Originally posted 02.29.08 for the
numb3rs100 prompt: In Another World...
Title: Welcome Distraction
Characters/Pairings: Colby/OFC-Callie, David, Lt. Gary Walker
Rating: G
Word Count: 300
Summary: He was lost in another world, thinking about her...
Spoilers: none
Notes/Warnings: Part 22/33 in The Sparkling Series. Many thanks to my beta,
Disclaimer: If you recognize it, regrettably - it's not mine.
The team spent the morning gathering information on potential suspects from within the agency… suspects that could likely be responsible for the bioterrorism threat as well as Callie’s disappearance.
It was the latter that distracted Colby most as he once more shifted his focus to a file in front of him. He was worried about her, yes. As a whole, the team was worried about her. That was their job. But there was more to it for him. He missed her. He missed her smile and the way she laughed at his jokes. He missed the scent of her that lingered when she left the room and the way his heart skipped a beat when she looked at him through lowered lashes.
He’d waited for their date Saturday since the moment the word escaped her dream kissed lips and he was still waiting.
And now he was waiting for Charlie to work his magic - to find some algorithm or an equation with eight names to pinpoint a suspect and to give them direction in their search for her… for his Cal.
Colby was lost in thoughts of her as he again stared blankly at the file in front of him. So complete was his distraction that he was unaware of the man standing behind him until Lt. Walker loudly cleared his throat. This forced both Colby and David to look to the man standing between them, all business in his uniform.
“I’d like a word with you,” Gary spoke coolly, holding Colby’s gaze.
David started to stand, as though moving to put a barrier between his partner and the seasoned police officer standing before him. But, Colby gave a nod letting David know it was okay as he stood to his feet meeting Gary’s gaze before he followed him outside. [
original post]
Likely Suspects, Part 21 Favors, Part 23>>