DADT Overruled!!

Oct 12, 2010 20:50

Got the happy news in my inbox from the Courage Campaign newsletter (the AFTAH one that came a little later mysteriously didn't mention it, and chose to grump about 'those evil homosexualists who're blaiming the rash of suicides on Christianity'. But that's another, more depressing, story.) (Okay, to be fair, they might've had their newsletter ( Read more... )

life, world

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Comments 35

tay_21 October 12 2010, 23:59:24 UTC
Not to put a kink in anything, but the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals is the most overturned court in the nation. (They are kind of notorious for it actually. They're the court that ruled parents don't have a right to homeschool their own children.) It will be interesting to see what Eric Holder does with this. This should be very telling of where Obama's administration truly stands on the issue. He's been a bit wishy washy if not overtly against gay rights in general. :-/ He actually said he would support the Marriage Amendment if it ever came across his desk. So, like I said, this should be very interesting.

Love the dancing Badger coming out to play though. hehehehehe


canadian_jay October 13 2010, 00:01:30 UTC
Oh dear, is it? *sigh* Ah well. As I posted (cynically) on my Facebook status (and someone else posted on a gay rights' thread on a forum I'm on...) "now to see how long this holds". At least its a tiny step in the right direction.

(Also: ruled that parents can't homeschool their own kids? Wtf? o.O)

*g* If I had access to it, I'd've used my 'Queer as Hogwarts' icon, with Dumbledore and a tasteful rainbow heart. ;P


tay_21 October 13 2010, 00:12:43 UTC
Yeah, that about sums it up. Most of the country (not necessarily on this issue) is like, 'oh, silly ninth circuit'. And then we move on because a ton of their stuff never holds up. I honestly don't know how I feel about this issue. So, I'm not commenting on that directly. I know in the beginning it was a kinda stupid Bill Clinton compromise that really solved nothing, but I don't know now honestly ( ... )


canadian_jay October 13 2010, 00:19:20 UTC
Lol! And fair enough. You can always come over to the chat if you have any urge to discuss it. ;P ( ... )


fififolle October 13 2010, 07:29:18 UTC
It's a great step. There's no way DADT can stand up forever. Obama is clever, softly, softly. So very close.


canadian_jay October 13 2010, 13:50:27 UTC
(Oh dear goodness! *stares at the Jay & Tay thread* I had no idea we'd talked that much... Anyway.)

Indeed. Definitely a step forward, even if it does get overruled, etc. Though its hard to say where Obama himself stands - he's been a little hypocritical here and there.


fredbassett October 13 2010, 11:50:17 UTC
Let's hope it does get sorted out properly and soon. It's a vile policy. I loathe discrimination in all it's forms.


canadian_jay October 13 2010, 13:51:19 UTC
Yes, indeed. It's disgusting, really. Especially with the obvious examples of many other militaries of the US's peers.


fredbassett October 13 2010, 14:08:00 UTC
I just find it wholly outrageous that any form of discrimination is still allowed in this day and age. I'm afraid it's one area where the religious lobby still has a huge amount to answer for.


canadian_jay October 13 2010, 14:10:41 UTC
Well, 'any form of discrimination' might be pushing it for the outrage - not that isn't, but I'm not at all surprised. That such institutional discrimination should exist... that's the real outrage. And definitely. I'm not sure what the exact reasoning behind the original installation of DADT was, but it sure as hell didn't *really* work.


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