Birthday Drabble for Luka!

Jan 20, 2011 18:44

Title: Tomorrow Never Comes
Character(s): Philip Burton, James Lester
Warnings: non-con & dub-con
Rating: M/R

Spoilers: The existence of Burton? Set pre-season 4.

Author's Notes: Written on request for lukadreaming's birthday! Hope you had a great day, luv! Also, lookit at the icon Kez made for me as bribery/extortion to continue this series! This drabble ( Read more... )

primeval, x-rated, gift!fic

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Comments 37

fredbassett January 20 2011, 22:48:14 UTC
Oh Lester! *huggles him*


canadian_jay January 21 2011, 01:42:59 UTC
*eg* *pets Lester*


kerry_louise January 20 2011, 23:03:24 UTC
I could have just harrassed you constantly, instead of making you a shiny icon you know I'd have gotten fic either way ;)

Good to see a start to this thing they have, even thou it needs to be loooooonger ;)


canadian_jay January 21 2011, 01:43:51 UTC
Like you aren't going to harrass me anyway! *g* And yes, it's very shiny.

Lol! You should be grateful for this - if Luka hadn't requested it, it wouldn't exist!


lukadreaming January 20 2011, 23:16:48 UTC
Eek! Waah! I think I shall get very addicted to this pairing and all the dark and pervy possibilities!

Thank you so much for my fab birthday fic, sweetie! You said so much in so few words . . . And that's a great icon!



canadian_jay January 21 2011, 01:44:38 UTC
Hee! I like the sound of that. *g* It certainly makes watching the episodes even *more* interesting.

You're very welcome, and thank you! And it is, isn't it?

*hugs back*


Icon not relevant. I just like it. velvet_midnight January 21 2011, 03:04:15 UTC
Nghhhh. Woman, why you reduce me to noises?


That is an awesome icon. Here, have one I rather like. canadian_jay January 21 2011, 03:06:18 UTC
*claps hands happily* Because I can?


lydia_petze January 21 2011, 04:54:43 UTC
Oh, Lester &hearts :(


canadian_jay January 21 2011, 04:56:55 UTC


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