Yes PleaseUnf. Last year when they remodeled the Children's Room at my local library they put up a poster of Ewan reading Beatrix Potter and I would just stand there at the desk and stare at it, because, well, I love Ewan of course. Now I must, MUST have this JDM poster. Mmmmmmh, thank you Watchmen! LOL
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Comments 69
Hope you feel...better? More lucid? Awake? Whatever, hope so soon! <3
And I am off to bed now, finally, without tooth pain, for now...
XD!! I so understand the *staring at poster* thing. (My school library was looking at getting new "READ" posters and one of them had Sendhil Ramamurthy on it and I spent, like, five minutes drooling over/on it.)
What energy do you need?
I hope you feel better and that it doesn't come back.
Thanks my Pet, I hope it doesn't come back either....
The pain sounds like, well, a real pain in the arse. Or tooth and jaw. Y'know what I mean, yeah? My advice would be to stick to Excedrin (which is gorgeous stuff, used to have a friend who'd smuggle some in from the US for me seeing as it's not legal here :P) but try to cut down on the rest of the caffeine because, yeah, that crash comes as no surprise at all, m'dear.
So rest yourself up, gorgeous, and on the upside I haven't got anonymous!threesome!smut for you to worry your beta-brain over just yet. Maybe tomorrow *headdesk*
Excedrin is seriously outlawed there?? Wow, why? I think it's like a miracle drug I tell you, it's the only thing that has ever been able to get rid of my migraines when they come on, which is too often for my liking for sure. Haha, want me to smuggle you some?
Oh I know, I don't typically do THAT much caffeine, today was a weird day though.
No anon!threesome!smut yet, but that's okay, gives me something to look forward to!!!
The Excedrin... well, outlawed makes it sound so delightful, but yeah, you can't buy it here. I haven't had call for it in a while and am generally adverse to painkillers as a rule, but for a brief phase of grad school, they sure helped ;)
But yeah, go get some proper sleep, woman! I'm wrapping up the anon!threesome!smut now, so maybe you'll have a pressie in the morning ;)
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