
Jul 21, 2006 19:25

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Comments 37

palmer_kun July 22 2006, 01:42:23 UTC
Make me sexy!


canadianevil July 22 2006, 01:50:51 UTC
I already have you friended.


palmer_kun July 22 2006, 02:18:11 UTC
That's why I commented to be sexy, and not added :p


canadianevil July 22 2006, 05:44:50 UTC
*taps with the sexy wand +5*


pandoras_closet July 22 2006, 01:55:52 UTC
Hey! I'll have you know I'm ALREADY sexy!


canadianevil July 22 2006, 01:59:41 UTC
Yeah, yeah, yeah.


michichan2 July 22 2006, 02:28:10 UTC
Hokay, I love it!


canadianevil July 22 2006, 03:06:12 UTC
And you're officially sexy added.


agentmaly July 22 2006, 05:40:59 UTC
I want to be sexy! :D


canadianevil July 22 2006, 05:43:09 UTC
*taps with the sexy wand +5*


agentmaly July 22 2006, 18:22:33 UTC
Yay! Thank you! :D

Now that I'm most likely irresistible, is that even a good thing?


canadianevil July 22 2006, 18:23:46 UTC
You're welcome!

Welcome to the land of the insanely sexy. Of course it's a good thing


keithzg July 22 2006, 08:21:07 UTC
I cannot help but comment here, lest my livejournal account truly be useless (time goes by, no prior reasons for having an account remain).

I also solemnly swear that I would never say anything to your sister! ('Sides, she probably does enough snooping on her own, either that or "lalala I don't want to know"; likely alternates between the two activities, I'd suppose, but either way).


canadianevil July 22 2006, 08:24:55 UTC
*hits with the add stick +5*


keithzg July 22 2006, 08:37:09 UTC
Hah, took me awhile to wack back with the +5; my LiveJournal is set auf Deutsch, und mein Deutsch ist sehr . . . ummm . . . rustisch?

("Wähle die Farben die baudin auf deiner Freundeliste repräsentieren sollen"? . . . ohhh, righhhht, that's just for choosing the colour the friend shows up as. And nice to note that nicht alle Stile unterstützen diese Option).


canadianevil July 22 2006, 18:42:33 UTC
Why is your LJ set to German?

Meine Deutsch ist auch rustich.


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