Jan 01, 2026 10:57

Who: Canadino
What: original lit, fanfiction, misc writing-related thoughts, fangirling
When: relatively often
Where: right here
Why: "'A woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction." - Virginia Woolf
How? This Journal is partially friends-only. Story/writing/fangirl posts are PUBLIC; personal posts are FRIENDS ONLY.

So now for something completely different: writer's block! )

nonsense, writing, life

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Comments 18

anonymous November 1 2010, 19:01:43 UTC
Oh, I understand what this blog's about now. I think I'll read it. And this entry was especially interesting to me.

Now about dealing with my writer's block. I guess I had a writer's block that lasted about a year or more a few years ago. As I remember, I named it "artistic crisis" or something. I just felt I didn't know what to create. Later I had ideas but just didn't know what to do with them. And finally, after some time, I came up with what roughly I could write and wrote it. I had so much fun. From that time, I keep writing something from time to time.

So I guess I got over writer's block just by coming up with ideas and figuring out what I could do with them, how to fulfill them. And, now, sometimes I seem to strongly want to write but don't know what. Then I just wait till I get inspiration and ideas. I don't seem to ever get discouraged by thinking my art's not good enough, I write just for fun.


anonymous November 1 2010, 19:03:25 UTC
By the way, it was me - one guy.


rainbowgorilla1 December 3 2010, 04:17:18 UTC
I always set levels for myself, and then after I've writing something, I think that it isn't worth posting or showing everyone because so-and-so's work is so much better than mine, and that I should just delete my work. It's happened many times before. Sometimes I can't even start writing because I think the story or plot isn't good enough (when it could actually have some potential.

I really loved the Naomi Shihab Nye part of your journal. I'm going to start free writing random stuff and just be confident of myself.

I get over writers block by taking stuff that has happened in my life and applying it to my writing. Or, I write something else, then come back to whatever I'm writing. Sometimes I talk to my sisters or friends and ask them what they would write. I don't usually take their ideas, but their idea's spark some of my own (if that makes any sense).


canadino December 3 2010, 04:36:07 UTC
Agreed! Although I don't often delete unfinished stories. I put them on my computer as hiatus and sometimes I look back and think "Well, that wasn't so bad" but I don't actually finish it. It's sad.

I'm glad you found some help. Yes, she was a very good writer.

I like to take inspiration from outside events too. Most of my fics relate somewhat to something that's happened to me. My life is pretty funky when applied elsewhere.

Pray tell how did you stumble upon this LJ?


rainbowgorilla1 December 3 2010, 04:47:51 UTC
I'm a fan of your work on! :) I think that your an amazing writer.

To be honest, your one of the "so-and-so's" I was talking about in the other comment. Maybe eventually I will be as great as a writer as you.

Does that sound like I'm a cheesy fan? lol I didn't mean for it to sound so..fangirlish..


canadino December 3 2010, 11:58:05 UTC
Oh fisuwjexuejajd you're seriously flattering me. There are lots of fanfic writers better than me and honestly? There was the whole writers block I got when this girl I knew totally bested me once in a writing contest. I'm insecure and silly as they come.

But thank you for the sentiments. Knowing people read my work makes me want to try harder to make sure my stuff keeps improving!


tl;dr orz arial_destiny March 10 2011, 07:47:50 UTC
I get where you are coming from ( ... )


Re: tl;dr orz canadino March 10 2011, 11:27:05 UTC
I hate it too. Writing fanfiction has totally screwed up my original fics and it's only been recently that I was able to write it again. I want to ease out of it so I don't write just fanfiction; I have a grandiose dream of having others read my crap too THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. So I'm trying to get people to read my original.

Thanks! I'm glad you find my ramblings interesting.


Re: tl;dr orz arial_destiny March 12 2011, 05:56:17 UTC
Same here...I always had a dream of writing something inspirational. The good thing about OF is that you can always control a character's characterization the way you want it. Maybe I'll tackle it some day. ^^

I definitely hope you will too! I loved your writing on


i agree anonymous July 3 2011, 14:27:57 UTC
why not...


easterly July 20 2011, 20:36:51 UTC
I am suffering from writer's block right now. D: It usually lasts only a few days to two weeks, and is usually healed by a good movie, fanfiction that I read, or a new song.

But right now, nothing's helping. I just saw The Eagle yesterday, and I desperately want to write fic for it, but I can't because nothing will come. D: And I feel really bad, because I owe people fic and I want to update.

I just can't. So I might take your method and ban myself from X-Men, Inception, and anything related to them until I want to write. ♥ I've never tried doing that, before, so hopefully it'll help.

But oh Hell, stress when you're pressured to write- for, example, xmenbigbang -when you've got writer's block is the absolute worst.


canadino July 22 2011, 20:00:33 UTC
Oh my god, I totally meant to get back to you sooner. But The Eagle!! I want to see that, is it really good?

I banned myself from writing in general. I didn't ban myself from the fandom, which, along with forbidding myself to write, I think, made me want to write more. I'm sadistic like that.


easterly July 22 2011, 20:05:55 UTC
Fuck yes! It's so wonderfully heterosexual and not a bromance at all. I mean, the two main leads (there are no female leads to speak of, unless one of the horses is female) are male, and they go on an epic adventure through the wilderness with nothing but some clothes, food, and swords to keep them company.


Just look at this:

... )


canadino July 22 2011, 20:18:17 UTC
DUDE I'm looking forward to watching it because of Jamie Bell, who played Billy Elliot in the movie. BUT OH GOD THE MUSICAL HOW I DO LOVE THE MUSICAL.

That gif is so lovely.

Yay but not because I like your XMFC and Inception fics...D:


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