back.

"Nope, I'm nice, really I try to be," Dean says as he lifts Matt into his lap and Dean's with Jimmy, Claire, Gabriel and Amelia for the rest of the day, Gabriel chatting with Dean and all of them having a good time at least until Gabriel has to take Dean back to Sam...

gabriel, jimmy, dean winchester, sam, fic: supernatural, pairing: gabriel/jimmy, dean, supernatural

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