Birthday Drabble for Luka!

Jan 20, 2011 18:44

Title: Tomorrow Never Comes
Character(s): Philip Burton, James Lester
Warnings: non-con & dub-con
Rating: M/R

Spoilers: The existence of Burton? Set pre-season 4.

Author's Notes: Written on request for lukadreaming's birthday! Hope you had a great day, luv! Also, lookit at the icon Kez made for me as bribery/extortion to continue this series! This drabble is a little prequel look at the start of the relationship written about in my Burton/Lester fics.
Disclaimer: Not mine, never mine, don't sue. Used for entertainment only. Or something like that..
Summary: See author's notes, lol.

The first night Burton comes to him, Lester gives in because he's lonely and tired and the man is, after all, quite attractive. It's rougher, harsher, more demanding than he expects, but that's alright. At least someone is touching him.

The second night Burton comes, Lester tries to say no. It doesn't work, but as Burton hisses in his ear, well, he wanted it anyway, didn't he?

After the next three times, Lester tells himself that tomorrow he'll corner Burton at the office. Tell him to back off. Tell him that he (thinks he) doesn't want this.

Tomorrow never comes.

primeval, x-rated, gift!fic

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